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Cant pay amount

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have enough $$$ on my account but my account is still suspended? When i go to add money and select amount owing it says i have enough to pay for my bill but why wont it pay for the balance?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Hey sorry for theate reply it ended up workin about 30 misnd after thank you for the helpfull information.

Mayor / Maire

@spetz wrote:

I have enough $$$ on my account but my account is still suspended? When i go to add money and select amount owing it says i have enough to pay for my bill but why wont it pay for the balance?

Is there an activate button available for you to click?

Mayor / Maire

@spetz wrote:

I have enough $$$ on my account but my account is still suspended? When i go to add money and select amount owing it says i have enough to pay for my bill but why wont it pay for the balance?

@spetz  If none of the above suggestions work then you need to contact the Public Mobile Moderator team for a resolution. To contact Public Mobile click here. The link sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Moderator Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am(Eastern) to 12 am (Eastern) and Saturday, and Sunday from 8 am(Eastern) to 10 pm (Eastern).


If your phone is not working, you could also try the lost/stolen phone trick.  This seems to reset your SIM/plan.  It does no harm to your plan or phone.  


To report your phone  lost/stolen.  Login to your account.  Choose Plans and Add-ons tab. Then choose Lost/Stolen Phone tab.  The choose Suspend Service tab.  Logout.  Wait few minutes.  Login in and report your phone found.

Mayor / Maire

@spetzIs it your renewal date today or tomorrow? It's normal for accounts to say either Suspended or Expired around renewal day, as long as your phone keeps working. It should process payment in the next few hours and your account should say active by tomorrow.


@spetz wrote:

I have enough $$$ on my account but my account is still suspended? When i go to add money and select amount owing it says i have enough to pay for my bill but why wont it pay for the balance?

You can try to put 1$ more in your acccount. Sometimes it help. Can you see the GOOD plan you choose?

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