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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

If I am haveing bad service or little to no with public/ bell/ Telus  will it then connect to rogers if it is a strong network?


Not applicable

As DUNKMAN has told you Rogers uses separate towers. I used to be with Rogers but the reception in my area was so bad I used to have to go to the end of my driveway in order to get reception. I did switch to PM because they share  towers with BELL and now reception is excellent. Suggest you go to the Rogers site and search their tower locations and maybe they have towers in your area.  

Mayor / Maire

No roaming agreement with Rogers. Ensure your network selection is set to automatic. Ultimately if Belus/PM doesn't have good coverage where you frequent, you may need to consider changing providers. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Ckk wrote:

If I am haveing bad service or little to no with public/ bell/ Telus  will it then connect to rogers if it is a strong network?

If Telus have an agreement or an deal with Roger, then will otherwise won't .



Unfortunately, No.  Public mobile uses Telus or Bell cell towers. 

Will not be able to connect to Rogers.  

Mayor / Maire

@Ckk  It should piggy back of who’s ever towers closest if your main providers towers aren’t close enough 


add Ty for clarifying that @Dunkman  i knew it used bell towers and assumed rodgers too 

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