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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It seems my wifi at 5G is slower then when I had 4G. Any suggestions?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


You may have a 5G plan. However, if you look at your speed test, you have a weak one bar of signal strength and your phone is only connecting to the "4G" network. This is not unusual because the range of 5G is usually much less. Your phone will always try to connect with the strongest and fastest network. So at that particular location, you are only connecting to 4G and getting the speed as displayed. If you change your location and find a stronger 5G signal, your phone will connect to the 5G and your speed test will increase accordingly. Good luck.


you are still using 4G and not 5G

one reason your phone is not choosing 5G because you have Power save mode turned on.  With power save mode on , your phone will be using 4G or LTE only to save battery power

you have 64Mbps download speed, decent speed for 4G.  But you can turn off power save mode (and possibly turn off data save mode as well) , check if it connects to 5G first, then speed test again


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I up graded from 4G to 5G, when I was at my trailer I could watch videos with my 4G, so I assumed 5G would be as good or better.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

There is a difference between mobile date (4G, 5G)  and WiFI ( home internet)

do you compare the data speed PM 5G with other provider 4G, or did you upgrade your plan from 4G to 5G?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It wouldn't be surprising to see a 4G connection be faster than a 5G connection today. 4G is robustly deployed to support the majority of customers, while 5G is slowly being deployed and expanded.

Mayor / Maire


if you're in a wifi area and connected to it.....then go in to settings and disconnect wifi. Try your Speedtest using data only.

Mayor / Maire

hi @Bestdealbyfarr 

that is not call Wifi , that is mobile data

is the phone showing 4G or LTE or 5G on top of the phone

Go to app store, search for Speedtest and check speed and post screenshot so we know the speed

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