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New reward program

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi! Just wondering what is the benefit of the new program and what is the disadvantage of it??  I don't have lots of points.  I care about the referral rewards that I have (which is no change) but what about the future referral??  Yearly and  royalty reward?? Thank you Fam


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Good for you

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

PC Mobile has a good $29. Plan with 5G and 24GB...far more data than I need.  I'll save $10. a month and yes,  get PC optimum points...10%. Sounds good !

I am disappointed that PM didn't" Grandfather" their loyal clients. I spoke highly of their rates and credits but I'm no longer loyal to a company that doesn't value my business and loyalty.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Come on guys!! I said "If" the other carriers recognized the benefit of the old reward!!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

royalty vs loyalty. Huge difference when reading what you wrote.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@captaincool Show me a carrier that has cheap plans and a points/rewards system?  The only carrier to my knowledge that has form of benefit is Virgin with their discounts at select retailers and Cineplex.  Aside from that, nobody else offers anything in terms of kickbacks/rewards.

Is that an opportunity to steal some of PM's customers, perhaps, but if ppl switch due to that, then it tells you what and why they were with PM in the first place.

I joined PM 2-3 weeks ago for the $34 5G 50GB CAN/US plan, not because of the points program.  As long as PM doesn't bait and switch my plan, idc what they do as the value is still there.  If PM messes around with the plans, then that's when a lot of ppl including myself will leave.  The way I see it is that the points program is just a bonus and I understand that it can be changed or cancelled at any time.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Great point! I agreed as well.  My intensions is not leaving.  I just pointed it out that change the plan and the reward program within 6 months is risky.  During the increase of $$ for every plans is from all carriers.  Cost more $$ but gain lots of data are not benefits for everyone.  One of the reasons PM may gained lots new subscribers is because of the reward program.  I have referred 6 new subscribers in 2 months.  All of them don't need lots of data but would like to have an affordable price.  The reward program allow them to reduct the cost a bit.  Don't forget the market shares reflect the size of the company and it stock price.  Stock price is where they make money 🤑

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thank you for understanding my points.  More data is useless to lots of us.  $50 for 50G?? Great but lots of us wouldn't need that much unless you are on the road, play games or watching YouTube.  All carriers are using the same strategy of increasing price and giving lots of data.  It is a marketing scam

you are so true @kcorscadden 

Sadly , people still think they have the right to keep earning forever but PM has no right to change rewards program

And the US, but your point is valid beyond that.

And yes, some will leave. But they'll be making high revenue from those that stay and still see the value in the service. Keep in mind new customers have been on the new points system for over 2 years already, and they don't seem to have issues acquiring customers.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Market shares is the point here as well.  What PM may lose is other Gain in market shares.  Also, all plans from other carriers are comparative.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hTideGnow 100% bang on

People are being emotionally irrational when it comes to these changes.  The ppl who are threatening to leave PM are showing their true intentions of why they were with PM in the first place.  Basically ppl are saying "we are only here because of the cash back/points we got with PM, not because of the price and value of the plans PM offers"

Points programs change all the time.  How many times has PC Optimum, Tim Hortons, McDonald's, Subway, Canadian Tire, etc changed over the years?  PM's legacy program had a good run, but like all points programs, PM deemed it was time for a change.  Is it right, is it wrong, that's up for debate, but for ppl to leave over it seems foolish when the value of the plans is still there.  And it's not like you're not getting points for staying with PM, you just don't get as much.  Show me a carrier that offers points like PM does?

Ppl need to stop reacting emotionally to this announcement.  I understand that ppl are pissed off about it, but still.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My point is if other carriers offer the same old program.  By then there will be a risk of some Royalty customers left with their Referral.  Beside, PM is only offer service in Canada.  Lots of PM customers find it is inconvenient when traveling.

We are 'Royal'? You mean Loyal?

Every company will have their own customers no matter what. Same as bunch of people buy Ford, Hyundai and not Hondas and Toyotas.

Even if PM gets rid of points and leave prices as bare prices with no perks, a lot of people will stay with PM. Telus is a big company with good network and not many would like to switch mom-and-pop company with lousy coverage where you have to hang on your toes while doing a split to get 1 bar signal which might get your call through or not...

HI @DennyCrane 

you are correct.  Prices are similar across carriers, but PM offers 5% off.  It is true the service (customer support) might not be as good, but this is a tradeoff, or that is why PM still offers rewards while no other carrier offering that


Why? Because plan prices have dropped significantly, and these legacy discounts stacked on top of that make it an unsustainable business model. It's definitely disappointing, but no other carrier offered anything even remotely compatible for a loyalty program, so I'm not sure where you plan to go instead.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I understand that ppl are ticked off about the changes, but if the only reason you're here is because of the loyalty points that you received, then you're here for the wrong reasons.

Even with the changes, PM still has it's place in the market.  Where else are you going to find a 5G CAN/US 50 to 75GB for under $40?  Maybe Fizz?  My point is that there all the bigger named carriers are going to charge you a lot more than what PM is all for the same service. 

So go ahead and switch and pay more money for the same service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree no benefits for customers at all. Cost you alot more per year thats all. PM is banking on people forgetting this change and eventual get new customers. Its telus though so its expected lol..


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

hey need to make a fair points system like old reward system for referals and loyalty and even autopay.

They would keep all there customers happy and keep getting new. Kicking everyone off there old system and using the new crappy points system i understand why people will leave. Throwing worthless data at people wont do much.

HI @captaincool 

it is true some will leave, but you forgot that many already on Public Points.  Those joined since 2022 are all on points rewards, and the sad fact is PM in fact has quite a number of new subscription in the last little while.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This new reward program is risky for PM.  Why??  The most attractive for using PM is the Royalty program and "Referral".  If other service providers take advantage by offering the same old program from PM, I can guarantee All the Royalty customers will switch.  Why?? Because we are Royal and have so much Referral.  Our bottom line is we want credit for our Royalty.  Whoever recognized the value of our royalty and referral, we will use their services.  Simple as that.  I hope PM marketing department will see these points.

HI @captaincool 

you have a $20 plan?  you are in Quebec?

for the issue couple months ago, unless you mistakenly changed to rewards to Public Points, there is no reason  that 'wipe out my royalty bonus and pre-authorized bonus. " , you should open ticket with PM support.  If you made a plan change using Change Now back then, the loyalty and pre-author rewards are not "wiped out" , they should have credttied back to your My Account couple days after the immediate plan  change request.  Again, those you can get back.  Please ask agent

But for upcoming rewards system change, nothing we can do.  Some people try to make formal complain, but they won't success as that is not a plan price increase, it is within PM right to do

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

That is terrible.  Few months ago, PM change the plans system which I have to upgrade from $20 plan to $25 plan which wipe out my royalty bonus and pre-authorized bonus.  Now with this reward change, I will lose my $$ bonus directly.  The main reason PM is different with the other providers are the royalty bonus (which is great strategy) and the pre-authorized.  If both are reduced, Why PM since it is not able to use outside of Canada.  

Mayor / Maire

I guess the biggest disadvantage for most people is the fact that you will be losing a minimum of $7.00 each month.

Having to redeem the 15 points  manually can be a disadvantage or advantage based on how you look at it - some might want it to accumulate to as much as possible- while some might want it adjusted as soon as it hits the minimum requirement. 

Most of life's changes do have its negatives and positives. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@captaincool - There is no advantages other than that you can buy add-ons with the points system.

1 point for each referral.

10 points every year you stay with Public Mobile (Doesn't go up every year.)

No more Loyalty.

5% back on every $1 you spend on your plan or an add-on.

There are a lot of disadvantages with Public Points but the PM heads think it is better for you.

Mayor / Maire

@captaincool  There’s no benefit for the customer , just gonna cost you $50 more a year . So you will get 10 points yearly and 5% back in points for plan spend . And once you have 15 points you have to redeem it for $15 off your bill for an added step . This is terrible news for the customer thumbs down 👎 

Mayor / Maire

HI @captaincool 

honest, all these rewards system change won't have benefits to customers

for disadvantages, mainly you loss $2 autopay and $5 loyalty.  Only good thing is you still get 5% back in points, ok if you have a plan that is $40 or more.  And you will get just 10 points for anniversary rewards

But your friend rewards will be the same, except it will be in points

also, you need to wait till you collect 15 points , then you can redeem for $15 bill credit

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