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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm trying to activate a second phone. I recently purchased aniPhone 2020SE but have been having trouble with transmission.I can hear my caller but my transmission breaks up. It seems that WI-Fi is is interfering with the cellular signal , which I am told is impossible. I returned the original iPhone to Apple after two tries at repair and it was replaced with the same model. Same problem, However, when I get away from my desk computer and wireless printer the problem lessens or disappears. Oddly enough, my older 6S phone has no problem, so I want to activate the newer phone on a separate number and keep the older phone as my main phone until I'd sure the new one works The Chatbot says that I need another account for  another phone.i"ll try that but would home some tech whiz could give me a clue as to what's happening.


Mayor / Maire


plug the sim in the old 6S, sit in office next to desk comp and wireless printer to make a few calls. See if those interuptions still occur. Just to make sure sim wasn't harmed when moved over to SE.

Mayor / Maire

@GordonMount   Does it still do it if you set Voice and Data to 3G?




You will need a new account for a separate number, with its own email address for login.

What happens when you disable Wifi from your phone?  Does the reception improve?  

Might want to update IOS for iphone. Network reset of phone. 


@GordonMount , the chatbot is correct, each account can only have a single phone line.  You need to have a separate email as well when setting up the second account.  

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