07-16-2023 04:11 AM
How would I go about finding out and confirming if an individual used my Friend Referral Code when signing up?
Considering you only get your Friend Referral Points once Per Month(Around the time your Plan Renews.), this is the only time you know when and your Referrals increased.. even there it doesn't show you who you Referred or even any hints.. how would you know right away if someone used yours?
Koodo Pre-Paid Self Serve System which is on the old Public Mobile version has a great tab for Friend Referrals, it shows you the amount of Referrals you have, how much you've earned from them, the date of Referral, and the last 4 Digits of their phone number which makes it easier to figure out who is who. Public Mobile could do something like this but obviously instead of $ for the Bonus it would be Points. I like being able to see my leg of Referrals like Koodo shows me *Screenshot included*I see people selling SIM Cards on eBay for $0.99 however you must activate it before hand with their Referral Code, provide them your Phone Number and than somehow once they confirm they will send out your SIM for that cheap price.. like how does that person find out you used their Code? *Screenshot of Description of one of these eBay posts is below - Seems kinda fishy*
07-20-2023 11:03 PM
we used to get notifications for a couple different things that we don't get notifications for any longer. The Cha- Ching could be going through transition as well...could be gone altogether soon OR could just be slow to notify you. PM isn't forthcoming with info on smaller changes such as this.
07-20-2023 10:19 PM
Cha-ching message is on and off.. so, it's normal you might only get one once in a while
09:58 PM
- last edited on
01:03 AM
Is it normal to only recieve one Cha-ching message every couple of Friend Referrals, or should I be getting one per Referral?
So far I've made 5 Friend Referrals on this New Account, however I have only gotten one Cha-ching message so far, is this normal to be missing out on?
07-19-2023 06:21 PM - edited 07-19-2023 06:22 PM
@Priority I’ve never seen that before . But I think it’s safe to say once the payments go thru from your referrals it will be there as you should expect . Adding this may be the new way as it can take 72 hours for those referrals to see their $10 credit also
07-19-2023 06:18 PM
I just made my account this morning and the Rewards profile hasn't even finished being created yet, it says it could take up to 48 hours for my profile to complete Activation.
Just curious, would it be a problem that I've already used my new Friend Referral Code from this account to refer 3 'Friends'?
Even though my Rewards profile isn't even completed setup, I'll still be guaranteed to see those 3 points on my next renewal date + the day I recieve points correct?
07-17-2023 02:34 PM - edited 07-17-2023 02:41 PM
No that wouldn't be the reason for not being able to access the other account, I've never had that issue before + I never use my own phone for the Activation, I always use theirs on the Public Mobile app. I only log in from Private Browser after setup is complete to check everything over the final time from my own phone sometimes. The only cache my phone remembers is my own.
The word 'client' I am using because they are a client of my own Personal Repair Shop & Phone store where I sell Public Mobile Third Party. (We used to be Authorized in 2021.)
I always refer to them as clients since they aren't only just my clients, but also a customer of Public Mobile after joining, hence the wording.
There is nothing wrong here, I am only benefiting the company by bringing all these extra Referrals..
07-17-2023 08:33 AM
@Priority wrote:I just did 3 Friend Referrals today, that's a record for a Sunday!!
I was doing the last one, just finished the port in as the Mobile App & Website went under maintenance mode.. I finished at the perfect second, replied yes to his text message and sent the client on his way home at 11:30PM.
He bought a new phone so I left the Bell SIM in his old phone, and I put the Public one in the new phone.
Anyway to quickly check over the account even though this is under maintenance mode, I always like to check everything over and my login session will expire by morning.
@Priority could this also be why maybe you can't access your other account? You seem to be running a business with your wording yet you aren't a Telus owned store?
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07-17-2023 12:43 AM
I just did 3 Friend Referrals today, that's a record for a Sunday!!
I was doing the last one, just finished the port in as the Mobile App & Website went under maintenance mode.. I finished at the perfect second, replied yes to his text message and sent the client on his way home at 11:30PM.
He bought a new phone so I left the Bell SIM in his old phone, and I put the Public one in the new phone.
Anyway to quickly check over the account even though this is under maintenance mode, I always like to check everything over and my login session will expire by morning.
07-16-2023 05:37 AM
Unless pm has broken my privacy I was given all of the posts that were the reasons for "darlicious's" ban. 3/6 still remain unedited in the community. The 4th I edited by request from Jade. The 5th which was my thread about the $3 rate hike went unreported for 6 weeks despite several oracles including yourself posting in it with nary a comment about it being inappropriate. And the 6th I will concede that it's reference to weasels and whatnot was a lapse in judgement on my part. Which if the word "weasel" is inappropriate you best get to reporting this post as well. 🫢🐈⬛😀
07-16-2023 05:30 AM
LOL if you think it was only 6 I see why you use the Univac to help with calculations
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07-16-2023 05:26 AM - edited 07-16-2023 05:26 AM
I read your post and it explains you are on the old program. It also explains that you have no insight to give on the points program when it comes to referrals and the points rewards account set up or you would have provided more useful info than you have.....?
But then again since you felt so strongly that @darlicious should be banned from the community for the 6/24000+ posts that were minor contraventions of the ToS it's no wonder you've missed the threads "she" created that would have provided you with the info to answer @Priority 's OP.
07-16-2023 05:17 AM
I will never understand why pm did not set up the points rewards accounts the same way accept to make it much more difficult for the customer to track their referrals and be able to prove to customer support that the referral in question is an active account holder.
You at least have the referral's phone # but whether or not pm will release any info on that account's activation date etc....may well be considered a privacy issue or at least pm can say it's a privacy issue. The Cha-ching text is best as it gives you the activation date and the likely renewal dates going forward. If you don't get them then inquire about getting that fixed for your account. L
07-16-2023 05:14 AM
@maximum_gato wrote:Unfortunately the previous respondent did not read your OP throughly to understand that you are referring to the Public Points program not the old $$ rewards program that supplies much more detail about your referrals than the points accounts.
@maximum_gato I actually did and if you read my initial post you would have seen I said I haven't added referrals in a long time. I thought that would explain I was on the old system. Either way we took the conversation back channel through private messages to get it figured.
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07-16-2023 05:08 AM
Awh, well that's okay. We all have to learn somehow. I suspected that's why I couldn't find it on my end, I immediately noticed he was on the old Rewards and suspected it was different.
Say I made a Referral, could I contact CSA with the Phone Number of the person I referred and have them check to see if it was added to my leg, same day of referral to confirm? - I am assuming that's what these eBay sellers are doing?
They should introduce what Shawn has on his old system, on the new Point System, as that is very convenient and would guaranteed save CSA agents some time manually checking for people before getting their Monthly Activity.
07-16-2023 04:59 AM
Unfortunately the previous respondent did not read your OP throughly to understand that you are referring to the Public Points program not the old $$ rewards program that supplies much more detail about your referrals than the points accounts.
I find the only consistent indication is the Cha-ching text that is sent out at 2pm eastern the day following the activation**. It up to you to gather as much info as you can about your referrals in case you ever need to contact customer support about missing referral points.
**Depending on the time of the referral's activation but I believe it's 12pm to 12am eastern. All late night referrals are counted on the day forward.
This thread may be helpful in answering some of your questions or posting any new info about points that you discover in your points journey with pm.
07-16-2023 04:47 AM
Do you have a direct link? I do not see the referral Section under my Rewards anywhere.
07-16-2023 04:45 AM
@Priority it is the my account page, then go to rewards and it will take you to the rewards page. From there you can expand your referrals section to see the numbers listed.
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07-16-2023 04:40 AM - edited 07-16-2023 04:44 AM
Where did you find that Referral Section page, I don't see it anywhere on my end?
Is that within the Mobile App or online Website only?
07-16-2023 04:39 AM
I used to occasionally get those Text messaged as well, however even when they we're being sent it was kinda few and far between. Sometimes I did 5+ Referrals and only got the message twice in the month I did those Referrals.. eventually I stopped getting the messages all together.
Even when those we're being sent out, again they weren't clear or giving any hints in the exact specific person who you'd referred like Koodo is right on the Account.
07-16-2023 04:38 AM
When you go into your rewards page and the referral section you can see the number of referrals you have and the last 4 digits of the number. The people asking for all 10 digits of the number to verify don't need that much info.
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07-16-2023 04:34 AM
When someone uses your referral code, you used to get a text saying that they did. I haven't added any referrals for a while so I am not sure if the text is still coming out. Either way once someone is activated and used your code you should be able to see them in your list of referrals
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