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*NO* Boxing Week Deals Showing for Existing Customers?! WTH, PM?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Some of the boxing week deals are pretty amazing and I've been sharing the crap out of the deals this holiday season.

But what gives, Public Mobile?! Why can we existing customers NOT select ANY boxing week deals from within their accounts, despite some of them lacking the "only for new activations" flag?

This feels like a betrayal of our loyalty and trust! I was fortunate to have gotten in on one of the great black Friday deals, but I'm sure some were not so fortunate. We ought to be allowed access to at least half of the amazing boxing week sale plans, if not all of them!

To be clear: if these deals were introductory pricing only (i.e. for 3 months), I wouldn't be mad, as it would feel like a strategy to attract new customers. But not allowing existing customers access to ANY boxing week deals is a low blow and only shows that you value new customers over existing ones!


@CS_Agent @CS_Comms


@Ianzhaooo  No you can’t transfer phone numbers between 2 PM account you would need to port number out of public to new carrier to port back in on new public account 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Amped wrote:

Then why offer new customers 30GB for $29?

These are limited flash sales for a very short time period...end of year trying to grow subscriber base while defending against Freedom etc...

New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

How? Between two different public mobile accounts?

@Ianzhaooo  You don’t have to , you can port number out and back in on the newly created account . And if by contacts you mean rewards yes I lose those but it was only on the points rewards so no loss there at all if on $ rewards wouldn’t have done . And I have a old $ reward account and won’t ever get rid of it 

New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

But you lost your number plus contacts 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1  I have been with Public Mobile since 2017 and have referred multiple customers to them. I am on the Legacy Rewards program.

@RattlesnakeArmy  Did you just join PM ? And on points program not old legacy rewards 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Send a private message to CS_Agent and very politely ask to be switched to the 29$/30GB/4G plan. I asked for the 24$/4GB plan and the agent said they could NOT help me with that plan but COULD help with the 29$/30GB/4G plan.

I hope this helps you 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes thanks for your help. I feel like I've been tricked lol

@jtennyuk  Yes unfortunately you said you canceled it . And so you just have to wait for the next promo plan for existing customers but if you need more day then you have you can switch to then60GB for &40 until something better comes along . I’m sure the 40GB for $34 will come back again or the 50GB for $34 for existing only it may show up as 90 day variant instead possibly like 150GB for $102 to use over 90 day of it does then pounce on it . Just keep watching website and checking in with community for the latest . Best of luck happy new year 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Which is exactly why I can't do a new activation. But I'd still like to keep the Black Friday promotion that I had lined up, that I have now lost out on...

@jtennyuk  Got ya I fully understand 

How ever if your on old rewards saving $7 every 30 days you can still get the 60GB for $40 and with your $7 off that’s $33 $1 better then the new activation plan  50GB for $34  with 10GB extra  data to enjoy ,so your still comming out ahead of the new activation plan does

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The problem is I don't want those existing plans that are available for existing customers. I would like to go back and keep my Black Friday promo, and getting a new account is not an option because I want to keep my legacy rewards.

@jtennyuk  For The 50GB for $34 or 30GB for $29 is just for new activations only . But there’s still then60GB for $40 plan or 100GB for $50 in your account you can change too . But if you want one of the new activation plane you will need to create a new account with new email and SIM card to get . It’s what I had to do to get the 50GB for $34 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm currently on the $102 60GB 90-day plan. It was set to change over to the $34 5G 40GB Black Friday plan in January, but I cancelled that switch over to choose one of the Boxing Week plans...only to find that the $34 50GB Boxing Day plan was not available to me. Might have also gone with the $29 30GB 4g plan.

@jtennyuk  When’s your renewal day and what plan  did you want instead of the 40GB for $34 . Check payment page in your account



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cancelled my plan switch that was supposed to be the $34 5G 40GB Black Friday plan to get the Boxing Week promos, and now I'm left with nothing. Screwed me over big time.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Then why offer new customers 30GB for $29?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Amped wrote:

Yeah Public Mobile has really dropped the ball here!  I'm not saying that they necessarily need to offer the same deals as new subscribers, but they could offer some deals for existing subscribers.  For example, my father is on the $25 for 1GB 3G plan.  The next best plan is $39 for 50GB.  Well, let me tell you, he is not going to go for that plan.  Why couldn't they offer $28 for 5GB or something?  Public mobile would make an existing customer happy, and they would actually make $36/year more off him.  Why the jump from 1GB to 50GB?  Why can't there be some options in between in the $25-$30 range?

Because PM and the other carriers want subscribers paying in the $35-$45 range....

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sadly, this is exposing a lot of ignorance on those 'defending' Public Mobile's new activation only 'strategy'.

Make no mistake - this is a misguided short-term strategy to bump up a year-end subscriber PR / IR metric, push customers off legacy rewards, and nothing more. Negative, negative, negative... which is the opposite of marketing best practice. In the past, we as a society looked down at companies that acted this way...

If they had a genuine long-term marketing strategy, they would have allowed existing customers to get in on the deals as that would have created a bigger and more positive push into the year-end. Hey, customers will say why bother moving when you trust that your current provider will stay competitive. These same existing customers share and tell their friends, neighbours, co-workers about how great/easy it is with Public Mobile (which btw is a great sub-strategy in counteracting Public Mobile's biggest perceived deficiency - lack of phone support).

Also, guess what happens with new activations? They 'magically' become existing customers. So, new customers can be happy now with their exclusive deals, but then soon after you'll be in the same boat and complaining all the same.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah Public Mobile has really dropped the ball here!  I'm not saying that they necessarily need to offer the same deals as new subscribers, but they could offer some deals for existing subscribers.  For example, my father is on the $25 for 1GB 3G plan.  The next best plan is $39 for 50GB.  Well, let me tell you, he is not going to go for that plan.  Why couldn't they offer $28 for 5GB or something?  Public mobile would make an existing customer happy, and they would actually make $36/year more off him.  Why the jump from 1GB to 50GB?  Why can't there be some options in between in the $25-$30 range?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The $29 flash sale may as well have not even happened, as most customers were unable to log in to select that plan, due to crappy website infrastructure that couldn't handle traffic.

hi @muffin_top don't remember thr exact day, but it was on the Black Friday weekend

No, none  of us here can tell you when will it happen next, we are just customers like you

Keep an eye in the Community 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Do you know when the flash sale for existing happened last time? Wondering if it will happen again.

@nalorin wrote:

>There is no incentive is earn less from an existing customer

Not true. Keeping existing customers is just as important, especially since attracting new customers is typically more expensive than keeping existing ones (this is why retention departments at other companies can often offer much better deals to customers who are thinking of leaving).

Playing the merry-go-round game with customers provides no long-term value.

If you lose one customer and gain another, CONGRATULATIONS! you've just spent money to get to the exact same place you were at before (except probably worse, because the new customer is probably paying less than the existing customer was).

You need to take a business class, dude.

You have to understand that there is friction involved in leaving a service.  Just because a new customer is offered a better deal than existing customers might make me angry but not incentivize a move.  I pay $34/40GB, I would love to get 50GB for the same money.  I am not going to churn my account for that extra data that might come in handy in very rare situations.  

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @Yummy I don't agree never or very seldom

Pm last couple months sent good deals through sms, and the $29 deal was flash sale for existing for a day.  

In my book, that is NOT a good deal. People could have phone off for whatever reason; could not see or hear SMS notification, etc. etc.
So how would you feel just after paying grocery bill of $300 and leaving the store to hear announcement 'And now for the next 15 min all purchases are 50% off!)?

Unless there is decent time frame (at least few days) I still stand by 'never of very seldom'.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

>There is no incentive is earn less from an existing customer

Not true. Keeping existing customers is just as important, especially since attracting new customers is typically more expensive than keeping existing ones (this is why retention departments at other companies can often offer much better deals to customers who are thinking of leaving).

Playing the merry-go-round game with customers provides no long-term value.

If you lose one customer and gain another, CONGRATULATIONS! you've just spent money to get to the exact same place you were at before (except probably worse, because the new customer is probably paying less than the existing customer was).

You need to take a business class, dude.

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @will13am agree to "vote" with the wallet.  Not sure why people so upset and so many posts so bitter about it.

It seems to be a psychology thing.  Customers prefer to attempt price matching over giving business to those offering the deals.  This amounts to punishing companies for being competitive.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There is, though: loyalty and referral discounts. Kind of defeats the purpose of those if one has to throw them away to get a better plan WITH THE SAME COMPANY!

It's virtually always cheaper to keep an existing customer than to attract a new one. As such, it's a good idea, when you offer amazing plans to new customers, to offer competitive plans to existing ones!

hi @will13am agree to "vote" with the wallet.  Not sure why people so upset and so many posts so bitter about it.

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