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Top Contributors - Congratulate

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community, 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations this month! 

We'd like to encourage community members to congratulate other members and share comments under this thread. However, we will keep the Top Contributors announcement featured.

Thanks again for all your amazing support‌‌! 

- Public Mobile Team 

395 REPLIES 395

Mayor / Maire

Congratulations to all that participated, keep up the good work 

Mayor / Maire

Congrats to all the top Contributors in November!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Congratulations to all the November 2022 contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Congratulations to all the October 2022 contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

@softech   Yep, I see the glitchless CR in self serve...  😊


Congrats everyone!

HI everyone


As promised, I will congrats again when we see the rewards on My Rewards.



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Would this Community Rewards glitch happen to affect PM users on Public Points by any chance?


¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Long ago, Public Mobile deccided that discussion about the Community rewards payouts and of members congratulating others would be in The Lounge. Please respect this decision.

Mayor / Maire


Nope it's not worthy and out of my control. It's completely arbitrary where a thread is allowed to exist. Abysmal.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Congrats to all the Top Contributors

Mayor / Maire


Maybe if you fixed the problem with the lounge being a giant abyss that is unreachable and buries threads no matter how popular they are.....the new community forum killed the lounge and its purpose. It's now a graveyard of moved posts, either moved into support for their pm related content or moved from get support because the content of the question is not deemed worthy of get support despite the questions being asked are related to phones, service, the Community etc....just not enough for the highly personal opinion of those with the ability to move posts rather than a less subjective standard set by public mobile. I miss the now reminds me of the old "community" board that became a dumping ground of posts moved by the oracle team. 


Get Support now consists of 50% of solutions (and subsequently community rewardees) being answered with copy and pasted links to SIMon and private messages. Nothing added to help the OP like what to write in the subject line, the cause of their issue (as we can't depend on many CSA's to have clue about what they are talking about), what fix should be or could be, links to community references of other solutions.....nope none of that. Just contact customer are the links. Then you have those that are here to help themselves with a few cursory posts to justify their presence or those whose multiple personalities secretly present themselves as individuals. No need to mention the other wascally wabbit wandering around wreaking psychological warfare on the weak with wanton abandon.....? Our new and improved community forum matches our new and improved self serve accounts that have so many faults that alone keeps the community busy....with another 25% of solutions now "Clear your browser and log in using secret/incognito mode." That leaves 25% for any member actually making an effort to solve, advise, suggest, troubleshoot, brainstorm and/or test to actually help customers get a real resolution. But pm has a predilection to punish some of these members rather than celebrate them?


The influence of the oracle team on shaping the community forum to fit their vision of what getting support means and how community members should be awarded or punished has lead to where we are today. Is it an improvement over yesteryear? Has the chaos been quieted? Or runs rampant by the manipulations of a madman? Is this what pm envisioned with its redesign?? I guess you get what you pay for or this is the consequence of not making one pay for their misdeeds? You made your bed now we all have to lie in it? 🤔🤪🫢

and @darlicious  since this is not really a Congrat post but Oracle moved them wrong, I think you should at least put it as a separate post in the Lounge


And Oracle , the nature of this post is not to congrat.. it's Get Help.. Get help with Rewards, so, it is not just a Lounge discussion, it is a GET HELP   🤔 🙂 

I was to comment that this is one of the earliest Contribution announcement and and giving out of badges in recent months. So early that they announced that before giving out rewards. LoL


Maybe this month's rewards got shrinkflated.  🤔


Congrats to everyone who got the badges today 🙂


Will Congrats again when we all see the rewards on My Rewards:)


I wonder what is the most asked question this month ...Other than the on-going "PM upgrade" upsets of the last few days / week.

I would hazard a guess that the newest $40 / 15GB data application would be right up answer is to log in using incognito mode !

Nice to see a few new usernames participating in Community Forum responses too huh !!


Congrats to all the Top Contributors and to @darlicious for pointing out the glitch.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

So many glitches, something is always wrong.

Nothing on My Rewards, yet.

And I do not see a point of these announcement as they Never list WHO was top 2, next 7 following by 8???
What is the point of these announcement anyway?????

Same with 'solutions'; customers do not search for solutions; they just post and post and post the same questions all over again and again.

I do not complain 😎. It lowers my renewal fee so please ask the same questions every day...

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

congrats all support

@darlicious    Yep, nothing in self serve for October right now.   Perhaps PM is making up for, umm, some glitch over the last couple of months or so?  😏

Mayor / Maire

October 2022 Top Contributors


I see the community has received their badges for last month's contributions and participation but no rewards have been added to our accounts as per the usual timing and may contribute to the rewards being messed up within members accounts. Members may want to take a screenshot of their rewards accounts in case this happens so they have some proof when arguing with a CSA about their community rewards possibly disappearing?


I also found it interesting the lowered rewardees for October given the amount of solutions the community helped with unless this is due to one members prolific monthly solutions total that is nearly half of all solutions? Nonetheless great job everyone for your continued help with other customers problems in October. From the official announcement that should be pinned to the landing page>> @J_PM << here are the stats for October....


A big congrats to the 2 Community members who earned the Top 1% Reward. The daily work of these awesome folks is truly amazing!


And a big shout out as well to the 7 members who earned the Top 5% Reward and the 8 members who were in the Top 10%! Their contributions to the Community should not go unnoticed.


Together, the Community members in the top 1%, 5% and 10% had a total of 738  accepted solutions in October. Thank you all for your amazing work!


>>And yes there is a question to be answered in this post?!! 😁🤔



Abyssed and pissed....sigh whaddya gonna do?😔 I never did get an answer to my question?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Congratulations to all the September 2022 contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

Mayor / Maire

Congrats to all top contributors!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Twice now I've received Top 50% badge and $2 reward, according to the rewards documentation, thats wrong.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Congrats all winners!! You all worked hard 👍

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I haven't felt like such a winner lately with all the crap I'm dealing with PM. I've been here for over 3 years and for the first two years and 10 months or so I never had to contact them about anything. I loved that about PM. Now I am here all the time trying to deal with customer service. Hopefully it gets back to the way it used to be because I want to stay here.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You have to watch everything they do these days. I've been with PM for over 3 years now and for the first two years and 10 months I never had to contact anyone about anything. It seems like a completely different company now for some reason. A lot of my frustration has to do with the my account page which is completely bogus.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I totally agree that a glitch is a glitch. It just seems that on the PM site there is too many of them. And some of them are more than just a glitch. They should get it right before they put it up. And what was wrong with the old format? It was simple, easy to use and straightforward.

Hope you get yours figured out.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Congratulations to all the August 2022 contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

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