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Not able to send pics in text messages

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, ever since I switched to PM I can't send a pic by text message, I can receive them with no problem. I have mobile data on, all the apn settings match what I have found on the forum. I have restarted the phone.....

 Any ideas,?  Please and thank you



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ok so the first field APN 

Only works on my phone if it is all capital letters

Which is good to know for people who are still having this issue!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Why does this work for them but not for me? I use an Andriod

Everytime there is an update my picture messaging craps out and I can no longer send pics so I try this over and over again only got it to work once in the past. It's the most annoying thing ever I need picture messaging for my work.

Is there an uppercase sensitive issue in the input? Am I missing a capital letter or something silly?

I am tired of this issue

Self solution removed, solution reassigned

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That fixed it,  thank you so very much for your input

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, it is a samsung s7. Those are definitely different apn settings then Iv'e seen before, I will try them

hi @rat772 

what phone do you have?

check if you have these APN settings 

MMSC proxy:
MMS port: 8799
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
APN Type: default,supl,mms

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried that with no luck..

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I use the original texting app. Internet and calls, regular texting and everything works, I can even send pics in messenger

Mayor / Maire

@rat772 wrote:

Hi, ever since I switched to PM I can't send a pic by text message, I can receive them with no problem. I have mobile data on, all the apn settings match what I have found on the forum. I have restarted the phone.....

 Any ideas,?  Please and thank you


Hey @rat772 

Something that worked for a buddy of mine was to go into his network settings, turn off automatic and pick Public Mobile and then rebooted. Not sure why but it worked.

Mayor / Maire

Do you use Native texting app or 3rd party app? How about other services? Calls, Internet?
Correct, you have to have Data on in order for MMS to go in/out.

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