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WHAT IS difference between $15 30 -day plan and $15 90-day plan?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

WHAT IS difference between $15 30 -day plan and $15 90-day plan?

how to switch it over? 

it looks I can maximize 3*250M data, 3*100 minute talking time over 90-day period.


if I am on 30-day $15, I have 250M data. if I don't use up the 250M data in the end of month. the remaing of 250M won't roll over to the next month. it will reset it to 0. ON next month It will start a fresh new $250M data.

if I am on 90-day $15, I have 250M data in the 1st month, if not used up, the remaining data of 250M will roll over to the 2nd month , then to the 3rd month, then reset to 0 in the end of 90-dayl.  In the 4th month, it will start a new fresh 3*250M data , as well as  3*100 talking minutes. 

Am I right ? all others rewards, benefits all stay same. 


@darlicious wrote:


There has never been a $15/90 day plan the OP was asking a hypothetical question.

Hypothetical. And misunderstood.


There has never been a $15/90-day plan. Doesn't exist. So there's no way to switch over to it.


But even if the 90-day plan did exist, it would cost the same as three 30-day plans added together. $45 for 90-days.


The added flexibility which 90-day plans offered (being able to use your limited minutes and data provisions at any time during the longer plan period) are hardly worthwhile when you're talking about 3x100 minutes and 3x250MB.

The added discount which 90-day plans offered (save $2 compared vs three 30-day plans) is a practice PM discontinued almost five years ago. About a year before they discontinued 90-day plans. About three years before they offered $15 plans.


I think this confusion is caused by the fact that PM has neglected to update information on this website. When new customers sign up and activate they get to read about things like Pioneer plans and 90-day plans and Rewards conditions which have become long obsolete and irrelevant over the years. And I'm not talking about the community forum - I'm talking about the actual official PM pages full of details and small print, along with the actual official PM pages they link into.

Mayor / Maire


There has never been a $15/90 day plan the OP was asking a hypothetical question.



90 day plans have been discontinued but they still exist for grandfathered or legacy customers.





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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

confused. I was told the 90 day plan has been discontinued.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@VIP_Tech wrote:

Hi @chch518 

For public mobile 30 day Prepaid Service,
and no more have 90 day plan,
if you not use data or minutes won't roll over to the next cycle,
if you data or minutes limit used all, is will be off until next renewal cycle, no fees extra charges,

@VIP_Tech  you sound familiar

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

$15 for 90 days? 

why they don't offer this any more?

Public Mobile discontinued 90-day plans long before they introduced $15 plans.


And you cannot switch to any discontinued plans. Existing legacy plans can be renewed indefinitely - until PM decides to fully abandon them - but customers simply cannot change to plans which are no longer offered.

Not applicable

 @darlicious : I can hesitatingly allow that possible interpretation from the OP's wording. 🙂


Yes sort of....presumably the 250mb/30 days would be interpreted as 750mb over 90 days not just 250mb. But as Joey says "Its a moo point." As this possibility just doesn't exist.





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@Yummy wrote:

90-days plan is old one replaced by $15/30 days plan.

Unless you were on 90-days plan and are grandfathered there is no way to get it now as it was discontinued.

As z10user4 was saying, there has never been a 90 day plan for $15.  There did used to be a custom plan tool that showed a very low base price, but that wasn't a real plan because it didn't include anything and couldn't be attached to an account on its own.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @chch518 

For public mobile 30 day Prepaid Service,
and no more have 90 day plan,
if you not use data or minutes won't roll over to the next cycle,
if you data or minutes limit used all, is will be off until next renewal cycle, no fees extra charges,

Mayor / Maire

90-days plan is old one replaced by $15/30 days plan.

Unless you were on 90-days plan and are grandfathered there is no way to get it now as it was discontinued.

Not applicable

 @darlicious : it's not correct. It's not 3x250MB etc. It's one pot of data that can be used across 3 months. It's 100 minutes that can be used across 3 months. Then at renewal the counters restart. But I don't think such a plan was even possible when there were 90 day plans.

Mayor / Maire


Yes that is correct. But 90 day plans are no longer available unless you take over someone else's account and you cannot over your phone number over unless you port it out. Additionally the plan data price is much more expensive unless you are lucky enough to take over the $120/90 day fall 2016 promo plan which is a lot more data than you probably need.





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Mayor / Maire

Hi @chch518 there is no more 90 days plan now.  Or are you on one already?  

if your switch over from 90 days old plan to current 30 days plan, yes, the difference is everything reset in 30 days. 


But,  good thing is you only tie to PM for 30 days, you can leave sooner.   With 90 days plan, you are tie to it for 90 days at a time

Not applicable

Not possible. There're no 90 day plans anymore. Maybe someone that has one would let you have it...for a price 🙂

Edit: And no it didn't work that way.

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