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Pre authorized account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am registered for pre authorized payment plan. Payment was to be taken today but has not been processed. I have checked my account there is a $3 balance and the account has been suspended.

The account shows I am registered and the credit card # is correct. Never been a problem before did I miss an update.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hairbag1 wrote: here we are..waiting for @GAN to give us all a progress report on the status of his/her/unk PM account.


It was only 2h since OP post. We be lucky to hear at all... 😞

Mayor / Maire

Until now you should receive SMS form 611 saying you paid and services are continuing.

Did you receive ANY SMS from 611.

Do youhave ANY service currently? Call/SMS/Internet?

If you see this on your account, your account is NOT suspended.



Mayor / Maire

SOunds like an autopay failure but once you fill us in with more details we can give you the best options. The good news regardless of what it may be it is most likely an easy fix

Mayor / Maire here we are..waiting for @GAN to give us all a progress report on the status of his/her/unk PM account.


@hairbag1   I was going by OP said "the account has been suspended."  I would assume OP would say this only if he/she sees it showing "Suspended" as Account status and/or OP already has no service.  


Also, by the time OP started the thread, 3PM, usually Autopay renewal should be all completed.

Mayor / Maire


Going by the time I doubt it. Renewal starts with the expired message at about 9pm eastern. Even when renewals run late they change to active or suspend services at the latest noon eastern on the renewal date.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.



I am going to say autopay failure. OP says payment date is today. Payment would have been processed in the early morning hours of the 28th not later on in the day.

While we wait for update from OP..I'd like to ask @softech  and @darlicious it possible if the OP's plan is simply going through the renewal process or am I way out ? I know about the occasional Autopay failure...but without knowing if their service is currently working or could be either issue, in my mind.

Let's discuss whilst we wait to hear back. 🤔

Mayor / Maire


Your autopay failed. Check the expiry date on your card. Though sometimes it can fail for a myriad of other reasons. Log into your account and go to the payment page. Choose other amount and add a manual top up payment that equals or exceeds your plan amount. Confirm and submit your payment. Your plan should automatically reactivate. Log out and reboot.


If it does not and your payment is showing in your available funds. Go to the plans or usage page and click on lost /stolen. Suspend your service. Log out/in. Resume your service. Your plan should automatically reactivate. Your overview page may not update right away but you can check your transaction history for your plan charges with today's date. Log out and reboot.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire

Are your phone features working right now (talk/text/data) ? During the renewal process, your account will look like its Suspended until process is successfully completed.

If phone is currently working...all will be well in the morning.

If its not working...well thats another issue.


@GAN   Unfortunately, Autopay could fail for various reasons 

Try to make a manual payment as follow


Login to My Account , click on Payment , One Time Payment

use the option "Other (Enter the desired payment amount)" and then manually enter the plan amount and then submit

Once payment gone through, click on "Reactivate current plan" button if it is around

Logoff from My Account and reboot your phone and you should be good to go.


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