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Long distance to call my number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just signed up with public mobile last night and now when my family tries to call me from a landline they are being told it’s a long distance call. How do I fix that?  They live in the same city so long distance shouldn’t be a thing. 


@Anonymous wrote:

 @CountyDownIeUk : As another user coined the term "laundry list", I use kitchen sink. I think slamming down a mile of text with a million options quite entirely disrespects those customers by overwhelming them with TMI.

But hey...they laugh when they get the solution amongst that laundry list. Oh well. That user has it figured out. Give every possible suggestion and obviously one of them will be the one showing that the rest of the laundry list was irrelevant.

Most of the regulars here seem to prefer to try to narrow down exactly where the problem is. Not this user. I think that's due to not actually understanding and not wanting to engage in discussion and back and forth due to not understanding. So they see a few keywords in the subject line or one or two parts of the OP and slam down the laundry list hoping that one piece will be the answer. And they get the solution because how could they not.

Correct....exactly......we are saying the same but using different and understandable words......perhaps from different parts of Canada........or from different age groups.....I understand most, due to age........but younger and new comers might not, but need to get acclimatized to “laundry list”, “kitchen sink”, “copy and paste replies” and “Heinz 57”. To fight “tooth and nail” for everything to survive and to have no team work skills here tells me something. We all should try to answer the question or pull for more information to provide a simple resolution. 

Not applicable

 @CountyDownIeUk : As another user coined the term "laundry list", I use kitchen sink. I think slamming down a mile of text with a million options quite entirely disrespects those customers by overwhelming them with TMI.

But hey...they laugh when they get the solution amongst that laundry list. Oh well. That user has it figured out. Give every possible suggestion and obviously one of them will be the one showing that the rest of the laundry list was irrelevant.

Most of the regulars here seem to prefer to try to narrow down exactly where the problem is. Not this user. I think that's due to not actually understanding and not wanting to engage in discussion and back and forth due to not understanding. So they see a few keywords in the subject line or one or two parts of the OP and slam down the laundry list hoping that one piece will be the answer. And they get the solution because how could they not.

@Anonymous wrote:

 @Anonymous : No you don't have to do anything. I don't report you. You seem to get take great pleasure in wasting the CSA's and Jade's time with your constant complaining and reporting.

I don't need to use Google Translate with the nonsense you write. I have the ability to interpret what you write. You constantly don't seem to interpret what others write as you just showed again. That's why the suggestion to use Google Translate.

Just because you tell me to stop calling out your posts does not mean I have to obey. I'm looking out for the customer. Not you. We all want correct relevant information being provided here. You demonstrate all the time that you're not interested in that goal. Or simply that you don't understand what's being asked by the customer.

Exactly, in general, I always think of the new customers or the ones that have difficulty understanding a response that:

does not relate to the issue 

is overly informative with irrelevant information 

is suggesting  to provide too much personal information at first point of contact

is generally incoherent and difficult to understand  

is continually re edited 

Would deflate some from even trying to fix and may drive them away from PM all together. 

Not applicable

 @Anonymous : No you don't have to do anything. I don't report you. You seem to get take great pleasure in wasting the CSA's and Jade's time with your constant complaining and reporting.

I don't need to use Google Translate with the nonsense you write. I have the ability to interpret what you write. You constantly don't seem to interpret what others write as you just showed again. That's why the suggestion to use Google Translate.

Just because you tell me to stop calling out your posts does not mean I have to obey. I'm looking out for the customer. Not you. We all want correct relevant information being provided here. You demonstrate all the time that you're not interested in that goal. Or simply that you don't understand what's being asked by the customer.

In general I don’t think there is any translation service that could reasonably clarify some posts to make sense.....that is...if the post was actually answering the issue at hand.  

Not applicable


my issue to answer to you but i don't have to answer to you anyomore but my issue i do respcting everyone and i'm wrong to answer to you i have to ignore you all time but i do respcting to answer you but as i say yo you before you never will be change your style and you are not respecting me so why you always coming to me just ignore my post or you like to be reporting all time i don't know what is your issue.. you always coming to me but just stop what you do... and no more answer to you anything i will seeing from you i will do reporting and the team is watching you then stop what you do to me...


if you don't understand do Google Translate...


@Nezgar wrote:

@charenac When you signed up, maybe you chose a number from a different city that is a long distance call for your family.


Check which city your number is from using this site and choose your area code from the links beside the map:


If your number is from the wrong city, you can easily change your number in self serve portal.


If you feel like sharing which city and area code + prefix of yours and someone who's trying to call you maybe we can help you find the right city to choose.

@charenac  This is your best direction of help. 

@Triguy wrote:

Most cities now require 10 digit dialing 1 + area for local calls.

Please advise.....what cities?

Not applicable

 @Anonymous : I explained it in my post to you. Google Translate.

Not applicable


i don't know what the issue i did and @Nezgar why questioning me if you did earlier post.

Not applicable

 @Anonymous : The first part of your post was mostly fine. The second part with the dialing out info is irrelevant to the OP at this point. That is what Nezgar was questioning.


@charenac did you port your old number into PM or got new?


if porting, it might take 1 to 3 days for all providers to recognize you changed provider and route the calls properly, especially from incoming calls from smaller providers.   


if you picked new number, what are the area code and first 3 digits for BOTH your new cell number and the landline? maybe we can look up to see if you picked a wrong city and really long distance charge applied

@Anonymous  It sounds like you are only repeating the theories/recommendations I already made in an earlier post in this thread.


Not applicable


i agree with you but OP need to try to change number and area code to them found out which number is good with it them... and OP no needed to buy it a Long distance from landline line.

the issue with public mobile number.

@Anonymous Numbers from the same area code can be long distance too. Ie it's traditionally long distance to call between Vancouver & Abbotsford BC in area code 604, or Moose Jaw and Regina, Saskatchewan with area code 306..

Not applicable

@Nezgar wrote:

@Anonymous the issue is with others using their landline to call OP's Public Mobile line. Sure they can add 1, but the question implies those callers have a plan that doesn't include long distance calling.


OP say  just signed up with public mobile last night,, then maybe the OP has getting new number from public mobile and the landline doesn't include long distance calling or the new number got it with different area code and then need to change number and city area code them getting right.

@Anonymous the issue is with others using their landline to call OP's Public Mobile line. Sure they can add 1, but the question implies those callers have a plan that doesn't include long distance calling.

Not applicable


do you getting new number or you did transfer your old number to public mobile,

if you getting new number then you need to change your number and choose your city,


or let them to try To get the obvious out of the used ( +1 or 1 ) in front of the any area code,

for Example long distance in canada or from USA,, Add (+1 or 1 ) in front of the any area code,
both is will going through your call.

Not applicable

 @charenac : Did you activate yourself online? Or in a store? Did you transfer a number in from another provider? Or pick a new number?

Cell numbers still follow the old traditional landline type "long-distance" areas. Across a large city or regional area could be long distance.

Some people want to have a certain area code. Maybe one of the long-standing ones of the province. But maybe the only numbers available are from way over there somewhere which would be long distance for some callers.

Maybe tell those trying to call you to get Canada-wide calling 🙂

Mayor / Maire

@charenac When you signed up, maybe you chose a number from a different city that is a long distance call for your family.


Check which city your number is from using this site and choose your area code from the links beside the map:


If your number is from the wrong city, you can easily change your number in self serve portal.


If you feel like sharing which city and area code + prefix of yours and someone who's trying to call you maybe we can help you find the right city to choose.

Mayor / Maire

Most cities now require 10 digit dialing 1 + area for local calls.

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