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Data usage - txts 75 / 95 / 100 at 2:55AM/3:27AM/3:38AM. Usage on public mobile shows 120MB at 3:38

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My 12GB of data is used up - reup is April 7.  I received txts at 2:55AM/3:27AM/3:38AM showing 75/95/100% used.  

The public mobile usage from the add-ons shows 120MB used at 3:38am, the rest of the entries on previous days show a few MB here and there.  

I tried to download the filtered data but the download button didn't seem to work.  Unfortunately my iphone statistics thing wasn't reset in the last couple years so that isn't useful.

I am generally on wifi and the phone was on wifi but plugged into my laptop at the time this happen - i was pulling pictures off the phone via usb and had left it connected.

Thoughts?  I checked icloud - it hasn't backed up.  Been a long time since I've blown through my data usage.



@crustacean wrote:

I did incognito it shows the 12GB used and 0 MB left.  I am on a plan from 4+ years ago 12GB for 3 months with the discounts it is $31 / month after tax.


The data tracker is usually accurate.  

Your grandfathered plan is not that competitive these days.  You may want to look at your account and see whether some of the newer plans meets your needs better.  If you need data right away, you can consider doing a plan change immediately.  Note: PM will not pro-rate your plans.  You will lose whatever is remaining in your present plan. 

@crustacean   You might want to look at the $102 90 day plan for 150GB, but make sure to set it to change on renewal and not change immediately.  As far as the data usage is concerned, if it seems accurate based on the account is it possible you have Wifi Assist turned on?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I did incognito it shows the 12GB used and 0 MB left.  I am on a plan from 4+ years ago 12GB for 3 months with the discounts it is $31 / month after tax.




Sometimes Public mobile does send erroneous text warning. 

What does your self service account show?  Is your 12 GB data all used up?  Sometimes it will showed cached information.  So you can try to login with a different web browser, clear cache or incognito mode.  

BTW, which plan are you on?  Some of the newer plans are similar priced with bigger data allotment. 

Mayor / Maire


best is to log in to your account on a laptop but use incognito mode. Check to see current status of regular plan data.

Mayor / Maire

Hey @crustacean 

If you see stuff "downloaded" while you're sleeping, don't worry too much about it. Public Mobile updates twice a day and usually after midnight. Weird system but that's how they do it.

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