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Earning points is nice but not really a factor.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My plan just renewed and I noticed that it earned  points. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is my thoughts exactly! I've had many times where my family's cell service cut out but PM was ever present. It's the lowest priced plans on the market and it's very easy to change things for yourself. I'm very happy!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

UPDATE:  Yes I did receive 2 points for my helping other posts.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was lucky to have caught one of those plans that appeared then shortly disappeared. 

But when back school deals come again, I'll be looking. Pm just made it much less incentive to stick with them

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I really don't think that one has to be technically inclined to have a phone account. 


I completely agree. I have been with PM for 2 years and maybe had a couple of issues with connecting to the network. I’ve tried all the standard troubleshooting but eventually a CS_Agent help with the connection.

PM is not for those who are not technically inclined and doesn’t monitor their account on a regular basis. Like so of my friends that signup and they don’t do anything after signing up…they come to me for help.

if you monitor online forum or those communities by other carrier, you will see lots of complains too.  Honest, how often people put a compliment online like you did, usually people just go online and ask for help. PM community will be more beause there is no number to call, and people need to write here and ask for help

But yes, I think PM has good network (Telus), ok service, just need to reply quicker when people open ticket


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wayworn, I personally am happy with PM but I can see how this self help (online only support) is not for everyone. I think for most people things should go smoothly but for some reason, could be the phone being used, could be the old company porting in from (and could be using IMEI number instead of account number 🙂 ) some people get tripped out and very annoyed when there isn't someone to speak to. I definitely wouldn't say PM is too good, in fact it could be better. If they could have a hybrid approach where if a customer really can't get things going an escalation process would see that an agent actually calls them

@Wayworn  And the icing on the cake is this super helpful community 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Upon re-evaluation I am very glad that I made the switch to PM because after all a cell phone plan is just a phone plan like a land line that you get and forget.




Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We are all customers here, all of us are trying to help each other solving their problems, we are not Public mobile’s employees, and are not promoting their products

I’m not convincing anyone to stay with or leave public mobile, at the end, it’s the customer’s choice.

Public mobile has been better than most of the providers till last year, best rewarding system in the market, better plan prices for new and existing customers, service was excellent, no technical issues whatsoever.

Now, price for new customers is competitive with other, no low price plan or downgrade options for existing customers, many technical issues over the last few months drop calls, delayed messages, billing issues, delayed SMS shipment, failed to activate new service.

most of the providers out there have a smilier plans, some has better plans, it’s up to the customer to decide what provider/plan works for him based on his needs and location. 

From my point of view, public mobile used to be a leader in the market, now, it’s a follower, provide new plans based on other companies’s new offerers 

For many years remaining a PM customer was pretty much a no brainer.

  • prices often better than competitors 
  • Same plans available to everyone across Canada
  • rewards that increased the longer you remained 
  • supportive and friendly community

Unfortunately it's not that way anymore:

  • Except for referrals Rewards have been decimated
  • Low end prices are just barely competitive
  • Some regions and individuals are offered better plans
  • Often best plans are only for new customers
  • community is understandably disgruntled 

As always though, there is no penalty for departure provided one has no Available funds or reward points in their plan. So, just wherever you can get the best deal. 


>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Just to prove my point that all mobile providers are the same . Just got an email from Bell - we want you back - offering a discount on my old plan. Ha ha ha  no way even close to the deal I now have with PM. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wayworn, I think I might be also spending too much time here 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Would have given you the solution but for some strange reason that option has disappeared.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My wife tells me that I spend way too much time on this forum. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I agree and also wish that all plans should be available to all members. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wayworn, I'm fairly new here and was with my last mobile company (Zoomer) for around 6 years. At the time of joining them they had one of the lowest prices for data plans and you received a free (on 2 year term) phone which made the deal appealing. Since switching to PM overall I'm very happy, it's not perfect, I do experience my music streaming services freeze when I'm out on country roads from time to time but in the more populated areas it's been no problem. As for this community, I was using it more as a tool to just learn of any common issues and troubleshooting tips since I also moved my wife and daughter and a few other family members so I'd like to be able to help them out if they run into any problems but it's been pretty cool to be able to respond back with helpful tips for others.

@Wayworn  Yes it is a helping others forum . I have been PM member since 2018 . So as you can imagine I am one of those disgruntled members that lost the old legacy rewards . That’s what’s got me hot around the collar . But yes your correct most the competition has similar plan . So for one that has no friend referrals it’s helpful I believe to inform others of any better plans being offered at any given time . So memebers can find themselves the very best deals . I’m 2024 and all plans offering Canada wide mins . I just feel like we should all have the option to get the very best plans regardless of what province one lives in . But that a whole other can a worms . In the end thou one should just vote with there wallets and not worry about loyalty . As loyalty doesn’t mean anything to corporations. My .02 cents 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I started posting on this forum because part of my plan includes bonus points if I participate in this forum. And yes after my first month I did receive a 2 point bonus.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There will also be an Announcement with the totals. 


@Wayworn  The community reward formula is secret but certainly includes posting helpful comments, receiving kudos and solutions. 

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You need to make it to the top 50% to get any points. So helping here and there doesn't cut it

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just switched from Telus where I was paying over $100/month and getting way less. Even without the rewards points I’m so much further ahead with PM. Rewards isn’t what brought me over but if I earn enough for $15 credit that’s a bonus! 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Free money is free money. I wasn’t getting any rewards at all with Virgin, so I think this is great! 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Wayworn Telus has $100 yearly plan unlimited calls and texts ($8.34 per month), cheaper than $15 plan, with point $13.75

@Wayworn you get points from the community when you post or answer regardless of solutions. In your Rewards account its called Give Back.

Adding, Give Back points are added around the 6-8 day of the current month, for the prior month. 

There will also be an Announcement with the totals. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

UPDATE:  Yes I did receive 2 points for my helping other posts.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Public Mobile terminated the old reward system, e.g. no monthly autopay ($2) and no loyalty credit.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks - I stand corrected -

Mayor / Maire

Yes, you are about right. But you have to add 10 points at anniversary so it will decrease 20 months a bit.

So, unless you have a bunch of referrals and do not participate in Community then 'discount' is tiny...

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