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Should PM hire additional programers?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

What is the point of the new point system if it doesn't work as many others have also reported.

Again as I previously mentioned - it is not us, the users but it's the PM web pages. From the very beginning PM computer programers made gaffs by sending us emails about switching to the point system that did confuse many resulting in some mistakenly switching to irreversible point system. And then we were advised, without an apology, that they did make the mistake and too bad for those that mistakenly switched to the point system --- that were just told that they should have been more careful and read the fine print.

I would like to make it clear that I am not suggesting that PM programers did intentionally try to deceive us or cause us aggravation but just that they seem not to be too good at what they do.

Hooray.....! - Today the rewards point pages work fine - was able to hassle free log in and redeem point in all of our 3 accounts.  The PM programers have finally fixed up the glitches --- !


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Glad to be of help.

@BEER you fell for telus's bait and switch with the 30% rate hike. I am counting on my CCTS and CRTC complaints to make telus rethink this unjustified and unreasonable rate hike that unfairly discriminates against customers and is counterproductive to the purpose of the Telecommunications Act of Canada. But you are helping me prove my argument so there is good to come out of your actions.


I still don't get how 10 points is better than $60 but to each their own?!!





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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

You do realize that points is another way to say reward dollars. One point = $1.00

Do you also not realize that April fools day is on April 1 - Today is April 3.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Wow -- I never had the mentioned problems. The few problems I did have in the past proved to be my ignorance and were quickly resolved by fellow community members.

Mayor / Maire

@BEER wrote:

Also successfully upgraded and switched all accounts to the new point system because there was no reason for us to be hoarding rewards dollars

Is this part of April fools' joke?

I do not want points nor anybody switched my rewards to it. Bad joke.

Mayor / Maire

Sorry, but if they had proper QA testing in place this embarrassment should never occur.

Customers screaming for help, no service, double payments, no announcements in a timely manner.

This will just push away new and possible old customers.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Don't yet have meaningful experience with the point system. The main reason I upgraded my existing $10 accounts was because of the price increase to $13. For $2 more the $15 plan made sense to me mainly because it offered unlimited texting and thus freeing us from depending on iMessaging over WIFI or data. Also purchasing additional data cost much less under the point system. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Is it possible that PM is neglecting the grandfathered old rewards accounts and focusing to provide better service to the new now points reward accounts. It may be a coincidence but for our accounts, all seems to work better since we switched to the point system.

Mayor / Maire

@BEER - Glad you had a 6 day trouble free streak 😁

Unfortunately, seems many others cannot say that about the last few days...


Regarding your comment "hoarding rewards dollars", can't reward dollars lead towards free mobile service?

Are you somehow seeing more credits on your account towards your plan on the new rewards system...🤔

Lol I need a time machine just for the old rewards plan alone....and maybe to rethink my sports bets and stock picks 

Mayor / Maire

Yeah I hope we can avoid that going forward 😕

I have the bar set a little higher.  These glitches ought to never have happened.  As for rewards program, I am not moving off of the old $ systems.  Show me the money.  




@BEER   the "free" part will be there.. the "mobile service" part depends if PM will have hiccup with renewal again like what we saw in April Fools day.. LoL


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hooray..again...! - Now and for the past 6 days all PM pages work fine - was able to hassle free log in to account, rewards and community pages on each of our 3 accounts. Also successfully upgraded and switched all accounts to the new point system because there was no reason for us to be hoarding rewards dollars. In addition applied points to account balances and now and for many future months will have free mobile service.

 Congrats Public Mobile and keep up the good work!


Note added:

With so much negatives and discontent by some community members makes me wonder as to why they are still with Public Mobile. It’s not like they have to make the best of it because there are no alternative mobile providers. Or is it really because they do realize that there is no better deal available for their needs but it’s just their nature to be critical.

Anyways on the positive side with-out these persons this forum would be very boring and not worth logging on to take a little break. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@BorisDoris wrote:

@BEER wrote:

Have the PM programers  finally fixed up the glitches --- or was this just a lucky day for me?

Programmers??? I think cleaning lady maintains pub.mob. site between smoke breaks...

No need to be condescending towards hard working and perhaps even more intelligent than some of us , cleaning ladies.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@BEER wrote:

Have the PM programers  finally fixed up the glitches --- or was this just a lucky day for me?

Programmers??? I think cleaning lady maintains pub.mob. site between smoke breaks...

Mayor / Maire

It worked as expected last evening. I would guess unscheduled maintenance or upgrade was in progress.

Mayor / Maire

For now yes, but don't know if I would hold my breath

@BEER i guess it is good...until it has problem again...which can be very soon..  lol

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire





But as with all things Public Mobile, wait for the weekend and it'll probably be down again.  🙄

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

 Hooray.....! - Today the rewards points pages worked fine - was able to hassle free log in and redeem points in all of our 3 accounts.  Have the PM programers  finally fixed up the glitches --- or was this just a lucky day for me?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Now that's a new (-to me-)-Oops - Notice the pile of garbage - 

This new Point Reward system ha exceeded my patience - As soon as I'm able to (if ever) log in to my rewards page will try to cash all our points towards monthly plans and be done with it. Will stick with our 3  $15 plans with auto pay and just use the phones and not be bothered with reward points. I assume that we can still purchase add-ons when required by credit card. 


This page is unavailable or down for maintenance. Click below to return to the home page.  dog__1_.png

 Hooray.....! - Today the rewards point pages work fine - was able to hassle free log in and redeem point in all of our 3 accounts.  The PM programers have finally fixed up the glitches --- !

Mayor / Maire

Lol tell me about it 😕

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

OOOHHHHHH man yet another PM points glitch!  Have been trying to redeem points towards the iPhone draw and each time I would get the Oops - BUT it turns out that the redemption did go through ---- no big deal I now have just purchased 4 tickets and maybe I'll win.


There was an error processing your redemption.

Mayor / Maire



@BEER   They really should hire more developers, no worry about lack of works, lots of glitch and bugs here and there to fix.  I am not even talking about upgrade and improvements.  Just fixing bugs alone could be 2 full time jobs  🤣

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