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[Solved] Text Message Issues for Recently Ported Numbers

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

[Update as of 9:00AM ET 15/05/2024]: A solution for this issue has been successfully implemented last night. Any customer who experienced issues with their SMS service after transferring their number should now have their service fully restored. 

Please note that moving forward, customers transferring their number from another provider may need to wait up to 1 hour after the transfer for SMS services to be fully initiated.


Hello Community,

We want to address a current issue some of our customers are experiencing. After porting their phone numbers to Public Mobile, a few customers have reported not receiving text messages. We are actively investigating this issue and working to resolve it as quickly as possible.

Immediate Solution:

If you've recently ported your number to us and are facing issues with receiving or sending texts, please contact a Customer Support Agent directly via our chatbot. Our agents are equipped to apply a fix that should resolve the issue promptly.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this. Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to ensure a smooth experience for everyone affected. We will keep you updated on our progress.

- The Public Mobile Team

172 REPLIES 172

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm porting out all 3 lines I ported in to public mobile on the weekend.  What a terrible waste of money and time.  2 of the 3 lines started working properly yesterday, and then this morning, both stopped working on imessage again.  So - that's 3 out of 3 that don't work.

I'm off to Bell - got a sweet deal for $45/m for 100Gb...

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That happened with my daughter’s phone, but she had gotten the eSIM, I told her to just get a physical sim and voila, issue resolved for her. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm already in the process of porting out. Hope PM won't exist 🙂 soon. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Shout out to Carlos in CS who fixed my texting issue. Submitted a ticket and in just under an hour, received an email to reboot the phone.  Everything is working perfectly now. Great job Carlos!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Did you check the settings/addresses under iMessage? I am not sure if you are on an iPhone but you may need to add the number to your Phone setting or disable and re-enable the iMessage app. This could trigger adding the phone number to the iMessage app. You may have to do that for FaceTime, too. 

There is a setting on your AppleID to make sure your phone number is associated with your AppleID. I had to manually do that on a few phones... I ported 4 lines into this mess but they are working properly now.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I asked them something cs agent didn't bother to answer even though they fixed the sms issue. Porting out shortly to a better network with a proper customer service department 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Argh this is so frustrating. I'm about to switch to another network. Never had this problem with anyone else

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

A CS agent said they made a change in their end and asked me to reset mobile network settings and restart my phone. Didn't work - still cannot send or receive texts. I hope that wasn't the only trick they had in their playbook because now what?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a Samsung S9,  i go to general management, reset, reset network settings. I know it makes one nervous doing it. But it worked for me immediately. 

If you have a different device maybe try the following 

so reset your network settings Go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset [Device] > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

I hope this works for you. 

All the best


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

how do you reset network? 

What network to reset?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I reset my network and now am able to send and receive SMS texts

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm still having this issue. Will we be refunded for this.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Need help immediately on messages to receive verification codes. Thanks!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, I am still unable to send and receive text messages

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ported 3 lines Saturday and Sunday.  Today - all 3 lines are suffering the iMessage activation issue.

I've created tickets for support - and crickets.  I get that Customer Support is busy - but if all ported numbers are a problem - support should be able to figure out what IMEI # are iphones and which ones aren't.  Why couldn't a proactive approach be applied where they do a programatic batch every couple/three hours....

2 of my 3 lines had to take the day off today because they can't get into work systems, as they require an SMS OTP challenge.

We've done all the suggested steps.  Reset network settings, log out and log back into icloud.  Turn off imessage, turn it back on, remove the number, added it back.

I desperately need help in fixing this, or figuring out how to port out.

We can't port elsewhere as none of these three lines can receive the porting SMS message.

So frustating!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm porting out elsewhere. Even chatr has a customer service mobile number. PM is going downhill. Not recommended service at all.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What a frustrating experience this is so far

Ported from Zoomer on Friday, challenges porting the number but things started to work on Friday night

Phone currently works for all types of calls (incoming and outgoing) and iMessages between other iPhones...but it cannot get SMS/MMS from non-iPhone phones

This is a huge issues as none to the two-tier authentication services will work right now ☹️

Its weird...when I look under "phone" it does not show a phone number...this is so bizarre

We opened I ticket on Friday...i got a message last night on how to change a bunch of APN settings, but when I look on the phone only one of the things I was told to change is listed in the cellular section.

What a disaster this support system is...wife is ready to kill me...what a mothers day.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

If you can't receive incoming calls on your ported phone number, that's a number porting issue. They assign you a temporary number until yours is ported over, but if that doesn't happen then the calls are going to the wrong place.

That's a bit different from the text message issue, which was happening even when incoming calls were working and the port completed successfully.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

am able to call but only outgoing. I don't think this is an isolated case on mine. The fact that the issue here is having trouble after the porting process. Thank you for messaging me the number though but CS already helped me resolve my issue and as far as I can tell, the people here that also resolved their's received the same steps/ instructions to fix it. Basically requesting to refresh and port the number again.

I appreciate the help though 🙂

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

A PM user since January, iPhone user and I cannot get a sms verification text when trying to activate Whatsapp. Unable to send the sms code. I have watched every youtube video and followed all instructions/fixes/recommendations to no avail. Last resort is a Network reset at PM's end. Hopefully my ticket gets answered and the issue fixed, seems many posts here with sms issues and PM's network.. I will be at my wits end if a reset doesn't fix the issue. Funny thing is two other iPhone users in the home on different cell providers have no issues.

Well, it was said Ticket is the CORRECT way to ask for assistance. And Only if it is broken to reach by direct mail.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for this link!

Hi @SaySay1 


don't use ChatBot, instead open ticket by direct message

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How did you log in to put in a ticket? Chat wouldn't let me put one in through the chat and I can't log on because I can't receive verification texts.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Chatbot was unable to help and unable to transfer the issue to someone who can. I cannot log into anything because I cannot receive verification texts. I had to creat a new account with an old email and a friend's cell number just to get into community to ask for help, but cannot put in a ticket because I cannot get into my original account. Chat mentioned reporting my phone as stolen to get email verification, but again, can't log in to my account and chat bot didn't recognize stolen phone chats. Just joined and about to leave. I can't seem to get anyone to look at my specific account to reset a network or apply any kind of fix.

@valdotdev wrote:

Happening to me to and it's more than a day now with no reply from CS. Good thing I haven't deleted my Fido eSim cuz then I wouldn't receive anything. Like others, everything outgoing + mobile data is working and the only problem is the incoming calls and texts.


Actually, in your situation, it may be different.  Likely a stuck port.  You are also having calling issues.  Ie. Unable to receive calls.  I will private message you the Telus team porting number.  Only for porting issues.  

For this post and issue, customers are only have SMS text issues.  Should be able to call.  The port actually fine, but there was issue with account setup and that is why CSA needs to do a refresh on their end.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Happening to me to and it's more than a day now with no reply from CS. Good thing I haven't deleted my Fido eSim cuz then I wouldn't receive anything. Like others, everything outgoing + mobile data is working and the only problem is the incoming calls and texts.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Everything was resolved quickly in the end! I received a response within a reasonable time and the situation was resolved for my iPhone: I receive all SMS messages now.

Hoping that this will be resolved quickly for the enrollment of other new customers! 🤞

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Me too. 4 lines. 2 fixed 2 in progress. Painful! Hoping my other 2 lines are addressed quickly b

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Lucky for you, I have no response and it's been 7 hours. And two hours of that I had no cellular service at all after they already "ported" my number leaving my old Fido SIM / account inactive, so no one at all could contact me. And now I still have no text messaging, just voice and data.

Need Help? Let's chat.