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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a motog4 phone and voice messages are not showing up. I receive text messages from public mobile but not voice messages. Is there something that needs to be re-set ? 


Mayor / Maire

@Woody2 - were you ever able to see voice messages show up?

Try restarting your phone.

If that doesn't help, try a reset of the networks:

Go to Settings > System > Advanced > Reset options. Touch Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth > RESET SETTINGS. Touch RESET SETTINGS. Try to reconnect to Wi-Fi, cellular data, and Bluetooth, or try to share your internet connection again.


See how to set up:



@Woody2 so, you meant you didn't see a badge showing Voice mail waiting?  but if you call Voicemail, you can retrieve VM?

The badge notification has been an issue with iPhone, it seems like  a device issue

For you, you can try to Reset All Networks first and see if it helps

If not, you might want to ask support to reset your VM on the system and see .  To engage support, please open ticket by messaging here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


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