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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi I just suspended my account and I would like to get refunded my $37.00 balance or transferred to a difference account and number please let me know


Mayor / Maire


Did you suspend your account via lost/stolen? If you did so because you do not need to use your services for up to 89 days after your last day of a paid 30 day plan cycle then the $37 balance in your available funds will remain untouched and your autopay will not charge your card. Be sure to resume your service via lost/stolen before 89 days have concluded and make a manual top up payment and/or reactivate your plan and ensure a new 30 day plan has started and your status is active before day 90 or your account will be cancelled and deactivated and your phone number released to its original provider.


If you port out your phone number your account is immediately cancelled and any account balances, add ons, rewards and/or promotions are lost. There are no refunds on account balances. Officially account balances cannot be transferred however contact customer support as a CSA will consider an account balance transfer on a case by case basis if the reasons are compelling enough ( ie. death of the account holder or employer request/requirement).





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire

Great thanks for the heads up! I don't think I will need that anyways going forward (fingers crossed) lol

Mayor / Maire

@JL9   Yes, it seems PM changed that policy although there have been customers since then who have reported that a customer service agent was able to transfer funds since it was being transferred to another PM account.  However, it seems to be very much a YMMV scenario and official policy is not to.

Mayor / Maire

I was with PM until late 2018 give or take and back then I actually had the option of transferring what I had outstanding in my account to another PM account holder it was only like 15 or 20 bucks, and if I remember correctly I had to to it via private message or email, but it was definitely transferred over. I take it that isn't the case anymore?

Mayor / Maire

There is No refund at PM for regular features. Only if add-on is purchased by mistake or double payments occurred and similar might be considered for refund.

Balance cannot be transferred to different PM account neither.

If you plan to port out your number your account has to be active

Mayor / Maire

Remember...if planning to carry your number to new network, your PM account must stay ACTIVE until port process is successful.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Public Mobile is prepaid, you will not get any refund nor transfer fund to a different Public account.  Messaging to CS_Agent will not help.  Your alternatives:

1.  Reactivate your account within 3 months (exact last date to reactivate is state in your on-line account) and use up the money.  Else, you loose your phone# and balance of $ forever.

2.  If u have significant fund inside your accout, may be u can try to sell your SIM+fund on Kijiji or somewhere.

3.  I might have read somewhere that if u go Koodo (not sure pre-paid or post-paid), they can transfer fund over.  Please do your search and verify correct before u act on this.

Sorry, but there are no refunds at Public Mobile.  You'll need to use up the balance.


@Sammiiozzo Is there a reason you suspended? You cannot get your money back since PM is a pre-paid service. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Mayor / Maire

Sorry @Sammiiozzo 


Public mobile will not provide a refund or transfer of funds.

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