11-21-2024 02:21 PM
Looks like, i ‘m paying an extra 2% in lueu of Tax and shouldn’t be paying it as i have been living in regina / Saskatchewan and should be paying only 11% tax instead of 13%
11-22-2024 10:28 PM
@Nomig You have to do it every month if you want to pay the lesser tax of province your in to keep same phone number . Or you can just charge your phone number to the area code your in to let the credit card be charged every 30 days and pay the better tax rate so it’s one or the other to pay less tax
11-22-2024 10:25 PM
HI @Nomig
if you want to save the tax, you will have to buy voucher from stores so you got charged the SK tax
but if you don't care to pay a bit more tax, then you can leave it with PM to take the payment from your credit card, which the tax will be charged based on the area code of your phone number
11-22-2024 10:21 PM
Only 1 time i have to do it or do it every month by loading a voucher.
11-22-2024 09:35 PM
@Nomig Yes purchase PM payment voucher from shoppers drug mart 7-11 or shell gas station and load the funds from the voucher slip by entering the PIN code on the bottom of the voucher . This way you pay the tax of the provide your living in and can keep your same phone number as I previously mentioned above just use your phone *611 to load the funds easy peasy
pic of vendors
11-22-2024 09:33 PM
hi @Nomig you can buy payment voucher from stores like Shoppers Drug Mart. Just go and ask for cashier for Public Mobile voucher and tell the amount you want
Then load the voucher using *611 on the PM phone or by login My Account, Payment page
11-22-2024 09:22 PM
Do you mean by voucher as reciept for goods purchased from regina store and upload it over there. Let me know.
11-21-2024 02:25 PM
HI @Nomig
sorry, the tax is based on phone number area code and not where you live or located
so , you have two choices to save some tax money
11-21-2024 02:25 PM
@Nomig Tax is based on the area code of the phone number you have . So you have two choices one is to charge phone number to area code you living . Or keep you phone number same and buy payment vouchers in Regina and pay Regina tax and load the funds *611 or in your account . And pay less tax and keep same phone number win/win
11-21-2024 02:24 PM
tax is based on the area code you use. What area code are you ?