05-29-2018 05:14 PM - last edited on 06-25-2018 09:28 AM by Alan_K
Hello Community,
It has been a while since I last posted a letter to the Community. Today, I am excited to be back here with an update on our Community Rewards program. The whole team is excited about these changes and we hope you will be, as well.
A few weeks ago, the Oracles brought our Community Rewards front and center and shared with us that there was some confusion and perceived unfairness surrounding how the Top 0.1%/Oracle award gets applied every month. We are thankful for all of you who shared your feedback and for the Oracles who shone a light on that for us.
Your feedback has helped us recognize that we had an opportunity to clean up and simplify our Rewards. To that end, we are changing our Community Rewards to make things fairer and easier to understand. On top of that, we are delighted to increase the Reward amounts (full details below!). Our online support model could not work without the tremendous support that you, our Community members, provide so we thought it very fitting to increase the Rewards as we went through this review. Your contribution and support, as always, is greatly appreciated, and we hope you’ll enjoy these changes as much as we do.
Question |
Answer |
What has changed? |
1. We now reward Oracles on a clearly separate level from other contributors, allowing our other Community users to achieve the top Rewards level. 2. The Rewards buckets will be grouped in Top 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, and 1% buckets in favour of eliminating confusing decimals (We’re looking at you, Top 0.5%!) and to make the Rewards levels less intimidating to navigate. 3. The Reward amount has increased at almost every level – Oh yeah! |
Why are these changes happening? |
As suggested by our Oracles, we’ve made these changes so that our Community Rewards will be more fair and easier to understand. As we reviewed our Community Rewards, we also thought it was fitting to increase their value, as our online support model could not work without the tremendous support you and our other Community members provide. Thank you for all your help - keep it going! |
I’m currently earning a Community Reward every month. How is this going to affect me? |
The short answer: it depends. The amount you are rewarded depends on your contribution level relative to overall contribution, which can change month to month even if you contribute very consistently. All things equal, if you’re in the Top 10% or above for June, you’ll find yourself a bigger Community Reward. Sweet, right? If you’re in the Top 50% or Top 25% in June, your Community Reward value will remain the same. If you don’t get a Reward, don’t get discouraged! Keep helping others out in the Community and you’ll get there. |
When will this change be taking place? |
The new Community Rewards structure will come into effect beginning June 1st, 2018. |
Will this affect the way rewards are calculated in May 2018? |
No - for the month of May, the Rewards will continue to follow the current structure and will be unaffected by this change. |
Is everyone in the Top 1% going to become an Oracle? |
No, Oracles are chosen based on merit, along with maintaining a certain level of contribution. This contribution can take different forms, such as providing the Public Mobile Community Team with constructive feedback, or helping other Community members with their questions. To learn more about how to become an Oracle, click here. |
06-01-2018 07:37 AM
I don't think of it as a competition. Technically it is a competition, only 1% of PM costumers can/will be in the "Top 1%", etc.
I tend to focus on quality over quantity.
There's always gonna be people who swoop in and snatch the prize. But it seems I do okay, those Bravos and Solutions keep trickling in, even when other people elbow their way forward.
There's always gonna be people who want/need the $ Community Reward more than I do. But that's okay, I already save so much from my PM plan (compared to what I used to pay with another carrier) that I'm happy with or without another fistful of loonies, extra Rewards are just extra gravy on an already tasty meal. People willing to "work hard" to get that Top 1% payout are welcome to it, lol, the commitment would be serious and the collateral fallout would help/inform more customers in a more timely fashion than would otherwise be available, lol.
06-01-2018 03:30 AM
@MF wrote:But Oracles and regulars are so quick to answer, it doesn't feel like there's any room for someone like me to participate that much.
Everyone is welcome to provide their own opinion and suggestions related to a topic. Yes, it is not so easy to quickly make it to the top level, but if you slowly start to participate, it will be a worthy in a long run. Time to time, the community is so quite that you don't see any posts in 24 hours. But due to recent changes and new promos, it's pretty busy around here. And that is i think the best time to get started.
I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.
06-01-2018 02:38 AM
But Oracles and regulars are so quick to answer, it doesn't feel like there's any room for someone like me to participate that much.
06-01-2018 01:34 AM
@danlee wrote:Somehow for one to earn rewards, you require lots of Bravos & Solved Solutions on a daily basis.
This is not true. A modest amount of participation and you can easily earn the 50% reward. It is more about the quality of the posts not the quantity that will help you earn some bravos.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
06-01-2018 01:25 AM
Somehow for one to earn rewards, you require lots of Bravos & Solved Solutions on a daily basis.
05-31-2018 04:55 PM
Wow, this is great news. I seemed to have had less to contribute in the last few months for a few reasons: moved one plan to Koodo & kept second here but mostly that Oracles & top contributors were so fast with concise great answers, that I didn't have more to add and to a lesser extent yes the value of the reward didn't seem that high relative to the effort - most of were doing it mostly for the goodwill/ happiness with PM.
This gives us a bit more incentive to contribute.
05-31-2018 03:50 PM
Thanks @srlawren, yeah, it's been awhile! I like the standardized response idea... almost like a FAQ. Not being here for awhile, I had some difficulties finding what I needed, so I can imagine for someone completely new, the Community is a daunting place. Thankfully though if you do ask a question, you'll be quickly pointed in the right direction.
I use to do the "copy and paste" thing for commonly asked questions... like how to send a private message, contact the moderators etc. I did, however, customize the message so it didn't seem so generic.
05-31-2018 03:19 PM
@ute1978yeah often times I post asking a person to clarify what is happening or try to make suggestions
I know some posters literally cut & paste spam contact mods in every thread
Solutions seems to be the metric that is worth the most (by far) against others (such as bravos that seem to be worth very little)
@ute1978 wrote:"Participation" is probably a high rated point in the community rewards formula.
Do I "participate" if I sit in front of the computer, wait for a new topic to be opened and then just copy and paste my text to please contact mods? I can do that just to get into higher rankings.
That is the trend I am seeing. Not a lot of suggestions to resolve a problem, but a lot of "copy and paste" comments about contacting the mods.
05-31-2018 03:11 PM
@NDesaiyeah I am actually quite shocked (in a good way)
There was talk about scrapping old system but noone had mentioned there would be a new system introduced
@NDesai wrote:Woahhh! Some great news for everyone 🙂
Let's not forget that rumors were spreading that rewards will be the end after the heated announcement. Now we have passed through that, and this is a compelling news that smashes that rumor out of this community.
Thanks to @Luddite for pitching his ideas to the PM team. And thank you Public Mobile to make this happen.
05-31-2018 02:37 PM
@daredogg wrote:I thought awhile back there was a rule about only the oracles can suggest that someone contact a moderator? I'm sure the community is more than capable of offering solutions for most problems.
@daredogg welcome back, nice to see you around again! I don't know of any such rule. I think as long as it's used correctly, it's fine for anyone to suggest it. It would be nice to have a standardized set of troubleshooting steps that people could refer to.....
New to PM, can't get incoming calls or texts but everyting else is fine? click here for troubleshooting steps.
New to PM, calls and texts work but data doesn't? click here for troubleshooting steps.
Existing customer, data used to work but suddenly stopped? click here for troubleshooting steps.
etc. etc. etc
05-31-2018 02:01 PM
This is great news. I'm glad to see the rewards are more clearly laid out now and that PM is increasing the reward amounts! I haven't been very active on the forum lately (way too busy) but hopefully i'll be able to get back into the the swing of things soon. Cheers, everyone.
05-31-2018 01:54 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:I don't have an issue with "copy and paste", so much as it's a geniune attempt to help. Many users are using "copy and paste" but then personalize individual messages as fit for the topic at hand. As for the "contact the mod" messages, I think that's fine as long as contacting them is appropriate for that case (although I see many of the contact the mod messages when the situation has nothing to do with mods or anything that Public Mobile can do anything about). But the long time users will see right through some of the useless "cut and paste" stuff that doesn't help anyone and won't bravo the post.
I agree @ute1978 copying and pasting a "contact the mods" message is annoying! I thought awhile back there was a rule about only the oracles can suggest that someone contact a moderator? I'm sure the community is more than capable of offering solutions for most problems.
05-31-2018 01:49 PM
@will13am wrote:
@danlee wrote:That is great news!!
How do you calculate to be in Top 1%, 5%, 10%? Is it based on replies or solved solutions?
It is supposed to be a secret formula that takes into account bravos, posts, accepted solutions, etc.
I think @computergeek541 was also asking about the formula. I just think if everyone knew, it would be very easy to exploit the rewards. Maybe more participating, yes, but the quality of responses may decline. Just something I've noticed... when PM makes announcements, everyone and their dog posts a response! LOL
Be consistent in your participation and you'll be rewarded (some monetary amount)
05-31-2018 12:29 PM
This is very exciting to see. More savings for us 🙂
05-31-2018 11:52 AM
Thank you
05-31-2018 10:43 AM
Awesome. Thanks for the clarification
05-31-2018 04:35 AM
Good to have changes of reward system. It looks better than before.
05-31-2018 01:16 AM
@ute1978 wrote:"Participation" is probably a high rated point in the community rewards formula.
Do I "participate" if I sit in front of the computer, wait for a new topic to be opened and then just copy and paste my text to please contact mods? I can do that just to get into higher rankings.
That is the trend I am seeing. Not a lot of suggestions to resolve a problem, but a lot of "copy and paste" comments about contacting the mods.
I think that everyone would rather have personalized, individually typed response messges (from either other members or moderators) to questions that they have, but can understand why it is done and sometimes the need to save a little time, especially when things can get repetitive.
I don't have an issue with "copy and paste", so much as it's a geniune attempt to help. Many users are using "copy and paste" but then personalize individual messages as fit for the topic at hand. As for the "contact the mod" messages, I think that's fine as long as contacting them is appropriate for that case (although I see many of the contact the mod messages when the situation has nothing to do with mods or anything that Public Mobile can do anything about). But the long time users will see right through some of the useless "cut and paste" stuff that doesn't help anyone and won't bravo the post.
05-31-2018 12:41 AM
@Dave_M, thanks Dave and to Oracles who really help me and others in the community and bringing great suggestions to Dave and his team. These Community Rewards sounds very rewarding, and not only will this help clarify a few things but being with Public Mobile makes it even sweeter when I made the switch. I just wished I did it sooner!
Good-bye Fido!
05-30-2018 11:21 PM
this is great news!
05-30-2018 11:09 PM
@danlee wrote:That is great news!!
How do you calculate to be in Top 1%, 5%, 10%? Is it based on replies or solved solutions?
It is supposed to be a secret formula that takes into account bravos, posts, accepted solutions, etc.
05-30-2018 10:46 PM
That is great news!!
How do you calculate to be in Top 1%, 5%, 10%? Is it based on replies or solved solutions?
05-30-2018 09:18 PM
Good news.
Bigger reward encourages us to make more contributions to our community.
05-30-2018 04:41 PM
Great news from PM! Also good to see that the Oracles are appreciated and given a bit more of a reward for all their efforts.
05-30-2018 03:56 PM
@dna2016 wrote:
I still think Oracles that go above and beyond (such as @will13am, @NDesai, and @ShawnC13 ) should get a bit more perks, but that's just my opinion (I'am not an Oracle).
They already get extra perks. I let them pat Ralph; but only after he's been fed and become drowsy.
05-30-2018 03:49 PM
@jp2 wrote:This is great news and will hopefully increase the activity on the community
Nooooooo! I want less activity so I'll always be near the top.
05-30-2018 01:56 PM
05-30-2018 12:54 PM
@Korth wrote:
@Noosiekins wrote:How involved do you have to be to reach... say Top 50%?!
You must be more involved than the Bottom 50%, lol.
well played @Korth
05-30-2018 12:25 PM
@Noosiekins wrote:How involved do you have to be to reach... say Top 50%?!
You must be more involved than the Bottom 50%, lol.
05-30-2018 12:21 PM
I don't think badges mean anything @JFF. It's calculated per month. I've had some higher rewards month and some lower rewards months 🙂