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As anticipated, complete waste of time and money

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This company is a nightmare. after 3 days of hearing nothing back from the CS_agents, i got a message saying they are closing my ticket, and couldnt do anything to help. Not surprised, just more fuel to the fire to ensure i spread to the word to those i care about ( and those i dont) to not waste their time or money in this company. At least it is consistent, consistently awful. 

best of luck to anyone who uses public mobile, your gonna need it.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There seems to be huge disconnects with getting help at the CSA level. Over the last 4 months I have submitted 3 tickets. They are answered but no resolution and just drift away. I follow up and am asked to re identify my self of which I take as being absurd. I am told it’s escalated and to wait 2 or 3 days, but never hear back. I support PM by bringing in lots of new customers. In the past I have always been taken care of. But this one account with outstanding issues makes me wonder if I have been black listed. Not impressed. 

@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

I have to ask @LitlLdy , do you know if the J PM person got involved?

@Chalupa_Batman , she responded on the other post 4 hours ago to my message but not to anything that @liane_44 said!

I have to ask @LitlLdy , do you know if the J PM person got involved?

Mayor / Maire

@Yummy , @Chalupa_Batman , Op is referring to this post “NIGHTMARE” posted on Thursday of last week! 😞 I even tagged CS_Agent & J_PM & in it on Friday due to 4 messages were sent in 3 days to CS_Agents asking for help by then with no response back from any CS_Agents! 😔 Unfortunately after a huge loss of money no longer a Customer anymore 😞 

Mayor / Maire

@Yummy, @Chalupa_Batman - The customer is gone. We had a long conversation trying to figure things out for them all the while they were waiting for a reply from support. Nothing. I totally can't blame them for moving on. Terrible customer service.
I agree, I also have acceptable service from support. But when there isn't, it's bad. Especially if you're having no service.

Mayor / Maire

I'm in the same boat as @Handy1 . I've been here just under 5 years and never encountered a problem. I did come here to ask a few questions now and then and got the answers I needed. Other than that...  this is pretty much a self service cell provider.  If you received a message saying the case is closed without even a response, don't give up yet. That's one of our biggest issues here. People give up. The point to not giving up is pushing the heads of Public Mobile to stand up and recognize there's a problem dealing with CS Agents. Please request it be escalated to a supervisor. Advise them that you put in a ticket for "issue here" and never heard a response after 3 days and the first response you got was to say they are closing your ticket with even a response to your concerns. Be firm on a supervisor involvement. More supervisor involvement means we get rid of the bad apples in the CS Agent department. 

With that being said...   maybe I missed something previous. What issues were you having?

Mayor / Maire

What kind of issues did you have?
I never had any issues with support nor with Community help. Sometimes it took time to resolve an issue but they WERE always resolved.

Mayor / Maire

@liane_44  I’m truly sorry to hear your having such issues I’ve been with PMsince 2018 and never had any issues . That said I know that doesn’t help you but PM is not for everyone 

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