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Photo Messages in Apps

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have 2 public phones and neither of them can receive photo or video messages through the fb app today. People who are not on public mobile are receiving my photos and videos without issue. Only the messenger app is affected. I can SMS and MMS without issue. Everything worked perfectly with my messenger app until today. It's got to be a public mobile issue given its only the public phones that are affected. What's up? Here's a screenshot. It just says 'sent a photo' where there should be a photo. 



Mayor / Maire

Glad it's resolved, but it doesn't sound like it was a PM issue. Did you try on wifi too? FB Messenger simply needs a data connection, either wifi or cellular. If all other data is working but FB Messenger isn't, then it's likely a problem with the app itself.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you! This didn't do it but then I thought to remove the messenger app on both phones and re-install and we are back in business. 

[ ......... Luddite]




@Aimee902 did you turn on Mobile data?

try to take the easy way to fix.  Click Reset All Networks and see if it helps

if not, you can take the more complicated way, compare the following APN and update it 

Username: <blank>
Password: <blank>
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 8799
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
Authentication Type: Not Set
APN Type: default,supl,mms

         or    default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri

           (might need to include dun for hotspot)
APN protocol: IPv4
APN roaming protocol: IPv4
APN enable/disable: APN enabled

                or  Turn APN on/off APN turned on

Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO (Mobile virtual network operator) type: GID
MVNO (Mobile virtual network operator)value: 4D

@Aimee902  You can ask support to investigate. 

Message support directly

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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Handy1, we have rebooted and tested the Sims. We have 2 public mobile subscriptions and both are giving us the same issue today. It'd be rare for both Sim's to fry at the exact same time. 

Mayor / Maire

@Aimee902  Just throwing this out there , have you tried to reboot the phone ? Also can you try the SIM card in another phone and see it works properly . You could also try resetting the network settings and see if that helps to . Maybe even try to toggle airplane on and off again . Just some basic tricks that  sometimes help lil glitches 

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