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Over paying and wants a refund i

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Screenshot_20231121_115228_Samsung Internet.jpg


Screenshot_20231121_115433_Samsung Internet.jpg

 public mobile over charge me fir 2 months


HI @denismichaud_71 

my question is, did you submit a ticket with CS agent?


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@denismichaud_71  I'm going to take another run at this, having slept on it (and dreamed of it 🙂 ).

First, you need to know "we" didn't do anything. We're all fellow customers, so we can't see your account, make changes, or anything else. That's what the CS_Agent link in the first reply was for. All we can do is try to narrow down what the issue is, and suggest potential fixes from the customer side. You may need an Agent. 😞

Here's what I now think, all this is assuming there is NOT catastrophic failure by PM's billing system (not impossible). You have 2 lines. You may know it, or you may not, but you have 2 lines. I'll call them 1 and 2 but I don't know which came first.

[Line 1] last billed on Aug 30 for $39+tax (I'm guessing you're in NB, NS, NL, or PE, since you're paying 15% not 14.975%), didn't renew, and service was suspended Sep 29. It may have billed earlier, we don't know. That's the one you provided the 1st and 3rd screen captures for. It's currently suspended and you have about 30 days to reactivate if you want it.

[Line 2] billed on Aug 18, Sep 17, Oct 17, and Nov 16, for $40+tax. It is still active, even if you're not using it. It will have its own account, its own login, its own SIM, and its own number. It may be yours or it may be a family member's (spouse, child, parent, etc.). You may or may not have attempted to cancel this one, but it is still there. If you want to cancel it, that's separate from cancelling [Line 1].

Lots of questions come to mind, but to keep it simple: are you aware of a 2nd PM line paying $40+tax? If you're trying to get away from PM completely, I think the key is to identify this account, hopefully you can do that before contact an Agent.

@BKNS27 @Andy85 @Handy1  I really think this is more complicated than just "changed immediately instead of on renewal" because of the post-Aug30 charges.

Anyone have further insight? Maybe I'm just wrong. Thanks.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Suscription was canceled and you went 2 times after that

Come on!!!!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Two of the screenshots show last subscription date ending Sep 29, which is consistent with paying on Aug 30. I agree with the others, that may have been a user error, making an *immediate change* instead of *change on next renewal date* which is not uncommon but a valid scenario (say you ran out of data half way through the month).

But you've also got payments on Aug 18, Sep 17, Oct 17, Nov 16. Do you have another PM plan on the go?

I assume these are QC charges, $46=$40+tax (though I think it should be $45.99) and $44.85=$39+tax.

It looks to me like the plan was changed from $40 on Aug 18 to $39 on Aug 30 (with immediate effect [which would make expiry Sep 29] instead of "on next renewal date" as we usually recommend but it's possible it was intentional) but then PM kept charging for the old $40 plan on Sep 17, Oct 17, and Nov 16. But not updating expiry. Or on further reflection, maybe it's another PM plan & SIM that's still funded at $40+tax on autopay or something.

I have to ask (and it's relevant, not being snarky) how you didn't notice until now that your phone stopped working on Sep 29.

@Handy1 @Andy85 @BKNS27    Leaving aside the Aug 30 charge (possibly user error to make the change from $40 to $39 immediately, or possibly a new activation on $39 plan), what are the later $46 charges funding? (rhetorical question). I think that is the actual issue, subject to OP confirming. Also, I believe you can have 2 PM accounts using the same CC # (but different emails obviously). Perhaps there's another PM account still going (from Aug 18 billed mid-month at $40+TPS+TVQ).


Mayor / Maire


You must have change plan on August 30 and click on change plan now and not on your next renewal date.

Common mistake to members not understand the PM policy on switching plans.

Unfortunately, PM is a prepaid plan and refund is slim to none.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hello @denismichaud_71 ,

Did you make any purchases of add-ons on August 30th? If there is a billing error, you will need to submit a ticket to customer service so that they could look into it. 

Please use the following like to submit a ticket and explain the billing issue you encountered:

You will get a response in your community inbox so please keep an eye on it. 

Mayor / Maire

@denismichaud_71  For in aug you mean ? Did you happen to change plan and not change on renewal and change right away by any chance ? If so that’s why if not please submit ticket with support 

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