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still 3g even selected a 4G plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Recently I seleced a 4g plan, but why it still shows 3g plan from my cell phone?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My plan changed to 4g on June 20/24 but I do not have the ability to select a 4g cellular network. My only options are 3G or LTE (same as before/). My I-Phone XE does support 4g. Am I accessing 4g through LTE or doing something wrong?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is the location (Secord) I live in that poor data speed. The closer to downtown I get, better speed.  Same results on my Galaxy S23 plus and iphone 13.  Never have this problem with my old provider. 

Mayor / Maire

Your plan speed has NOTHING to do with what network you can connect to. All plans can access the 3G, 4G, and 5G networks; you're simply throttled at different speed caps.

Check the sim card settings under your Preferred Network setting to make sure you're not set on 3G preferred.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I switched from $25 3G 1GB to $29 4G 30GB in January, 2024 and ran into slow speeds.  CS_Agent told to me PM had to refresh network on their end and told me to reboot phone. It took me a day to get decent LTE+ speed.

@ben20181  This may be dumb question, but is the "preferred network" on your phone still set to 3G?

HI @Tuto4482 

but can you confirm if people on Telus and Bell go the same problem with 5G in your area?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


 the message send to me. They are helpless to my problem 

@funpig1 wrote:

When you change plans, it can take time for the network connection to refresh.  Also, tried changing your location. If you are located in an area with a lousy signal, even if you have a 5G plan, you will still get dismal speeds. Good luck.

HI @funpig1 no, I think it is instant after the plan is change.  

There used to be a 48 hours delay about changing to 5G when it was first introduced, but that no longer apply

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

When you change plans, it can take time for the network connection to refresh.  Also, tried changing your location. If you are located in an area with a lousy signal, even if you have a 5G plan, you will still get dismal speeds. Good luck.

Mayor / Maire

@ben20181   Have you tried a speed test, and is it showing 3G all the time or only when you make a phone call?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Please remember the old 3G plans were actually throttled 4G capable plans. So getting a new 4G plan is still a 4G plan throttle speed data. It's honestly does sound like a phone setting so check your sim settings in your system options and ensure 4G or 5G is picked

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have 5G plan. Look at my speed. 



 Public Mobile sucks 

hi @ben20181 try refresh all networks on the phone

also, try your sim in the other slot

if both not work, please submit ticket with PM CS agent by private message

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

May 18 is my renewal data. I have dual SIM cards, another one is company phone, it displayed as 4g. That is why I think public mobile does not autamatically change my service my 3g to 4g.

Mayor / Maire

Hello @ben20181 

When you selected the new 4G plan, was it to start right away or on your renewal date? Another thing you can try is to go into your network settings, turn off automatic and choose Public Mobile then reboot. See if that resolves it.

Mayor / Maire

hi @ben20181 what phone do you have??

it is probably just a setting on you phone.  Check your phone network mode, change it to 4G or LTE and it should connect to 4G network 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Is you phone capable of 3g only?

Try to reboot phone.

Try to reset network settings.

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