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I was just curious, difference between Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 Services

Mayor / Maire

Just curious, Though, with PM having 5G, Really hoping PM might eventually offer Tier 2-Like Services at some point


I really think PM should replace Koodo as the Gold Standard


Or, Telus being the place to Buy Phones


Koodo being the Postpaid Tier 1


PM Being the Prepaid Tier 2


Just curious, How PM is set up currently, Could a Postpaid Model truly Function and thrive if using the PM Model?


Should have said: More for the price of Less


To me very little has changed with this service.  Community and online platform enhancements don't count for anything.  The increase in data bucket size merely reflects the commoditization of data.  Recall home internet once had usage limits and overage charges?  I remember Bell charging $1/GB in overage fees.  These days my home network burns through several GB a minute.  This brand will be forever budget service as reflected in the support model which minimizes staffing levels.  Having physical stores incur massive costs that eventually the customers pay for.  If I was a Telus decision maker, I would like to see less physical stores and an even stronger online presence.  

@makkahn28 wrote:

Well, Call Centers are more like Talking to a Telecom Doctor, Just that PPL don't know the prognosis as well, and sometimes don't know that Talking to a Telecom Doctor to fix one's service is Not the Same as talking to a Doctor to fix one's ailment


Just saying, PM's current Model is Great, But needs More Boost

Here's PM's motto....


@makkahn28  Mostly for those then that have trouble describing issue as you mentioned . I’ve seen many folks come here and ask I got a new phone what do I need to do to make it work . Unaware that they just need to swap SIM card from old phone to new phone . Just because that’s obvious to us it’s not to all especially if all their past experiences with cell phones and plans was done in house for them at Telus Koodo virgin . And at one time even public mobile could be hooked up for you at Walmart and many of those folks have never set up a my account . Just used phone u til a problem arose like needing to update credit card . 

@Handy1 , @hTideGnow , Call Centers should an Option for those who either have Eye sight issues, Or, for those who have issue describing the Issue via Text Very Least


If Most PPL are able to, then What need for a Call Center

HI @Handy1 

actually many carriers have community, Koodo, Telus, Rogers, Fido, Bell, they all do

but yes, it woiuld be bye bye Community rewards  🙂

@hTideGnow  But then bye bye community if they ever do 

HI @makkahn28  

this is an interesting one.  With the aggressive plan price and push to 5G, maybe PM  will become a full service provider like Koodo , yes, they just need a call centre 🙂

Well, Call Centers are more like Talking to a Telecom Doctor, Just that PPL don't know the prognosis as well, and sometimes don't know that Talking to a Telecom Doctor to fix one's service is Not the Same as talking to a Doctor to fix one's ailment


Just saying, PM's current Model is Great, But needs More Boost

@softech , That was what I was referring to


When PM made the US Roam as Add-On, I thought that model was perfect


Even if PM remained BYOD, Community-Based and Digital-Only, If they made all those things, All Roaming in Most Countries as Add-Ons Only, Wi-Fi Calls as Add-Ons Only, Video Calling as Add-Ons Only, Visual Voicemail as Add-Ons Only, Call Control/Call Display, More Countries added to the L-D List Part of a New and Improved PM, I'd be happy to say, Welcome to the New Public Order LOL


But, Really hoping PM will take the Leap of Faith

@makkahn28  Of course I always love to see more features . But they don’t even need to do that . That got me signed up the way things are now 🙂

@makkahn28  Your 100 % correct . And of course if some one was blind having call centre would  be beneficial to them also . But as you see here when folks find them selves in the deep waters here they get angry there no one to call to help sort out what they don’t understand here . So call centre certainly serves a purpose for some . And not realize they signed up for a fully online support cell plan carrier . They  just assume there must be and sign up I think 

@Handy1 , If PM remained a BYOD, as well as an Online Only, Community-Based Telecom, would it be fair to say, that If they could Offer All Roaming in Most Countries as Add-Ons Only, Wi-Fi Calls as Add-Ons Only, Video Calling as Add-Ons Only, Visual Voicemail as Add-Ons Only, Competitive Pricing, and was a potential reality, would that be something that you would love to see?


I for one would

@makkahn28  with Koodo still have all the added value features like Call Control/Call Display+/Wifi Calling/Full Roaming support/Phone Tab, I doubt itwould go down to Silver with Chatr and Lucky.  

I am more interested to find out if those features will be coming here as add-on and make PM a true Tier 2.5 provider


@Handy1 , these days, what would a Call Center offer?


Not much, except for easier way to communicate the issue if One has issue describing the issue via text

@makkahn28  Typically I think your right about get what you pay for . But in the cell phone plans arena I don’t think it’s always the case . For example Telus and bell offer some of the very best plans to select folks who bounce around with bring your own device win back plans . That no other tier 2  tier 3 can match . But are more expensive with in market plans of course . That said with all calling and texting be ing national now . It’s about time everyone in Canada should get the same sweet deals . But that will never likely happened unfortunately 

@softech , what would that New Branding possibly be?


If the Old PM is retired and a Newer, Younger, Hip-hop, More Robust and resilient PM becomes the Newer Standard, How would that play out?

@computergeek541 , at the time, some ppl thought 5G was Also unlikely


If the Increase was Mild, But led to better service, I'd be willing to do so


As they always say, ppl get what they pay for, so if it's cheap, the service would be cheap


I'd rather have dependable and Exceptional Golden Service


Here's how I seee it


Platinum Would be Telus, Bell, Rogers, Videotron


Gold Should be PM, VM, Fido, Freedom Mobile


Silver Must be Koodo, Chatr, Lucky, Fizz


Bronze Sugar Mobile, Ice Mobile



with PM being the one out the 5G gate before Koodo, the tier definition is not as clear as before, I guess.  Look like PM is trying to position itself as the front runner of Tier 3 , or making itself a new Teir 2.5 position.  Or maybe all those rumours about PM is going away is true, except that the old Tier 3 PM is going away and a new branding for PM is in  🙂

Mayor / Maire

@makkahn28  Telus tier 1 Koodo tier 2 PM tier 3 

don’t know of tier 4 . But honestly I think PM is like tier 2 in my mind now and Koodo tier 3 . pM has app and 5G service . Only thing Koodo has over PM is customer service even then you have to now wait for them to call you back .my .02 cents 

I see that as highly unlikely. Being the "gold standard" would end up increasing operating costs and plan prices.

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