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Payment processed and now services not working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@CS_Agent I need help I made payment this morning and everything was good services restored now I’m getting a bunch of texts saying payment wasn’t made but it was 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I have a referral who makes their Payments every month and has Pre-Authorized Payments enabled, meanwhile every single month he gets multiple of these Text Messages telling him that Payment wasn't made, even though it was and the Account Status is Active. 

It's crazy, and I told him the next time it happens to contact me so I can check everything over and have Support Correct it, as the last thing we want is for the account to Accidentally close because the system sees it as 'Suspended' when in reality its active and paid for. 

Mayor / Maire

@Kay56789000  If you just renewed and services are working you can ignore this message system just hasn’t fully updated yet . But to submit ticket with support here is the link 

private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV





the text could be sent by mistake.   You can ignore it as long as your service is working

Also, use Incognito mode to login and confirm.  If it also shows Active, then nothing to worry about

Mayor / Maire


if phone features are working..ignore those texts.

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