05-27-2020 07:07 PM - edited 01-05-2022 12:03 PM
Have been having a Hellish 24 hours with Pubic Mobile. As bizarre as this might sound, it seems my phone plan upgraded to a more expensive plan without my touching my account. What makes it even more bizarre, is that I was randomly upgraded to a $35 unlimited texting, calling 3GB 30 day auto-renewal plan, and LOST ACCESS TO TEXTING OR CALLS!
When I tried to log into my account, my password was not recognized. I tried five times to do a password reset and even though it said my password changed, when I tried to log in with the changed password, a message would appear telling me it was the wrong password.
When I try to make a call, I get a message stating my plan does not include voice calls. WTH? I have spent the last 24 hours emailing the Mods, and they have apparently escalated this to tech support. Has anyone experienced this before, and if so, how long did it take to fix?
I have been with PM for over three years and had not had any problems, so this is very concerning. My work depends on me being able to use my phone and text so I can not stay in this state much longer.
Notice the random plan upgrade notification and seconds later, the messages stating my plan does not include text or phone calls,
Solved! Go to Solution.
04-01-2022 04:29 PM
@kidsndog You definitely has some weird stuff happen. Hopefull all sorted.
Just some additional thoughts given that you said; " My work depends on me being able to use my phone and text so I can not stay in this state much longer."
I have given some thought to the issue of service disruptions and have concluded a residential phone service, cellular or landline, alone is not a good solution if you cannot tolerate several days without service. A business voip service seems to offer the best balance of dependability and price BUT I am not an expert just an interested bystander on business service.
Some reading for you:
VOIP: https://top5voipproviders.com/ca/ and https://www.gonevoip.ca/
STILL WANT PM for the price: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Getting-Started/100-SERVICE/m-p/183753#M33693%
05-27-2020 09:40 PM
Much appreciate the help!
05-27-2020 09:40 PM
Thanks so much for sharing the links: I searched the community before posting and did not see these posts.
05-27-2020 09:39 PM
Oh, that is a good idea - thank you, might bloody well have to do that.
05-27-2020 08:48 PM
@kidsndog the only response I can give on this if you are already being helped out is that there was a post yesterday about this exact issue and he was having difficulty resolving it im not sure if alerting @Alan_K helped or not. But @Anonymous tagged them to bring it up to management. So I will do the same.
Sorry I couldnt be more helpful.
05-27-2020 08:25 PM
@kidsndog Has to be a system issue as other customers have reported similar issues. Hang in there the Mods should be able to fix it eventually.
05-27-2020 07:32 PM
A few users have had the same issue as yourself. It is customers who got the "new" $35 plan for 3 GB. Unfortunately, only moderators can fix your issue.
Here is another thread with same problem:
05-27-2020 07:28 PM
@kidsndog wrote:Sorry if I did not make this clear in my post, but I have been emailing back and forth with the Mods for the past 24 hours.
@kidsndog That does seem like a strange situation. I do remember some customers getting a text from PM offering them 3GB data if they wanted to upgrade their plan to $35 and IIRC this was sent out to people mostly on $25, although there were a few users who said they received the offer whilst on $15 plan. Also I believe you had to accept the offer received and the plan would be changed at the next renewal.
Anyway, as you are already working with the moderators to get your lost service back, there's not a lot more we can suggest to help you. But good luck. 😊
05-27-2020 07:22 PM - edited 05-27-2020 07:27 PM
@kidsndog hi I don't think anyone is pranking you that is a strange thing for sure I think you will have to wait for the moderators to fix this for you unfortunately. if you have wifi you can get a temporary number with textnow it may help while you are home
05-27-2020 07:11 PM
Sorry if I did not make this clear in my post, but I have been emailing back and forth with the Mods for the past 24 hours.
05-27-2020 07:09 PM
Top of page is "Get Help"...click to find Chat with Simon to start process of moderator assistance.