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VoLTE phones

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi. I just bought a PM sim card and now am trying to figure out if it is garbage! I see that if travelling in the US or Mexico, I have to have a V0LTE capable phone, but the list that I have found of V0LTE phones that Public Mobile seems to support is very small. Is this really the case? Are there NO others? I do need a new phone but it seems that the Samsung phones that PM supports are very few and none that have the other attributes in a phone that I want such as long battery life and a fairly recent model. The few S and a models that seem to be supported were all released in 2022. One of my requirements is that my phone be eligible for upgrades for several years to come and the older the phone.... Thanks.



VoLTE was introduced to Public mobile customers in 2022.  That is many android phone compatible with PM VoLTE are post 2022.  There are other phone models that are VoLTE compatible with PM that are not on the list.  

Here is some additional information VoLTE:

The 2nd article is new and will affect certain customers with non VoLTE listed phones.  

The 3G network will be shutting down across Canada relatively soon. Rogers is listed end of July.  Bell and Telus no official date yet, so eventually customers may need to upgrade their phones. 

@Alice777   The assumption usually is that if you have a more recent version of a phone model on PM's whitelist then it should work.  For some reason they don't keep updating it.  Just don't go with something older than what's on the list.  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


What model is your phone?

The PM Volte whitelist only contains phones that have been certified. The list may not be may not be exhaustive of all phones that may work on the network.

For example, people with a Xiaomi or Redmi phones have reportedly gotten their phones to work once they enabled Volte. In some cases, they just had to go into their settings to enable. In other cases, they had to input a USSD key code in their phone dial pad. 

I suggest that you Google "[your phone model] enable Volte" to find out whether or not it is possible to enable Volte on your phone and the test it on the PM network. Good luck.

Mayor / Maire


Just wondering what is the phone you currently have?

It was reported by a member that the phone he has isn’t on the whitelist but it worked.

Mayor / Maire


you will need a VoLTE enabled cell that is on the Public Mobile whitelist, if you need a cell for talk in USA...(data and sms continue to work as expected). You cell will still work in Mexico without VoLTE. There's been no "official" follow-up to address confusion over which cells will work.

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