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Order Number?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello, I purchased a sim card online on June 14 and I was told it was mailed out to me. It's been more than two weeks and I still haven't received it. Public chatbot told me to fill out a form which requires an order number to submit the ticket, but that number isn't on the receipt emailed out to me — where do I find the order number?!


Thank you in advance.



Your welcome. We'll be here when you come back. Stay cool!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@darlicious, @softech, @Anonymous , @JK8 , @Triguy , give credit where it's due — thank you everyone for helping me out -- it's been such a learning experience! I have a medical appointment to meet, but thank you very much for being so patient in teaching me what I needed to negotiate my way around PM!


Yes whatever works for you. Porch pirates can be a menace....or the mailman as I had a new phone go missing that said was delivered and I can see my mail and deliveries get delivered from my window but there was no phone when I went downstairs to pick them up!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you, I appreciate the offer, but now that PM is sending me another one, I think I will wait for it... That is, if it will arrive this time. I suspect a porch pirate has been stealing stuff from me -- I've lost deliveries from Amazon, have mail opened and even lost a broken umbrella... Like I said, not much luck lately!


Well I am in Mount Pleasant so I just might be able to help you out. I will send you a private message.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm in southeast Vancouver. I have a compromised immune system so since covid last year, I haven't been out very much (can literally count the number of times I've been out and about -- less than 10). I was counting on a $15 plan because I'm planning to work from home -- starting an online business since I was laid off last year, so I don't think I need a lot of data since I'm relying on my Telus internet at home.


That means you have tagged me. So it helps when you answer a post by me but there are many other members posting that it gives reference to your reply. It also sends me a nogification that you have tagged me. And yes you did it correctly.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Numbers were never my forte, but I get the idea. Thank you for the clarification!


One more question, I noticed some of these messages had the @darlicious sign. Am I doing this right? And what does it mean in a message?


Where are you located? Buy one from a retailer and you can activate today. What plan were you thinking of getting? Plans $35+ can add the promocode 2GBBONUS to recieve an extra 2gb of plan data indefinitely as long as you don't change your plan.


Exactly! They will credit your account $10 (account credits already include the tax because if you charged your card it shows $10 in your account but $11.40 on your credit card statement.) So when you do activate you will get the $10 credit for your sim card+$10 for your bonus referral credit +$2 for signing up with autopay=$22 in account credits.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Huh, dancing with joy -- Christmas gifts and credits? Doesn't really pay for my wait time. I wanted to get activate and get a phone plan to for a contact number when I start a business website... It's time sensitive and it doesn't look like I'm going to succeed. Sigh... things not working out as planned, no matter how much planning I put in...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ohh! Now that's news to me! You mean what I paid for is credited? So basically, I get my $11.40 back that I paid for when I purchased the card? Sorry, somehow I was completely ignorant of this!


Well I'm feeling somewhat better about this -- I was so dissatisfied with having been set off by a month of waiting! Still, I'm thinking I would rather have paid and gotten the card faster than to have to wait this long.


I have been here just shy of 2 years and the pm customer service has greatly improved in that time period. But there are still issues that need to be improved. The good thing is pm does recognize where they fall short ( like delayed shipments) and often add credits or freebies to your account to make up for their shortcomings. And heck they give us xmas gifts!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's not the community support I find lacking -- that deserves an A+ in my book, it's the help from PM directly.


Getting help in the middle of the night? I do get that from Telus, but no, not on non account related issues, and I agree, Telus is very slow... The problem with these companies is that there isn't much competition so no incentive for them to improve their service.


That means once you recieve your sim card and activate you contact them again and they will credit your account the cost of the sim card. Alternatively if you do want to start your service earlier you can purchase a sim card from a local retailer and just activate at home and use the pm sim card as a spare for use in emergencies or to refer a friend to start earning referral rewards for your own account.


They are completely different service models. My telus internet/tv service is different as well. That community is completely lacking you must call in to get customer service. On average I wait about 45 minutes to an hour on hold. Moderators lately have been answering my messages in 10 to 15 minutes and troubleshooting questions ot non account related issues will get answered within a minute or two most of the time. (Edit: from the community)You even get help in the middle of the night which you can't get from telus unless its the tech department.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, I guess that means you get what you pay for: online service, at least this one is significantly cheaper than what Telus mobility offers, but I really don't know if it's worth it. Three weeks into the purchase and I still don't have my sim card and the moderator just told me to to wait another 4-10 working days... So basically a month or more to get something I paid for and she says, "not to worry" because they're not going to charge me for it! What does that mean? I've already paid for it!

haha.. PM is a tier 3 service from Telus.. i guess they need to show a  significant difference to prove that Telus is a lot better.. Koodo is a bit better  🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Expert? Far from it! I work from an Apple computer which is the only piece of technology that I consider myself familiar with.... But not this public mobile online service  -- I don't know if this is typical of online service, but so very far and lacking compared to the Telus service I have for my landline!


Thanks for picking up where I left off....went for a cup a tea and I see our new student @Hsww needed a few more pointers.



A for effort!

Not applicable

 @Hsww : Yes. That gets in to the private messaging system. The email you probably get (elsewhere need I say) is just a notification of the fact you got a private message. Same as the emails you likely get for this thread for updates to it.

Edit: Nice job on the pic. See, you're already an expert with the place.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry, what envelope? I think I'm missing something here... Are you saying the envelope symbol displayed at the top right corner of the screen?

Screen Shot 2021-06-29 at 9.25.21 AM.jpg

Not applicable

 @Hsww : Don't answer the email. Come back here to the envelope and open the message there and answer it there.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Oh, okay. Wow, here I was waiting for them to reply and getting no answer! Thanks again for the tip.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Okay... why shouldn't I answer the private message? I would assume courtesy dictates replying to a message.

Not applicable

 @Hsww : For the teacher...emailing is using email addresses with name @ somewhere.something. This system uses what are called private messages that go to a username like Hsww. You likely get an email as a notification of the fact you got a private message. Don't answer that.


You're a perfect candidate for the community! You can even ask social media questions in the lounge (but they don't count towards your community rewards.) We can teach you all about your mobile phone and how to use it.


Don't worry about answering the moderator right away. Just send a message that you will reply later when you have more time and they can continue the conversation then.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Got it! Thanks so much for helping me out here. I got my first mobile phone so that I could learn about social media which I know nothing about. Then learned what a sim card was when someone suggested I use public mobile... One thing led to another, that was almost three weeks ago since I made the purchase and I still haven't got the sim card.... Got in touch with the moderators, but this emailing back and forth is very time consuming as well, especially when I have another appointment to rush off to!

Mayor / Maire

@Hsww wrote:

Okay, I get it — extrinsic motivation through financial rewards. The teacher in me is starting to make sense out of all of this, and yes, it still feels like out of elementary school!


So tell me does me clicking the bravo symbol give you extra points/rewards? Or is it just a sign of approval that I got the answer to my question?

Clicking the bravo symbol means you like the post. The more bravos a receiver gets the more likelihood they may receive a community reward at the end of each month.

Not applicable

@Hsww wrote:

Okay, I get it — extrinsic motivation through financial rewards.

Very. Little. Financial reward. For time spent. 🙂

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