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My data is not working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just purchased the plan with 1 GB of data per month, before I was using free addons and it was working butnow I don't see the LTE when I turn it on. Tried turning data off and on, restarted my phone nothing changes.  It shows up on my acct as activated so I'm not sure what the problem is I recently moved cities not sure if that affects anything I feel like it shouldn't please help. What should I do?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you guys I got it working! My issue was sending/receiving pics.  I tried turning airplane mode on and off and once the wifi was off the LTE showed up again I was able to use it.  Thanks again for the quick replies 🙂

Mayor / Maire

Did you use all the data already? Did you switch plans or just start as a newbie here? Follow @hairbag1 suggestion and check your account to see if you still have data. If you DO have 1GB of data and it isn't working, open your network settings, remove automatic and pick Public Mobile and then reboot.

Mayor / Maire


usually, your regular plan data gets used before any free data gets used. Check to see if you actually haven't used all your data until next renewal.



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