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No response to ticket for porting

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It’s been over a week now with two tickets created about porting my number but still nothing. How to fix this and contact someone?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@J_PM I can assure you it is not I have two outstanding tickets currently with 0 response. Trying to port over. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@musker13 I am in the exact same boat post paid Koodo customer trying to port over. Sent multiple tickets have not received a response in over a week. 

@J_PM- The broken record is still skipping...please inform the community yourself rather than second-hand means long after the fact when you have identified that there is a problem so that we can help and direct your customers so that they don't become irate when there is no response and they decide for themselves to leave the service. Unless that's the intent of your bosses.

Mayor / Maire

Common mistake with new members not replying to the text?

Ticketing issue has been resolved! 



Unfortunately, the ticketing system is not working properly recently.  You will need to directly private message customer service agent. 

Are you porting into Public mobile? Or out to another company?  More details would help guide our advice. 


@musker13   if you can make outgoing calls but just problem with incoming, it is an quick and easy fix, there is a number to call to get things sorted out.  I will message the number to your community inbox


but if you cannot even make outgoing calls, it is a sim card provisioning issue, you will have to open ticket with support using direct message today:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there




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