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Use 5G or not on a "4G speed" plan.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

So as we all know, PM is now using a 5G network with with speed restrictions on many plans.  I have a 4G plan, so I won't be seeing more than 100 mbps - and that's fine, I can't imagine needing more.

But is there any advantage in terms of stability or reliability in setting my iPhone 14 to use its 5G setting instead of its LTE setting? In theory 5G networks can have more bandwidth and some other aspects - but has anyone actually seen any benefits on the Public Mobile network?



Yes, that is what I mean that it is not the technology but the frequencies. I also have a ham radio license so I know about uhf/vhf frequencies.


Mayor / Maire

Latency is slightly lower on 5G, but there is also better battery life when staying on LTE only.

There is no meaningful difference in coverage because 5G NSA requires an LTE anchor band at all times, so you'll always be on LTE no matter what.

@BKNS27 5G can work indoors or outdoors. Coverage is dependent on frequency, not technology.

Mayor / Maire


yes having 5g enabled I have better signal quality for data at home and at work. so when I'm at these two places I noticed the better reception. if you hadn't noticed already there is a lot of construction on roadways etc. that is 5g being installed into the ground 

Mayor / Maire


There are no advantages on going on 5G sure download and upload are faster but the disadvantages are:

- Can only use while outdoors (commercials shows users of 5G sitting outside). 5G can’t go through walls.

- Depending where the 5G tower where you are located. Test on YouTube shows that 4G/LTE is faster than 5G.

- High battery drainage and cause phone to be warm.

I set my iPhone 14 Pro on 4G/LTE.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Handy1 This might be the best we can say at this point - that any advantages would be fairly small and outweighed by the battery cost.  Thanks for the thought.

Mayor / Maire

Public has cell data on the old 3G/HSPA system that would be faster but may have some lag on videos and such. You can force the phone to use that.

They also have cell data on LTE which gets throttled to the speeds of the plan. Remember, ALL plans connect to LTE. The 3G/4G/5G is about speed.

They now also have 5G. This is really a lot like 4G and the speed gets throttled to the plan you have.

So if you have an old 3G speed plan, it will connect to 4G/LTE throttled.

If you have a 4G speed plan, it will connect to 4G/LTE throttled higher.

If you have a 5G speed plan, it will connect to 5G throttled higher still.


The marketing terminology has always been confusing. It's not 3G or 4G. Its throttled speed that they call 3G or 4G connecting to 4G/LTE.

You can opt to set the phone to 5G but it will be throttled to the level of your plan even though it connects to 5G.

Mayor / Maire

@dwh1  It will work , but you still only get the 4G data speed your paying for . Honest I’d just leave on LTE as 5G will Darin battery quicker and cause your phone to run warmer my .02 


@dwh1  not the advantage is the choice

some area is better with LTE coverage, some better with 3G , some better with 5G.  So, you can leave with Automatic and let the phone choose for you. 

If connection not going well, try the different network

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@dabr Right, but I'm not asking about speed. I'm asking about reliability/latency/etc.  If I switch my phone to 5G, I will be on a 5G network - just speed-limited - and so any advantages or disadvantages of PM's 5G implementation will apply, and I'm curious as to whether there are any.

Mayor / Maire

@dwh1    AFAIA, setting the phone to 5G setting won't make any difference if you're on a 4G plan as the plan speed will remain at 4G unless you change to one of the new 5G plans.

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