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Awful support - Cannot receive calls for more than 7 days now - support request (#5191 -5299)

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've ported my phone from Fido to public mobile on the 25th of November and since I am not able to get calls. I can make calls and send text messages I have access to data. My old phone number is still active wit Fido. I tried contacting the support team and never heard back from them.


The support for Public mobile is unexistant.


I even tried contacting a moderator directly with no reply.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@oilblue99 In my case, I had full service working for 2 months with no issues and my calling/receiving service stopped working all of the sudden last Sunday...

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@simosman Glad to hear it worked!


For the future port request, correct data entry cannot be overstated--in particular, do Account # only (skip PIN and IMEI; getting just one wrong throws the port into rejected...).


See here for some tips:


See here for some "just in case" options as well:


Hope that helps!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@stonechucker wrote:

@simosman 15 minutes is not bad, a cellular port averages 2 hours, so it could complete within a couple hours without problem.


if you followed the directions that many users follow, it is hassle free.


the majority of users will have no problems.  Fingers crossed.

Ah, I did not know porting takes a few hours.


Appreciate it, SC, you were right. Decided to wait out the evening and behold, service was fully restored about 30min-1hr later. All is working great at the moment. I freaked out over the idea of losing service for days, I hope those who are actually are experiencing it right now get it taken care of swiftly. I still have another port to do in a weeks time.



Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Resubmitting the port request yourself...not sure that's a good suggestion. It might mess things up for the Mods too. I recall reading a post from a Mod where the port-out company was blocking the port request because there was more than one request in the queue... The user had to contact their old provider (the port out company), and a number of messages back and forth with Mods.


That's just me guessing and connecting some dots. A resubmit might not be a problem...and with current wait times, it's tempting.


Community members with more experience care to weigh in? Thanks.


Deleted as @oilblue99 is on top of it. Robot LOL

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@serhiobc @alkatize @Bertz @pancake


Incoming calls is the last item to port... As you likely know--given how long you've been waiting--you're likely stuck in an incomplete port that requires Mod intervention (to resubmit with correct info).


Waiting is frustrating, no doubt. Here's an update from PM from yesterday on the status of clearing the backlog.


A couple suggestions in the meantime:

  • Maybe, just maybe this one will work (I don't know if you already have access to Self Serve). It has worked for some and is easy to try.
  • If your earlier private message to a Mod didn't include the required details, send another.
  • If your old SIM still works, use that (and your old plan) so you have service.

Also note there's a chance they'll reset the start date of the plan (imm1304 doesn't work for PM, but has clearly been here a while).


I hope that helps!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@serhiobc wrote:

I've ported my phone from Fido to public mobile on the 25th of November and since I am not able to get calls. I can make calls and send text messages I have access to data. My old phone number is still active wit Fido. I tried contacting the support team and never heard back from them.


The support for Public mobile is unexistant.


I even tried contacting a moderator directly with no reply.

Hello Serhiobc;

There is nothing I can say that would make it better of fix you problem but in the mean time what you can do even though PM support is not responding is to verify your account number, Name on Account (ownership of the ported account), the pin on the account and address and call Fido and find out that if Fido infact has received a request for the port. Often time I have found that when any of the former piece of information inaccuracy or omission can cause the cancelled service provider to not release the phone number as they would rather have you stay. If Fido infact verifies that they have received the request than verify this information with them and if inaccurate correct it so they can release the number(Fido Port Centre). If Fido has not received your port request than there is no option but to have someone from PM look into it and that usually takes time.


If you do end up finding out from FIDO that the information received by fido is wrong or not recieved than what I would do is makesure you have the correct info and reinitiate the port and give that a shot if it is possible in the interim. Hope this helps, just to keep things in prespective, I ported 3 numbers with all the information verified double checked and inputed correctly at the peak time of the $40/4GB promo from Wind to PM and all of them went through in less than 30 minutes. Other Carriers some times do take longer and may be backed logged as they have to authorize release of a lot of numbers to PM or similar providers.

Use the old SIMs until they stop; do not cancel your accounts. You may be able to call your Fido number using the active PM SIM to rretireve voicemail.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah i sent a message to mods, all three, and no reply. Been 3 days

@simosman 15 minutes is not bad, a cellular port averages 2 hours, so it could complete within a couple hours without problem.


if you followed the directions that many users follow, it is hassle free.


the majority of users will have no problems.  Fingers crossed.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



I JUST ported from Fido 15 minutes ago and came here because I am having the same problems of no receiving call and no text messages. Are you guys  saying I'm now officially without service for half a month?


Holy hell

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
It's been 13 days for me...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm on the same boat, it's been 6 days for me...really disappointed.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Please take note that at the moment, there's currently a 12 day wait for fixing these kind of issues.

As of Dec 1st, PM was answering customer messages that were submitted on Friday, Nov 19th, 2016. Click here for detail.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I heard it should be working by at least the solstice after next.

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