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Garbage! Nothing workst

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Transferred over and nothing works,. Downloaded eSIM and it said everything was fine but nothing is working.. worst garbage I have ever seen.. support through a forum? Terrible. 

regret moving to public mobile…  I try scanning the QR code for the sim again and time outs… beyond frustrated and can’t believe this is the only type of support


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I prefer to have a new phone number. 🙂

HI @DanielDay44 you can also ask Lucky to port your PM number over and your account will be closed after the port is completed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I requested cancellation effective November 30th, I am moving to Lucky Mobile. They sell SIM cards for $4 in Dollarama, but if you buy in Dollarama, you get $20 credit to your account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

SAME but I don't even have a QR code.


@Chalupa_Batman , if @Peter1919 can send & receive text, use data & make outgoing calls but not receive incoming calls it is not the eSIM! Otherwise none would work at all! Not being able to receive incoming calls usually means stuck port!

If the eSIM just wasn’t turned on in settings none of that would work. Otherwise I would suggest the below which isn’t necessary due to the only thing that doesn’t work is incoming calls! Unless the phone needs network reset then rebooted!

Reboot your phone.

In cellular settings make sure that “Turn On This Line “ (for iPhone ) is selected. (I am not positive where the setting is on a different phone to turn it on, possibly ‘Turn on your eSIM under Mobile Network’), reboot your phone. (You may need to reset network settings then reboot)

Again, those instructions are only if line isn’t turned on!

Edit! It still sounds like a stuck port to me!

HI @Peter1919 

you took previous provider out and PM sim connects, but PM sim will connect even the port is not completed.  Even port is not done, the sim will connect to PM network and can make outbound calls and just unable to receive inbounds

best call the number I sent you to check to confirm.   

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The port definitely went through since I took my previous provider SIM card out and if I go to settings and check all the cell info it clearly shows public mobile..

HI @Peter1919 

you sure the port went through?  no inbound calls usually means porting was not done

Try reboot phone once and testing inbound calls.  If same,  check with PM porting support team and confirm.   I will send you the number to PM Porting support team  Please check your community inbox

I am not a fan of eSIM or know much about them, sorry. But you could reach out to a CS Agent and ask them to reset your network or even help you further. Here's a link to reach them.

Keep an eye on the top right corner mail for their response.

Edit: From my understanding, @LitlLdy understands eSIM's better than me, maybe she could throw in an idea or two why calls aren't coming through?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

the port went through.. I took out the old SIM card and I’m on a eSIM… now I can send and receive txts, go on the internet, make calls, but can’t receive calls.. I don’t have do not disturb on or anything like that either

So everything is now working? 

Just wondering, if you put your old SIM card from the other provider, does it still show service? Are you able to make calls still on the old SIM card?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • All providers were offering the same price on bf..


Finally hours after trying to get it to work the phone to work it Now can send and receive txts but if I call the number it goes straight to voicemail… the phone clearly shows it’s with public mobile when in the settings tab 

Mayor / Maire

Well @Peter1919 this is why the plans are so cheap. Have you tried to use a physical SIM card? If you ported your number over to PM, are you sure the port went through? Do you still have activity on your previous carrier? Fill us in and may be we can help get this fixed for you.

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