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Point or discount

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I get discounts but my husband gets points. No idea why he doesn’t get discounts. He joined later than me, so the discount promotion is finished?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi @Peache,

Here are 2 articles that will help explain the differences between the new Points system and the old Legacy rewards system:

New Points System:

Old Legacy Rewards:

I hope this helps!

Mayor / Maire


You are on the better rewards system. Your husband will need to collect 15 points for a $15 credit from 5% of his monthly bill in points.

Mayor / Maire

PM switched to Points as reward after 2022. One of you is lucky to be on $$$ reward system. Hold on to it...

Mayor / Maire

The old Legacy rewards gives money off instead of points. The old legacy rewards was discontinued two years ago anyone that joined after January 2022 is now on the Public Mobile points.

Mayor / Maire

@Peache  Yes because you are in the old legacy $ rewards and he’s is on the new points system that all new activations are on . Don’t you ever switch to the points system not worth it and you can never go back to the old rewards you have now which are far more lucrative 

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