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Rewards section of my account changed!

Mayor / Maire

Hello, has anyone looked at their rewards section of their account since the last maintenance was done?

On the website & the app mine no longer shows the total # of referrals I have after my plan renews!

It now shows: Refer-A-Friend +1.00 multiple times for each referral I have instead of the total amount!


Edited to remove screenshots.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@slusagm @LitlLdy 

If you go to your dashboard, you can see a bar chart that shows your cumulative referral points for each month. This is quick way to see your total referral points without having to count each individual point. I still wish that PM would provide the last four digits of my referrals so I can figure out who is missing.

Acurally, if you use the code when activating, no phone number needed.  But if the person open a ticket to add the code back after activation, I notice agents always ask.  I think this is to prevent members from soliciting the code to other members after they activated


@BKNS27 wrote:


I thought that was strange too so I confirmed this with a CS_Agent Hassell last year around Christmas before giving out my number.

He answered YES as part of the referral process in the activation in the new PM system!

Can you please confirm with an agent because I gave it out to someone that I personally don’t know.

This is totally incorrect, I have done 4 accounts in the last month and have never had to give out my number.  It is ALWAYS just your referral code.


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@BKNS27 wrote:


I thought that was strange too so I confirmed this with a CS_Agent Hassell last year around Christmas before giving out my number.

He answered YES as part of the referral process in the activation in the new PM system!

Can you please confirm with an agent because I gave it out to someone that I personally don’t know.

This isn't something that needs to be confirmed with a CSA, and unfortuantely, you have been provided with bad information.  Please go through the activation process. You will see that there have been zero changes to the referral process and that activation system never asks for a phone number.  There's nowhere to even enter the phone number of the referrer (nor is there suppsoed to be).


I thought that was strange too so I confirmed this with a CS_Agent Hassell last year around Christmas before giving out my number.

He answered YES as part of the referral process in the activation in the new PM system!

Can you please confirm with an agent because I gave it out to someone that I personally don’t know.

@BKNS27 wrote:

Also for all new referrals, the member using your code must include your telephone number.

This absolutely is NOT true.  When signing up for a new account, the new customer only needs to use the referral link or the customer can manually type in the referral code.  During the activation process, the system will never ask for the referrer's phone number.

I am fully aware the if a customer asks for a referral code to be added later, that some customer support agents will ask for the phone number, but they really shouldn't be.  The very idea of the referral codes was so that phone numbers didn't need to be exchanged between the two customers, and there are legitimate reasons for not knowing the phone number of a referrer (such as co-worker who isn't that close of friends with the other person).

Mayor / Maire

My plan just renewed March 5th and I noticed this change as well. It doesn't bother me, but I don't have an endless list of referrals like many of you 😅

Though it's now 2 full days later and I still don't see my 5% points credit, so not sure what's up with that.

@umnikke8 wrote:

@BKNS27 Is that true, a new user needs your referral code and your phone number to get the referral? 

If so that means all the stuff on the website and documentation is out of date. None of the link shares, social media etc would work.


@umnikke8 , that’s my concern. I won’t be able to get referrals that way anymore due to the sites don’t know my phone #! 😞 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@BKNS27 Is that true, a new user needs your referral code and your phone number to get the referral? 

If so that means all the stuff on the website and documentation is out of date. None of the link shares, social media etc would work.


@BKNS27 wrote:


Yes, I’ve noticed that too. PM also removed the last 4 digits of the referrals.

Also for all new referrals, the member using your code must include your telephone number.

@BKNS27 , thank you, I didn’t know they needed our telephone # now!

Edited: Fixed typo, I thought I typed “didn’t” instead of did! 🤣

Mayor / Maire


Yes, I’ve noticed that too. PM also removed the last 4 digits of the referrals.

Also for all new referrals, the member using your code must include your telephone number.

Mayor / Maire

I see multiple lines too since the maintenance couple days ago

Problem with multiple lines is that if you have a lot of referrals, hard for you to count how many you are getting.   Your friend could have left or PM could have gives you wrong and harder for you to notice



@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @LitlLdy 

I guess as long as I get my money (points) correctly, I don't care how they show me. LoL

@hTideGnow , and there’s the catch… now you scroll to count each 1 to see if it adds up correctly 😉 but yes I have to agree 😃 

hi @LitlLdy 

I guess as long as I get my money (points) correctly, I don't care how they show me. LoL

@Yummy wrote:

I think it was like that for a (long) while. Only shows give-back and bill payment points .

HI @Yummy 

no, for Friend referrals, used to be just one line no matter how many friends you got

now if you have 50 referrals, you see 50 lines for each renewal

@Yummy wrote:

I think it was like that for a (long) while. Only shows give-back and bill payment points .

@Yummy , mine only changed to look like this on my account webpage & app since the last maintenance was done.

@eddieO wrote:

@LitlLdy I can confirm I have been seeing the same thing in my account ever since the maintenance updates that took place a few days ago. Wondering if it's another glitch or if like hTideGnow has mentioned, maybe they plan to show the actual number for the referral friend?

@eddieO , it wouldn’t affect this section of of our accounts though. It would be in our referrals section. Or should be. Not that things are always how they should be. 🤣 

Mayor / Maire

@LitlLdy I can confirm I have been seeing the same thing in my account ever since the maintenance updates that took place a few days ago. Wondering if it's another glitch or if like hTideGnow has mentioned, maybe they plan to show the actual number for the referral friend?

Mayor / Maire

I think it was like that for a (long) while. Only shows give-back and bill payment points .

@hTideGnow , that would be nice but it seems like a waste of space to do it this way & it makes more sense to show the total # of referrals for that renewal like it has been than show numerous times!

Mayor / Maire

HI @LitlLdy 

yup, i notice that.  I would hope that would mean they will show the phone number for each friend referral on the next upgrade. just a wishful thinking


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