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Trusted device option not working?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Is anyone else having issues with the trusted device option not working when signing in? 


hi @Lynnswan your problem is with browser or app? What browser you use? Some browser will delete cookies on exit, which is why it breaks the "Trusted device".  Even PM app needs the correct settings on your default browser to have the trust works 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’m having the same issue every time I log in. I also find it very inconvenient whenever I go to a different section within the app I have to login again. 


The trusted device thing is very hit and miss for me.  Sometimes the trusted device is remembered, sometimes not.  This happens on the phone and desktop.  


Mayor / Maire

Yup. I'm lucky if I get 24 hours of trusted access on the android app. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This happens to me alot try refreshing the page or restarting the app 

Mayor / Maire

@Hollister - i mostly use chrome desktop, and it is pretty good. But I think I remember having to tick that box again in Chrome. But I do use other browsers too, and these remember only sometimes.

In My Account under the 'Manage EverSafe ID' option, there is a section for :

"My trusted devices
Add, verify and change which devices you trust here"
But, it displays odd. I have 4 Mac (Browser)'s showing in mine along with an android. The 4 Mac ones look like they should be different devices, but this is impossible, so I think it is different browsers maybe? Yet, it doesn't specify which browser for each of the 4 listed.
Just 2 showing below as an example:


Mayor / Maire

@Hollister  As @HALIMACS im on iPhone so that maybe my issue too … but I only have isssues with it in app each time not website 

Mayor / Maire

Yes @Hollister 

It tends to be fussy when it comes to iPhone if that’s the issue you’re having.

It works fine on my android and desktop is 50-50

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