02-27-2022 05:41 PM
be aware and check your credit cards double dipping is going on with new customers anyway one charge from Koodo and one from Public
02-28-2022 08:27 PM
@Workman-2 wrote:They state they have done nothing wrong. And will not solve the issues.
@Workman-2 - can you provide the date you see these charges?
You said:
" charge twice within 24 mins "
And, another statement you said:
" they double charged it has now been credited to my account. "
If you got the $'s in your Available Funds area, the money is still yours and will be used first on next renewals.
If they do not exist in your Available Funds are, ask CSA for refund....BUT ONLY if these are AUTHORIZED charges on your credit card transactions.
If either one is pending, it may go away once authorizations are completed.
02-28-2022 05:48 PM
Well something isn't adding up here. If you can prove there are double charges then pm will resolve it. But your statements are inconsistent here so if they similarily inconsistent with customer support then I can see why they are reluctant to solve an issue that isn't clearly presented to them. Review your info and get your facts straight before opening a new ticket to review your complaint.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-28-2022 03:05 PM
They state they have done nothing wrong. And will not solve the issues.
02-28-2022 03:03 PM
This is now my wifes account.
02-28-2022 03:03 PM
@Workman-2 : 2:48pm (PT?) yesterday you had said they credited your account. So I'm confused.
So you have a payment card statement that shows two charges, one with Koodo and the other with here. Do you see two deposits on your payment history from here? If not, I might entertain doing a chargeback on the one that was 24 minutes later if the company is not going to give your money back either here or your payment card. But do the CCTS thing first.
Keep copies of the conversation with the CSA's. Keep copies of your payment history from here. Keep copies of your payment card transactions. I know you're skeptical about the CCTS but they're up next to resolve the problem. You have the proof.
02-28-2022 02:57 PM
@Workman-2 To be honest, if it is a system glitch on PM side, they are usually very quick to response and will provide refund. I don't see the need to threaten them for CCTS or BBB
Your time will be much better used to open ticket with PM to get this resolved.
02-28-2022 02:52 PM
whoops ccts
02-28-2022 02:52 PM
they will not refund us. thanks for the link to CRTC but they are just about as useful as BBB if not worse as they are paid off by the bigger companies as well.
02-27-2022 08:38 PM
Perhaps post a screenshot of your payment card so we can see whether these "charges" are pending or authorized?
As for involving the Better Business Bureau, don't bother. Remember, the BBB operates based on it's member companies - those customers of companies who pay 'dues' to be a BBB member may get some level of recourse by involving them. Those who are not BBB members will have almost no useful purpose going to the BBB.
You're MUCH better off telling the Customer Support Agents to fix the issue, our you're going to file an official appeal to the CCTS.
Here's how to get started: CCTS | customer complaint resolution for telecom and TV services (ccts-cprst.ca)
02-27-2022 08:16 PM
Public Mobile has already made statements about this issue in their Announcements section ...
Seems like Telus tangled up (and duplicated) their accounting systems.
File a complaint to the Public Mobile CSAs - just to make sure your $24 doesn't overlooked - but no other action should be necessary. I don't know if they'll reverse the "Koodo" charges on your card or if they'll allocate the payment towards your Public Mobile account balance. You could escalate to BBB - or better yet to CCTS - if you like, but both organizations have protocols you must follow so your complaint won't be dismissed - and one of the most important steps in these protocols is that you must be able to prove you have made "reasonable" attempts to communicate with the offending business about resolving the issue.
02-27-2022 07:35 PM
Didn't you get the memo? It was wine o'clock about an hour ago?
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-27-2022 07:32 PM
@darlicious : And for that self confessed technologically challenged person I gave them simple short lines of instructions so as not to overwhelm them with detail. And I get criticized. And apparently I'm whining today. Oh, I think it's wine o'clock.
02-27-2022 07:28 PM
Aha....a reference point. The previous OP that you are referring to was self confessed technologically challenged. This one....who knows and I suppose I am just a little twisted today?
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-27-2022 07:22 PM
@darlicious : I was referring to your criticism of my post about forwarding a day or three ago with the couple forwarding codes. Then you write this convoluted post about all the ins and outs for this thread which made my feeble brain spin. I wonder that other readers would follow it all. If so then why wouldn't they also follow some simple codes to dial?
02-27-2022 07:18 PM
Am I missing something? I don't see a post by you in this thread previous to my post?
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-27-2022 07:16 PM
@darlicious : How were all of those twists and turns of detail different from my supposedly too short and technical post about forwarding?
02-27-2022 07:12 PM
Lay off those potent potables.....😁!
02-27-2022 06:56 PM
@darlicious : I'm dizzy. I need to lie down. 🙂
02-27-2022 06:54 PM
You seem to have several issues going on here. We're you trying to port from telus? Or possibly from koodo prepaid? Did you get an error code at the payment stage? When you did so did you go through the activation again? This would explain the double charge. As supplied by @softech the link to the announcement by pm about the ongoing fix to the KOODO TOP UP REAPPROV charge appearing on your statement explains how you can get this apparent errant charge.
As long as you have not cancelled your telus account (or koodo?)then you can port in that number if you wish....the account does not have to be active even although a couple of extra steps are required if it is not active....just not cancelled. Your telus number is portable to another telus owned company however if it was not originally a telus phone number then that may be an issue but unlikely as it would have ported in to telus originally thus making it portable to any telus provider.
As far as getting a refund for the double charge....pm makes an effort to refund these types of charges within 3 to 5 business days. If you wish to simply have a credit applied to your account balance that can be used to pay for your next renewal then that can be resolved quickly once you contact customer support. Either way to resolve the double payment issue you must contact customer by either means supplied already in previous posts.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
02-27-2022 06:16 PM
@Workman-2 wrote:Been charge twice within 24 mins one is from PUBLIC perfect and then the other is from KOODO for the same amounts not pleased that this has occurred. BBB will be notified on this.
BBB is sometimes able to assist people, but first, you should be aware that the Better Business Bureau has zero authority in any matters. Any company could simply ignore them. The BBB would simply ask Telus/Pubilc Mobile to fix the issue and to contact you and nothing more. You'll get a quicker response by contacting Public Mobile/Koodo/Telus directly, and if you can't get satisifactory results, CCTS would be an option.
02-27-2022 06:11 PM - edited 02-27-2022 07:32 PM
@Workman-2 wrote:Too late have a new number now anyway.
@Workman-2 - you are right, these 3 companies should be treated separately in many ways.
You can still port in your Telus phone number even after activating with Public Mobile.
edit: removed redundant data as posts were merged into this one thread.
02-27-2022 06:05 PM
@Workman-2 wrote:Been charge twice within 24 mins one is from PUBLIC perfect and then the other is from KOODO for the same amounts not pleased that this has occurred. BBB will be notified on this.
@Workman-2 this just happened?
Credit cards companies can show both Pending and Authorized/Approved charges.
Sometimes there are multiple Pending charges showing during activations or renewals, but when the payment gets authorized, the incorrect amounts will fall away, then the real one will stay.
If these end up being Authorized/Approved charges and the extra funds are not showing in your Available funds area, then contact Public Mobile Customer Support Representatives (CSA).
There are 2 ways to reach CSA, found here: https://www.publicmobile.ca/en/on/get-help/articles/contact-an-agent
02-27-2022 05:52 PM - edited 04-26-2022 09:15 AM
@Workman-2 wrote:Too late have a new number now anyway.
@Workman-2 Not too late if you have not cancel your Telus number
You can still request porting as long as your Telus mobile account is active
Just go back to My Account, click Change Number and select Transfer from a wireless or wireline number from another provider
02-27-2022 05:51 PM
Too late have a new number now anyway.
02-27-2022 05:50 PM
@Workman-2 You have requested porting from Telus number? You might have missed some information and hence there is an issue with the porting. should be an easy fix. I will message you a number to contact Porting Team, they will confirm the porting status and advise the next steps. Please check your Community inbox , envelope icon on the top right
02-27-2022 05:49 PM
I feel that if TELUS is having 3 different companies then they should be separated completely.
02-27-2022 05:48 PM
Also could not keep my old Telus Number had to get a new one maybe thats why they double charged it has now been credited to my account.
02-27-2022 05:44 PM
Been charge twice within 24 mins one is from PUBLIC perfect and then the other is from KOODO for the same amounts not pleased that this has occurred. BBB will be notified on this.
02-27-2022 05:44 PM - edited 02-27-2022 05:45 PM
@Workman-2 Did you try to open ticket with PM Support and have them investigate and provide refund?
Yes, sometimes PM uses "Koodo" to charge (https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Announcements/System-Fix-Ongoing-Activation-amp-State...)
But it is absolutely not right to charge double. however, this sometimes happened because during activation, there might be error message like Error 821 and customers thought the account didn't activated and hence went ahead and activate a second time. But that is no fault of the customers as the error was not clear.
If you have not open ticket with PM Support yet, please go ahead and open one and request reversing the charge:
1. If you have access to Self-Serve My account: For faster response (2-48 hours) , Click on the bubble in the lower right to request CS Agent assistance, or use this direct link: https://publicmobile.ca/chatbot.
Start with typing "Submit a ticket", click "Contact Us", click "Other" from the choices, click "Click here to submit a ticket". Then follow to complete the ticket submission.
2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with above method: you can Send a private message to the CS Agent here: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/composepage/note-to-user-id/22437
**Monitor your Community inbox, envelope on the top right, after ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply and work with you via messaging there