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Transfer Account Ownership

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Summary: I am looking to transfer the ownership of my account and phone number to my friend and want to make sure that he can bring this phone number to other service providers in the future.



I have a prepaid public mobile account that I am no longer using. I am looking to transfer the ownership of this account /phone number to my friend. 


There was a post from 2017 suggest that all I need to do is go into my profile and edit the name and payment method then it will be transfered to my friend. 


I wonder if this is true and if it is, will he be able to port this phone number to a different service provider in the future? (Or will this account still be considered under my name) . If not please let me know what is the best way to proceed.


Thanks for your help.



@ODST117   That is true.  Nothing much you need to do.  PM is prepaid service and the name/address more for record keeping.


Login to your My Account , update the name, address.  You might want to remove your credit card yourself. 


Then you can change the password and give your friend the login.  


Your friend would then need to open a ticket with PM Support to change the email address used  (which is also the username for My Account) and update the 4 digits PIN number


Ask him to enter the new credit card and the Security question as well

Mayor / Maire

@ODST117   Yes, all you need to do is change the profile name info to your friends but you should also ask customer support to update the email attached to your self serve account to whatever your friend will be using.  Yes he can port out that number in the future if he wants.


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