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Can’t send SMS messages with iPhone 12

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi all,

Would someone be able to help me out with this issue? I can’t seem to send SMS messages to anyone and they never get received. I have an iPhone 12 which I switched to last Fall and outgoing SMS messages worked until I took out my SIM and used it in a 4G module for a project and then it stopped working. I’ve sucked it up since most the people I know own an iPhone so iMessage is an easy alternative but I do need to be able to send SMS from time to time. I can receive SMS messages but cannot send them. Would appreciate any help or tips. @Mod 



The green means it was as SMS and not iMessage


Since it is the same conversation, I assume it is the same person you tried to send as those successful Blue messages? 

if you press and hold on the green message, what options do you have other than "Send as Text Message" ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes sir it still won’t send

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Unfortunately, that did not work. Thanks for the tip

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I gave that a try. Issue is the green bar at the top of the message never sends the text and then sends me a notification that it failed to send. When I try to resend it still does not work.



Other things to try:

Network reset of phone (this will erase any saved Wifi passwords)

Logout of iMessage and the login again. 

Mayor / Maire

@shuaib2s  In Settings -> Messages -> Send and Receive, is your phone number checked?

Mayor / Maire

hi @shuaib2s 

did you enable to send as text option on the iMessage menu ??

also when the text is not sent , you can click and hold on that message , a menu will pop up and you just select send as text

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