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public mobile like a fraud or cheater.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Last month June 06 public mobile charge me double. but I try to contact them but I can't because they don't have an active phone number or e-mail. What kind the business is this? no phone number no e-mail is it business? (You know Fraud people have a business no phone number, no e-mail and they sell somethings on line but, they took the money but they don't send the item to customer exactly like public mobile.  public mobile's business like a no dad but baby born. what is public mobile 's dad name


Mayor / Maire


Where are you seeing that you were double charged?

On your account or on your CC statement?

Mayor / Maire

I'm calling this as I see this.

You clearly didn't do your due diligence before signing up for Public Mobile. Calling them fraudsters is a little over dramatic. If you did your due diligence before signing up for Public Mobile you would have seen their parent company is Telus. And if you did your due diligence before signing up for Public Mobile you would have known there is no customer service to call per say. There are forums like this which you clearly found that are here to help you. The forums are here as a replacement to customer service to keep the costs low to provide affordable cell service. If you did your due diligence, you would know this.

Let me ask you this. If you were going to go swimming in a river, would you jump right in not knowing how deep it was or how fast the current was or would you ask someone? You need to take responsibility for your own actions and choices. Not go on some rant about daddy's and baby's and such. 

In the future, just ask for help. Simply say... Hey, I noticed my credit card was double charged for Public Mobile, can anyone suggest how to resolve it? There are so many helpful members here that would gladly point you in the right direction to correct the issue. And before you ask....  yes...  it is as simple as that! Good Luck.



Where you see the double payments?  Were they on the credit card or were they on the Payment History on My Acocunt ( ) ? 

If you see them on your credit card, check if one of the charge is just a pending charge while only one of them is the posted charge

If they are on Payment history on My Account,  please note that each renewal will show at least two transactions on payment history on My account.  Only one entry shows actual PM charge, show how much PM charged your card and applied the amount to your Available Fund in My Account.  The other entry, likely couple hours later on the same day, will be showing how PM uses the money from your Available fund in My Account for plan renewal.

Post us a screenshot if you have questions 


Mayor / Maire

Mayor / Maire

@Sathiya - Public Mobile is support all on line. Here in the Community is where you can seek support with other fellow customers.

But for a double, unsolicited charge, you should go to CSA. Ways to contact Public Mobile Customer Support (CSA) below:

1-Normally Faster - use this link to: Get Help With Public Mobile Chatbot], also found in various places in Public webpages, OR

2-go to your envelope at the top right of your Community Account which is where your Inbox and Sent messages are. Select the orange/peach color box with the pencil inside it to start a new message. Type CS_Agent in the SEND TO box. This will create a private message to Public Mobile Customer Support (link is provided in #3 below as well). 

3 -Use this link (same as #2)  Private Message to Public Mobile Customer Support Agents (CSA)



Mayor / Maire

@Sathiya PM parent would be Telus . But contact support to get a refund if you were over charged like this 

message support directly

while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV


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