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New subscription, phone not working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello Public mobile,

I changed the phone plan on my phone.   Since doing it two days ago, I cannot phone out with it.  When trying to phone, it gives the message "the phone is not activated on the network"

Can someone please give me an idea of what is wrong or how can Public Mobile fix it?






Did you check My Account and confirm if it showing the new plan yet?  Please login My Account again using Incognito mode and check what is the plan details showing.  Also, check Payment History log to confirm if PM took the correct plan amount:

Next, try to reboot your phone first.  The click Reset all networks and see if it helps.  Please note this will also delete your saved Wifi and Bluetooth connection.  But you can easily add them back.

If that does not help, please open ticket with PM support:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Mayor / Maire

@DJohnson9797  First try rebooting the phone see if that helps if not please message support to get fixed on there end 

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