08:28 AM
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05:33 PM
In our household we have 2 iPhones connected to Public Mobile. One phone displays "Public Mobile" and the WiFi symbol (when connected) on the upper left screen next to the cell signal strength symbol. However, the other phone doesn't display the WiFi symbol even when it is obviously connected to WiFi. Instead it shows "LTE" where the WiFi symbol should be.
I've tried disconnecting from and "forgetting" the WiFi, then reconnecting again. When I reconnect, the WiFi symbol briefly appears only to immediately be replaced by "LTE". Is there an explanation/solutions for this?
04-03-2022 09:39 PM - edited 04-03-2022 09:39 PM
So far so good. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. Your sense of humour is refreshing and it certainly gets us thru the more trying times in life. Pick your poison and I will either shake, stir or muddle up the cocktails for the party.....as long as we don't lose the lounge! I promise no shop talk!
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04-03-2022 09:19 PM
System charged for correct plan however did not apply rewards, which was corrected after completed a ticket again. (is there a reward for most tickets created for the same reason in under a three month period, kinda like there are rewards for bravos)? :0) I see no further action on the statement yet but it hasn’t been 14 days. Passed the day 5 and day ten mark though, so here’s hoping. Thanks for asking. I will host a virtual party if it’s fixed or finally being monitored by an agent!!
04-03-2022 05:55 PM
@darlicious, going to respond to multiple comments in your last couple of posts. You mention 5 years ago there are posts of Oracles being social and joking around in the threads. 5 years ago this was a completely different place. First off the customers were still required to be tech-savvy enough to be able to do it all on their own as there were no retail activations, second, there wasn't a Lounge section and the threads didn't continue to derail as they have since the creation of the Lounge.
Having a post go to the Lounge doesn't mean it is getting ignored at all. That is the feeling that the self-proclaimed regulars/superusers have created with their continual bad comments about The Lounge. Maybe it should be re-named "Other Topics"
Again you bring up Oracle Participation. Tell us what your expectations or thoughts are on what is acceptable levels of participation. Just for myself, I have put in 77 hours of Overtime at work the last month, this isn't our job.. For s someone who continually comments on how they are here for the love of helping people you put a lot of emphasis on what others are getting for rewards, and I wouldn't consider any of the rewards a handsomely amount. A nice bonus maybe but no one is handsomely rewarded here.
I don't consider the Oracles yes men at all. There are many posts of Oracles criticizing PM, just because PM has chosen a group of people who follow the TOS, don't spam the community with copy and paste posts, or copy and paste "signatures" (signatures are a feature that only Oracles have access to) doesn't mean we are towing the company line. Concerns are continually brought up to PM, especially during our quarterly conference calls.
You mention mentoring new members a lot and I think that is great as that is how the community will get better, but in that process we should be showing how to do that with the PM preferred methods. There is a reason they ask people to create trouble tickets for customer service.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
04-03-2022 04:50 PM
Well when your phone seems to be telling you that you are using mobile data even though you are on WiFi it's not directly a pm service issue but we used consider helping customers troubleshoot their phone as providing them support. When an iPhone user asks why they are using mobile data when on WiFi and we tell them to turn off WiFi assist is that a rewardable reply or question?
The community provides both support and customer service. Very few businesses are successful or even survive if they don't have good customer service. This in fact is often public mobiles saving grace with all of their glitches and what not. And the reason you can ask for or are offered a review link after a support request has been resolved as pm is always striving to improve their customer service. Why would you deny a community member volunteering their time to help others a bravo or maybe even a solution for taking the time to help a customer resolve an issue with their phone?
Should we members ignore the customers if we feel their support requests of the community are not rewardable? Why are Oracle's allowed to downplay a customer's request for help as unworthy of a countable bravo? Why should you deny a future customer their solution for the same issue because a solution cannot be chosen by the OP and their thread buried in the abyss of the lounge? When a customer calls telus mobility with the same question does the agent hang up on them? Or tell them to call their internet provider? Does their internet provider tell them to call their mobile provider? Or does the customer figure out that if they called Apple support they may get the answer? Or as I did googled it and searched thru several possibilities until I found it in Apple support under iPhone 13 queries?
If you want to talk about pm rewarding community members for non pm service issues how about the lack of contributions some of your team members make on a monthly basis helping customers with pm service issues? Or their complete lack of knowledge of ongoing pm service issues that have affected many, many customers for the past year that they question the known solution to these service issues? Yet pm handsomely rewards them ( compared to every other community reward recipient) every month without question whether they help one customer or ten customers or no customers?
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04-03-2022 04:09 PM
@darlicious right off of the top I will let you know I didn't read your whole post. How can you tell me an issue such as a phone not displaying that it is on the Home Wifi network is a PM service issue that should be rewarded by PM?
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
04-03-2022 03:44 PM
Then we need a whole other board to encompass what used to be the Phones and Hardware, Retail, Rewards and Public Points and Community all the former boards that community members help other members and customers understand, troubleshoot, learn, manage, overcome, achieve, share, mentor, master and provide moral support for but are not 100% directly public mobile service issues.
Because for a good 12 to 16 hours on April 1st the community was able to provide fantastic support for a public mobile service issue. All those repetitive answers of basically were waiting for an update from pm or try these few fruitless attempts at frustration. Which has continued thru the weekend for those still without service though we have finally gleaned from a few helpful customers with the service issue that reprovisioning the SIM card is the final hurdle to getting their service back.
Again it is not public mobile drawing the line as to what is a service issue and what isn't....Its a few Oracles that have taken it upon themselves to decide where they personally draw the line in the sand for 232,000 members? If I give you a generous 5 Oracles making these decisions for the entire community that 0.00215% of the membership asserting their opinion on everyone else. Why does the rest of the community's opinion not matter? Shouldn't the community members providing 90% of the support have some say in these matters?
It seems to me that customer support needs to be dealing with direct public mobile service and account issues and the community provides support for all of the peripheral issues that come with a mobile provider and all that they encompass but don't need an employee to deal with but every other provider with a call centre has to pay an employee to help a customer.
Like why does it look like I am using mobile LTE data even though I am signed into my home WiFi?
Guaranteed a CSA would not have been able to answer that question. At the same time there is really very little actual support we can give @Mimi33 (sorry to use you as an example again) as CSA after CSA has done very little to provide any real customer support and after 3 months are no farther in solving, fixing, updating or anything to her issue and ironically as she posted she received more support in the lounge than in 3 months of dealing with customer support.
The community by offering diverse help and support that is not solely focused as you and other Oracle's envision your fiefdom to be.....as the world around us becomes more accepting and open the Oracle's that actively participate in the community have become more narrow minded and unwilling to change.
We can read threads from 5 years ago where Oracle's proudly showed off their bravo accomplishments and badges earned, new community milestones met....where there was a lot of socializing, and humour in threads or the odd snit or sharp word. Pm was young and exciting and different and new with monthly contests, feedback threads or beta testing, innovative plans, and constantly changing flash sales now what is it?
The same 2gb of bonus plan data flash sale for a year now, replaced rewards with points, eliminated contests, feedback or discussion threads, offer plans the same as the competition at the same price and give the one finger salute to loyal customers not rich enough to be valued because they have a low use emergency basic $10 plan. Pm and ultimately telus since taking over pm has groomed you well....you all defended an outrageous 30% rate hike on the some of the most loyal customers but can least afford a price hike.
The more telus absorbs public mobile into its corporate entity the more they have molded Oracle's into their likeness. As pm slowly lost its independence and became fully managed by telus it lost its identity and the Oracle team became yes-men with a fabulous femme française but is a token nonetheless to represent progress when they are covering for the transgressions of those who exploit others for their own purposes. All of this is reflected in the community's new design...far less functional and effective but it sure looks pretty.....doesn't it?
Sometimes the greatest support is moral support, sharing of experiences, common ground that has little to do with the pm service issue but changes a customers (often bad) first impression of pm, prevents a customer from leaving pm and changing providers or entirely changes the opinion of entire generations idea of an online only provider that people like my parents, or my neighbour's or me without a technobabbling clue about computers, internet or mobile phones felt so welcomed and empowered by the community to take a giant leap from the first tier to the bottom tier and not only survived but brought a bunch of us noobs with them.
And now we're helping the brave technologically challenged embrace their inner nerd and learn how to manage their own accounts, services and troubleshoot their phones. But because they don't know how to take a screenshot or how to edit it or upload it that is not worthy of support. And now the community apparently is not worthy of the lounge either. There is simply no room for members to lounge around we have a meagre dwindling rewards to slave for....i mean we do this for the joy of helping others.....because we find it fun as long as we don't have any fun...right?!!
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04-03-2022 12:51 PM
I asked for it to be moved out of the lounge. But of course @Mimi33 is welcome to join us anytime in the lounge for cocktail.
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04-03-2022 12:22 PM
@Mimi33 Is this still unresolved?
It's the value of this community where customers talk with experienced, knowledgeable customers that know workarounds or suggest ways to communicate issues better to the support people.
I'm always surprised that people would come to here almost as a last resort and then they get surprised at the knowledge and answers and the speed of it that they get from here. Obviously community members can't fix things in the background though.
You don't need to do anything differently here. It's not up to you. You came looking for some help. You got some. You did place your question in Get Support.
04-03-2022 10:21 AM
I might have somewhat of a solution for you too since this customer had a similar issue with a reoccurring plan renewal every 10 days with no rewards being applied.
Thankfully you are more on top of your finances than this customer was as this went on for over a year and a half before they noticed they were being charged for their plan renewal every 10 days.
I will reach out to the OP by private message and if they respond if they can share their tech team ticket reference # that led to them getting the issue within their account fixed. But you can give your CSA the link to the thread and they should be able to track down the ticket reference # and see if the same fix can be applied to your weird recurring autopay/plan renewal/US Roaming add on charges.
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04-03-2022 10:09 AM
I am happy I managed to find your thread after it got moved to the lounge. I'm glad it worked since your issue was stuck in my brain as a weird one. Woohoo!
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04-03-2022 09:53 AM
Thanks ever so much! That does seem to be the solution. Nord VPN was installed on the phone and the problems were resolved as soon as I uninstalled it - ie, the wifi symbol appeared and the banner on the WeatherCan app indicating "No internet connection" disappeared.
I much appreciated the feedback from everyone on this issue. Just to be clear for those interested, the phone was always connected to wifi and the internet. The problem was erroneous notifications.
Thank you, Darlicious and everyone else who responded!
04-03-2022 09:28 AM
The only thing different would have been to post your issue in get support as its seen by many more members who may have been able to help. Of course my rant being about that the lounge previous to the new design of the community was mostly non phone related stuff (still supposed to be) and if you dig deep you will find when it was foodies, hockey talk, electric vehicles and other hobbies. A place to socialize and joke around.
You certainly didn't do anything wrong by posting in the lounge. And normally most questions or issues are fairly simple like why doesn't my data work or how do I change my plan so posting in get support gets you a quick solution. Your issue Is a whole other kettle of fish and has to be up there to win weirdest glitch of the year.....which now that I think of it is very similar to the other contender for that prize. Let me hunt that down for you as however the tech team fixed recurring 10 day charge will probably be very similar to how they fix yours! Eureka!
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04-03-2022 09:10 AM
This is a very interesting discussion. I just wanted those interested to know why I value the community so very much. On Dec 27th my account started acting up with the system charging me every 7 to 14 days for 30 day renewals and add-ons. Every 5 to 10 days I created tickets. Each time I had to explain the issues. 5-8 back and forth communications were needed to show each agent the amount of the current over charge (between $8 and $33). I did all the work. I contacted PM via a ticket every week to 10 days. I monitored my account. I calculated what was owing to me. I was told in early January my issue was moved to a higher level and that I would hear back once it was fixed. To this day I have heard nothing. Was I supposed to just wait and let these charges continue as it was into hundreds of dollars of overage charges. Only after 11 weeks of this did I contact the community for help. I received more guidance and help from Mayors especially @darlicious in one day than in the whole period. We continue to communicate through private messages so no bravo’s. So many were anxious to help me. I sent pic’s of my account charges etc. to those that wanted to help. People here cared!!!
I realized. It sure helped me feel I was not alone in this battle. It was completely opposite to what the treatment I received by creating tickets. Only in the community was I given direction. Like-ask for someone to be assigned to my account and do the work I was doing. Even after I asked for this I was getting messages that because I did not respond within 24 hours my ticket was closed? I understand what the lounge is supposed to be for but it is only those in the lounge that have helped me.They are great people. Even knowing it was not the correct thing to do, based on this explanation of the use of the lounge can anyone tell me what I should have done.
04-03-2022 06:41 AM - edited 04-03-2022 07:35 AM
No wonder I couldn't find this thread after I ran across a possible solution. Why has this been moved to the lounge? Troubleshooting your phone to try and not use your mobile data while on WiFi doesn't deserve to be in get support? The phone's and hardware board was a legitimate board for those seeking help figuring out stuff on their phones....its no longer worthy?
Do you all agree with this move? This is getting ridiculous this narrow minded thinking of what is support worthy and what isn't. It's completely messed up the lounge with all these phone topics crowding out our hobbies, sports, foodies, humour threads and memes....you can't even find them anymore they buried so deep because the constantly updated threads that were popular are impossible to find or run across for a new user and we have a bunch non lounge topics crowding out our lounge topics.
I hardly ever come here anymore because I can't even find my own threads to update without throwing on a brown fedora and becoming Indiana Jones in search of my holy grail of threads. Sure the new community revealed by @J_PM as so much better but we all know is so much worse created some of this issue but moving phone related posts by some oracles obsessed with what is bravo worthy of getting support is contributing to making the lounge a true abyss. The lounge really sucks now!!
And YES now I am the only dissenter willing to call out Oracles on their sometimes highly questionable decisions now that you have permanently shut up @Anonymous . No one else is willing to open their mouths to criticize the hallowed nine....should I also be worried that me and my big mouth might suffer the same fate? Or will I get the same response I usually get? Take it up with Jade @J_PM ? Maybe we need a new board....Crap not worthy of getting support?
If this thread had been posted originally in the lounge the OP would be lucky if maybe one or two members ever replied? As it is I didn't reply when I initially read it but the issue stuck in the back of mind until I ran across a possible solution for the OP. Then I couldn't find it...going back farther and farther while thinking it can't be more than 3 or 4 days ago...? Well look at that on the 5th day I ran into in the lounge! Who da thunk it?!!
The Oracle's need some hard and fast rules or guidelines about what should and should not be deemed lounge worthy rather than such an arbitrary means test of their opinion alone. The description of what the lounge is for should be a defining factor in what belongs here......
Want to talk about your interests, hobbies, or anything that’s not related to phone-stuff?
Head over to The Lounge!
The description seems pretty obvious to me?!! I understand splitting threads that go off topic and are too much socializing...I can concede that along with squabbles and other nonsense getting moved to the lounge. It so confusing that new members post even urgent in need of support posts that often languish without any help for hours before a regular member stumbles upon it.
@Mimi33 is perfect example of this and I only hope that pm has ensured she has gotten a dedicated CSA to monitor the giant service glitch occurring in her account for the past 3 months and keep her updated on feedback from the tech team on fixing it. This how confusing the mish mash of everything and the kitchen sink (unless they have all been archived by now?) that has landed in the lounge. Upon entering the lounge it should be obvious that it is not where you get support but that is not the impression you get at all....it looks like the rest of this mess of a new community.
For good measure here are some stats about the threads posted or moved in/out of the lounge since the start of new community 3 months ago...
Is it any wonder why the lounge just looks like the rest of this community when only 12.5% of the threads in it since the introduction of the new community design have lounge topics and titles?
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04-03-2022 05:34 AM
Which iPhones do you have? Are they the same? Same iOS? Anyways if none of the suggestions have worked so far here is another possibility.....
Make sure you don't have an old VPN configuration that was transferred from you old phone. Eg. you use Nord VPN and the configuration transferred however that app is not yet installed on your new device. General -> VPN & Device Management to delete. Or you could just download that VPN app and set it up again. If you see the VPN toggle button in the first block when you open settings it is probably this.
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03-27-2022 10:27 AM
I wonder, turn off wifi, turn off cellular data, turn off bluetooth. Any symbols up top now? Can you call out? Can a call come in?
Turn on airplane mode. Symbols? Calls?
While on, turn on wifi. Symbols? Calls?
Turn off airplane mode, keep wifi on. Symbols? Calls?
Turn off wifi, turn on cellular data. Symbols? Calls?
Do you have volte settings on? Might the phone have vowifi and if so is it set to on?
03-27-2022 09:53 AM
03-27-2022 09:40 AM
Aside from the wifi symbol not displaying, the only other hint of a problem occurs with the WeatherCAN app, which regardless of data settings - ie, cellular data on or off - shows a banner at the top of the app screen saying "No internet available". Regardless of that, the app does update properly.
03-27-2022 09:39 AM - edited 03-27-2022 09:40 AM
The more complete options/instructions are below:
Fix 1: Restart your device
Fix 2: Reset your device
Note: You will not lose any of your data or settings by doing this fix.
Fix 3: Turn ON and OFF Airplane mode
Fix 4: Turn Off and then Turn On Wi-Fi
Fix 5: Power Cycle your Router
Fix 6: Reset Network Settings
03-27-2022 09:33 AM
I can make phone calls even with cellular data turned off.
03-27-2022 09:29 AM - edited 03-27-2022 09:42 AM
@John41 wrote:Yes, with mobile data turned off, the phone is still connected to the internet (ie, wifi still works) and I'm able to make phone calls.
Both phone have the same iOS version? if you swap the PM SIM with the 2 phones, same issue with the WIF issue on the "faulty" phone?
If that is the case, I think you should try factory reset the phone and see if it resolves the issue
03-27-2022 09:26 AM
Yes, with mobile data turned off, the phone is still connected to the internet (ie, wifi still works) and I'm able to make phone calls.
03-27-2022 09:24 AM - edited 03-27-2022 09:25 AM
Try the following items:
03-27-2022 09:18 AM
WiFi Assist isn't enabled.
Yes, wifi is working even though the symbol isn't displayed.
03-27-2022 09:14 AM
03-27-2022 09:01 AM - edited 03-27-2022 09:04 AM
Try disabling wifi assist, if it is enabled.
This may be 'taking over' a potentially weak wifi signal.
Also, you didn't mention, but is wifi working even through its not being displayed?
03-27-2022 08:40 AM
LTE disappears.
03-27-2022 08:32 AM
What happens if you turn your mobile data off?