05-24-2024 03:57 PM
I'm planning on suspending (unsubscribe) from my PM account for just under 2 months while I'm out of NA (CAN&US plan) I'm aware that if I click on Unsubscribe now that I will still have service till the end of my billing cycle. However I got a couple of questions.
1. What happens when ppl call my number? Get a "not in service" message? straight to VM?
2. What happens when ppl text my number? I'm assuming I won't just receive or even if I'm back and not subscribed yet, will I get incoming texts when back in Canada?
3. What happens to my PM referrals? I'm assuming I won't bet getting them while unsubscribed BUT will I get my referral points back on the very first payment I make once I subscribe again? or will I loose all my referrals and not get them moving forward? (hopefully this latter doesn't happen)
05-30-2024 07:18 PM
Right now it seems like customer support is backed up more than usual as I've been waiting over 36 hours for a response.
Unless you have an issue that can only be fixed by accessing Public Mobile's back end via an agent you should try posting your question (issue) to the community. Without posting personal or account info try describing your issue in detail, any troubleshooting you have performed and if related details like the brand of phone, OS, model # etc....and the community can help answer your questions, narrow down the issue and troubleshoot.
Even if in the end you need customer support to fix the problem it's better to do so armed with the info of what the problem is and what you've done so you don't have to go thru all of the above steps with the agent but at a much slower pace as their response time is longer than engaging with the community.
05-30-2024 12:36 PM
I will do that gladly,but it's impossible to do something by my self ,and I can never can talk with someone to help me , even if I had 5 tickets with other questions. ... nobody is answering
05-30-2024 12:15 PM
Why not suspend your service and resume it when you return? You will keep your referalls that way.
05-24-2024 11:40 PM
Thank you @RavingRaven, your answer was what exactly I was looking for. I have dual eSIM numbers I'm using on my phone and I will be receiving 2FA on the other main line really so I'm not worried about incoming texts. The PM line is really for the CAN/US (mostly US) data/calling and the number I give to ppl I don't like (AKA, signing up for crap and potential number sellers). Really I just want to make sure I get my "plan account" back and my referrals I've accumulated. Just really want to find out what happens during the "unsubscribed" PM period for what really is a prepaid service of less than 90 days. Like you mentioned I doubted @Ana20 answer to my inquiry as soon as I read it as I did almost most of my research regarding "unsubscribed" accounts. Thanks to @hTideGnow also for the input.
05-24-2024 09:42 PM
If you unsubscribe your payment card will not be charged for your plan amount at renewal and service will be suspended. However if you have an account balance that equals or exceeds your plan amount your service plan will renew. If this is the case then suspension via lost/stolen is the only method to guarantee your plan does not renew.
When your account is suspended for non payment (unsubscribed or lack of available funds) callers depending on their service provider will get one of the following results:
Texts sent to you will send. You may recieve up to the last 5 days of SMS texts ( YMMV).
If both you and the texter use RCS you should be able to both send/recieve texts if connected to wifi and/or mobile data. (Not tested outside of Canada- YMMV). You can still recieve eversafe 2FA texts while connected to the PM network. If connected to wifi you may also recieve 2FA texts from online accounts.
You will continue to recieve referral points as long as both you and your referral have an active account.
The info you have provided is incorrect. Please edit your post. Keep reading and learning as your participation is welcome. If you are unsure of your answer at least mention so ie. "I think" . Use the "search" bar it will find you the answer to most questions quickly then you can reply with the correct info.
05-24-2024 06:47 PM
If you unsubscribe now ,you won't have any service immediately,you gave to choose Unsubscribe when my next bill circle is ending.
If you unsubscribe from pm ,you'll lose everything and if you want to come back you're considering a new customer.
Good luck with your decision!
05-24-2024 04:17 PM
hi @superman26 when unsubscribe, none of the service will work. No data, no voice and no text You won't get your referral rewards, but after you resume service, you will get those de referral rewards back