06-21-2023 01:04 PM
k i used an old sim card and set up an account with a phone number. Obviously the accout doesnt work and i need to cancel the subscription. But when i try to login to the account, it send a 6 digit verfication code to the phone number which i dont have access to. Now i am paying for a phone plan that i cant use or unsubscribe from.
Also I cant get the code sent to my email because, i cant make it relaize this is a trusted device. Help now.
06-21-2023 01:16 PM
If your old SIM have been activated before then you can’t reactivate the same SIM. Once it is activated or ported out…No Good Anymore!
If this is the case, you subscription was never created.
You need to purchase a new PM SIM and make a new subscription.
06-21-2023 01:15 PM
@lori7 - why doesn't the account work? And what do you mean by "used an old sim card"? A sim card that was already used shouldn't allow you to set up an account with a phone number.
What trouble shooting have you tried, and if you did a bunch of troubleshooting, have you reached out to Customer Support?
WE are not Customer Support Public employees, you need to private message them if you have issues with your account.
To cancel - Do you know the 4 digit account PIN? If so, call # 1-855-478-2542 or # 1-855-4PUBLIC from another device to remove Autopay. Then in 90 days in nonpay status the account will automatically close.
06-21-2023 01:07 PM
check with the issuer of your credit card...see if payment was withdrawn. Usually, you'd need a new sim to activate the account...not an old one.
06-21-2023 01:06 PM
how can you setup an account with old sim card?
if the system allows, your sim card is NOT old and is usable.
is the sim not connecting the system at the moment?
06-21-2023 01:06 PM