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Limited Time Sale [Extended to Oct 31] 50GB plan for $45/month

Public Mobile
Public Mobile


Hey Community, 

The Limited Time Sale is back with even more savings. Starting today until October 31th, customers can now take advantage of our latest Canada-US plans and more. Whether you're traveling for work, school, or simply catching up with family and friends, our Canada-US plans will suit your needs.

 40GB for $5o | Canada-US | 5G speed | subscribe now

  • For a limited time, pay $0 for an eSIM or $5 for a physical SIM card. 

Offer Details 

  • 40 GB Data at 5G Speed¹
  • 5G Speed up to 250mbps and unlimited data at reduced speed²
  • Unlimited Canada-US wide minutes and messaging plus unlimited international text and picture messaging³
  • Earn $2.50/month in points value with our Public Points

 50GB for $45 | 5G speed | subscribe now

  • For a limited time, pay $0 for an eSIM or $5 for a physical SIM card. 

Offer Details 

  • 50 GB Data at 5G Speed¹
  • 5G Speed up to 250mbps and unlimited data at reduced speed²
  • Unlimited Canada-wide minutes and messaging plus unlimited international text and picture messaging³
  • Earn $2.25/month in points value with our Public Points

Limited Time Sale Offers 

The latest plans don’t stop there. You can review all our latest plans by visiting our subscription plans page.   

How to Get these Offers: 

  • Visit Public Mobile subscription plans.
  • Select offer of choice. Note: you can toggle between 3G, 4G and 5G subscriptions. 
  • Subscribe online:
    To register now click here 
    To log in to your account, click here 
  • applicable to all offers
  • This promotion is not stackable with other in-market offers.
  • This offer is subject to change without notice.
  • Total data allotment is provided upfront for the 90-day subscription plan at time of purchase.
    Discounted price we continue post 90-day until the plan is changed on the account.

- The Public Mobile Team



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks. FWIW there are even more and even better QC plans today Nov 10 than yesterday, and I started a thread in Get Support because it's way off-topic for this one. FWIW there is also at least one improvement in ON too (and I assume nationwide), $34/20GB is now 5G instead of 4G, and unlimited reduced-speed data.

And my 2 friends in Montreal whom I just got off $40/5GB @ 3G have now booked another change, to $34/20GB @ 5G and to $29/3GB @ 4G. They're very happy.

@ottawa None of us know. It's just different ways of marketing it. Even clear dates often get extended. Best to jump when you see it, as it could be gone anytime. Or schedule it for next renewal and cancel it before it takes effect of you change your mind later.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@DennyCrane wrote:

I'm not the rule maker, so I can't say. The conversation was naturally progressing there though, and I'd hate to see accounts getting banned because they were unaware is all (not necessarily yours).

For sure, so let me say unequivocolly (to help save others) that I am not aware of any way to get a QC plan without a QC address. The friend from Montreal I mentioned, who signed up with another prepaid carrier while visiting Ottawa, was required to show proof of QC address (DL) in addition to wanting a QC number, to get a QC-only plan.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow wrote:

HI @ottawa 

technically no date is more dangerous, they can change the plan any time they want

Yes, but surely there's a difference between a plan labelled "Promotion" or "Limited Time" and one that's not? My 1st question was whether there was an announced deadline for the "Limited Time" Canada plans I mentioned (the way Oct 31 was announced in title of this thread), and 2nd question whether the $45 Canada-US plan is normal pricing or a promotion they forgot to label. I just hope if it's the normal price, it might stay longer than a Promotion plan. My friend is hoping to switch but not for another month, but doesn't want to get stuck with the same pricing I'd have ($65/60GB) as an ON resident.

I'm not the rule maker, so I can't say. The conversation was naturally progressing there though, and I'd hate to see accounts getting banned because they were unaware is all (not necessarily yours).

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@DennyCrane wrote:

@ottawa Just a word of caution, I've seen Community accounts banned for discussing how to obtain plans that are out of your individual market area.

Thank you. I don't think I did that (other than I did it with Telus in 2011, and even that didn't break their rules since I gave my Ottawa address), but if I said something misleading I am happy to edit it.

HI @ottawa 

technically no date is more dangerous, they can change the plan any time they want

PM has been changing plans a lot, so, good plans come and go.

Mayor / Maire

@ottawa Just a word of caution, I've seen Community accounts banned for discussing how to obtain plans that are out of your individual market area.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I understand how the regionally targetted plans work. My first smartphone plan was with Telus postpaid many years ago. I opted for an AB area code because it was the same price as elsewhere, but included free LD for AB/BC #s. Bell replied with the same, but free LD for ON/QC numbers. I didn't have to give an AB address, just asked for a 403 number. (I also wanted the Telus version of handset, not the Bell).

Others have and had similar, typically QC (and sometimes MB) would have better plans due to greater competition. Some people got an 819 (Gatineau) #, but I think one of the 2nd-tier national competitors (K/F/V) would offer QC plans to Ottawa #s on request, because of the competition from the other QC-based carrier. One of the other prepaid carriers required a QC address as well as QC number to get superior QC pricing, and a Montreal relative signed up for that here when visiting Ottawa.

It has nothing to do with a CRTC mandate requiring French service only [I'll admit I'm wrong but only if shown proof]. In fact I've helped many relatives and friends in greater Montreal and in Gatineau, both with PM and others, and language hasn't been an issue. For a long time, PM's offerings were identical across the country, it meant they were less competitive in QC and MB (before MTS was bought by Big Blue, I think). I know this from experience comparing my PM pricing to friends on prepaid in QC (PM was always more attractive to someone with 613 # on another prepaid carrier, than it was to those with 819 or 514/450/etc.).

If I logout from PM, of course I see different plans just by clicking top right to say "QC (EN)" instead of "ON (EN)". And logged in, I only see the 6 ON plans. But if my friend with 438 # logs in on my computer, they see the 8 QC plans as options to change.

So my question, since there's no Announcement thread for the $29, $34, and $40 QC promotional plans, is if there's a deadline stated anywhere for them, and further whether the $45 Canada-US plan is just normal pricing or if it's also limited time.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Public Mobile sometimes offers a few different or special plans in Quebec. Only in Quebec. Only for Quebec residents. Or at least I'm aware of some examples in the past.

On the other side of the coin, Public Mobile subscribers in Quebec can only choose plans which Public Mobile offers in Quebec. They can't choose promos/deals which are only being offered to the rest of Canada. (Actually they can, they just won't get a phone number assigned from the Quebec number blocks or area codes.) This is nominally because of some outdated CRTC mandate requiring telecomm services in Quebec be offered exclusively in French.

You can logout an visit the Public Mobile site anonymously (or in a private/incognito window), then select a different province. If you select Quebec then you'll see offers available in Quebec. I don't think you need a VPN to do this if you're already in Canada.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

[Posting here because it's related, and because I can't find an announcement of the offers I'm looking at. Will happily start another thread if appropriate.]

After having the discussion above, I realized some of these accounts are QC based (QC number). I had forgotten PM sometimes offers regional deals, since for so long they didn't.

For the ones who just switched to $102/60GB/90days, it appears there are now 2 offers they should consider in QC: the $34/20GB (discussed above), and $29/3GB (QC-only). Is that right, and do we know how long "limited time" is? I can't find an announcement.

Also, for Canada-US (where ON now has only $65/60GB or $180/180GB/90d), the QC choices appear to be $45/50GB or $55/60GB, neither of them flagged as a promotion or limited time. Are those simply the normal prices in QC? Their billing date is Nov 13 and we're debating whether they should book the change now for Nov 13 or wait until Nov 14, book it for Dec 13, and make an earlier change if they need US coverage before Dec 13.

Thanks for any directions or corrections. 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'll discuss the switch from 90 days to 30 days with them tomorrow, and recommend they change. It was a no-brainer (lower price, faster speed, more data) in the first place, though they didn't really need more data.

I'll be happy if there's a $50 Canada-US plan again, will keep fingers crossed. They were thinking of staying on existing 3G at mid-Nov renewal, then switching mid-cycle when ready to leave for vacation. They really don't care about more data (1GB + 7GB [?] of accumulated free add-ons was enough) and would have activated onto a plan with Ryan's MVNO if PM didn't offer this now. That's what they did the last 2 years, I ordered them a starter kit for pickup at the first red big box store over the border. 🙂 Sticking with PM for an extra $25/mo (to $50) or even $40/mo (to $65) is probably worth it to them for the convenience. And they still get boasting rights when comparing notes with customers of the big guys using Wander The US As If You Were At Still In Canada (I'm shocked to see that's now capped at $240/mo for the US?! I remember when it was $50/mo max).


For those on the $102/60GB 90 day plan already, yes they can change their plan effective next renewal to the $34/20GB 30 day plan. And for those who have a pending change to the $102/60GB 90 day plan, they can cancel the scheduled change and then initiate another change to the 30 day plan, effective next renewal. I would if I were them. Just know that they lose the benefit of having 90 days worth of data front loaded, and effectively rolled over for 90 days. But you get more flexibility by not being tied down for 90 days.

Regarding the entry point to Can/US plans, I don't think you're going to see a low data/super low price point on that. The fact that the plan has US roaming is a premium feature, so you're going to pay a higher price for that. I think $45 for a Can/US plan is something we can hope for, but I even have my doubts about that.

My guess is the $50 Can/US plan will be back for Black Friday.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Okay thanks. I switched 2 friends from $40/5GB to $102/60GB/90d, I think one was about to renew and the other had just renewed. By now one should be on the new plan, the other waiting. It would be smart to switch them both to $34/20GB "on next renewal" right? (Like, no-brainer?). In one case it would be changing in 80 days, in the other it would be replacing the existing pending change (in about 20 days) to a new one.

The person I wanted on Canada-US is on $25/1GB (actually $14/1GB 🙂 ) now, so they really don't need 40GB or 60GB, and would switch back to Canada-only in a few months. Guess I just have to watch for another promotion. Any bets (based on previous years) if BF will have something similar?



Correct, the $50/**40GB** Canada US plan was gone as of Nov 1. The $65 Can/US plan lost the $50 discounted 90 day option a couple weeks ago i think. It was before Oct 31 for sure. It was a great deal if you needed 60GB.

And no, you're not missing anything. The $39/20GB plan is now $34 on a 30 day subscription. Who knows how long that will last, but it's the same offer Freedom has right now.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I notice a couple of changes after Oct 31th (as it's called in the announcement). One is that the Canada-US 20GB/$50 plan is gone, and the Canada-US 60GB/$65 plan is now $60 when paid in 90-day increments instead of $50. The other is that the 20GB/$39 plan ($34 when paid in 90-day increments) is now $34/mo when paid in 30-day increments. Assuming I've identified those changes correctly, I have a couple of questions.

One is whether a cheaper (less data) Canada-US plan is likely to come back (no one here can say, but based on past experience say around Black Friday). My friends need very little data, really they need the voice roaming.

The other is whether I'm missing something with the 20GB/$34 Canada plan. Is it really the same as what was $39 a week ago? I got 2 friends to switch to $102/90 days last week, but I'll get them to book a switch to $34/30 days if it's really the same thing.



Mayor / Maire

@Anonymous001- Prior to the $10 plan, there was a complete changeover of old "Pioneer/Legacy" plans with increases. Then there was an attempt to raise the price of a plan after that but with so much backlash over specific wording, they backtracked. Most of those plan holders have likely changed over to the newer better value plans offered in the last while anyway.
Like I said, there's very little consumer protection for prepaid customers. I'm not nearly as much of a fanboi cheerleader as others around here. I'm fine with the service, but the customer-facing software is terrible and their severe restrictions of devices able to use volte and 5G are awful. But I call this place the Public MFi Mobile provider. Seems any modern iphone can do it all here. Sucks if you're not an iphone fan.


@Anonymous001 to make you feel safe, PM has been very good in terms of price.

There has been almost no price increase here, except the lowest tier $10 plan.  Price changed to $13 after other competitors also hike their prices on their basic plans. PM was in fact the one hiked the price on this plan the last within competitors

With the mid tier plan like this, you will likely see better priced plans with more data eventually. So, you might want to change plan yourself instead of staying on this forever. 

@Anonymous001- The company can do anything they like any time they like. There's very little consumer protection for prepaid services. But yes plans generally stay the same once you're on it.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I don’t think so. If not you can contact them?

HI @Anonymous001 

  The promotion time just a promotion period to join.  Once you joined, the price is locked to $45 unless you decide to change plan yourself

For the reduced speed, like reduced speed offered by any provider, it is good enough for basic web browsing and email and not meant to have smooth video streaming experience


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the following question about this plan:

Once this limited time period is over, am I locked in at $45 for 50 GBs or does the price increase once the promotional period is over? 
Also, is the reduced speed fast enough to stream videos?

Thanks in advance

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That makes sense.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Canada/USA plans are not unlimited. You have up to the data limit of your plan. They incorrectly combined offers into one message. It t should be though. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The 50$can/us 40gbit plan is unlimited data according to the article.   Is this correct?

Hi @J_PM 

 50GB for $45 | 5G speed

The link is still incorrect. Here is the correct link.


Title has been update to reflect plan changes. 

thanks @J_PM for clarifying


Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hello Community! 

The previous title has been updated to reflect 50GB for 45$ is Canada wide only. We do still have a CAN-US plan available at the 50$ price range which includes 40GB. 

Thank you, 

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