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US roaming

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am Canadian. I recently purchased a US roaming package. I could never get it to work on my iPhone. I visited this forum several times and tried to implement the myriad of suggestions to no avail. I  have since left the states and  I want a refund since I did not use the package at all. I tried to contact support and it was an absolute nightmare.  I have only previously purchased physical SIM cards for my iPhone when travelling and had no issue. I  am not tech savvy and think it is unfortunate that the package does not come with any clear instructions. Has anyone else had a similar problem and did you find any resolution? 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If it wasn't working in the states you are entitled to a refund, if the agent isn't cooperating just wait two days and message again. You'll get a different agent willing to do the right thing for you. 

I've had multiple Add-ons Refunded in the past by Agents since I've also found some didn't work or we're Redeemed in error.

Mayor / Maire

@Rosem   That's unfortunate.  The chatbot/ticketing system has been broken since earlier this year and is hit and miss as you discovered.   We probably could have helped you, or directed you to a better way to contact customer service, had you posted here when you were having difficulties.  PM has instructions for troubleshooting US roaming here: 

Others  have given you the link to customer service if you want to try for a refund. 


Mayor / Maire

Yes, many have similar issues as yourself.
Usual advice is:

Try to change the network mode to 4G or LTE, make sure VoLTE is enabled and try both AT&T and T-Mobile.

If you have no VoLTE or connection still fails, change the network to 2G and try again using T-Mobile.

If US add-on never worked for you, ask agent for refund/credit.

To Contact CSA-agent:

Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -

Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.

If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here

Mayor / Maire

@Rosem  When in the U.S. you need to make sure you’re connected to T mobile or AT&T and that you have data roaming turned on in phone settings . Also it’s important to know if your phone / account has voLTE for voice if so it’s best to leave phone on LTE . If not voice can be and issue and you need to select T mobile 2G for voice . You can test for voLTE if your turn off wifi and out phone to LTE . Now make a call does the phone stay on LTE or drop to 3G ? If it stays on LTE then you have voLTE enabled . But at the end of the day if the services didn’t work I would submit ticket with support and see if they can compensate you for your troubles 

send a  private message   To CS_Agents

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Mayor / Maire

That's most unfortunate that you experienced that. 

To discuss and request a credit for the add on you were not able to use, please send a message to the below.

No guarantees.

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