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Switch from Virgin to Public

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi folks. I'm with Public and my wife is with Virgin Mobile. So to move her to Public with the same phone number, what does she do first? She looked at creating a Public account but it says you need a plan, a Public sim card, and CC.

Is there a family plan or deal?




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks everyone for your replies and sorry for taking so long to respond. My wife just received her new SIM card in the mail from Public Mobile. I guess we should have gone into the big city to buy one - would have quicker. Anyways we followed the instructions at to a tee. We were not offered an option to select a temporary number - just the Virgin number for porting. I gave her a referral code, she got a SMS from Virgin to confirm porting, she put the new SIM in her iPhone, and once she powered-up, the porting was instantaneously done. Thanks for all your responses and help. All good! 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The easiest way that I found was to follow the instructions on the PM website for activating your SIM and porting your number.  It was the first time I’ve ever done it, and the instructions were very clear and user friendly.  After you say yes to the porting text, you can insert the new SIM card.  Should be up and running in no time.  There is no family plan that I am aware of, but she can use your “refer a friend” code.

Mayor / Maire


Your wife would need to activate a Sim card with a separate account and email. Make sure she gets her virgin account number to be able to port over her phone number from an active virgin account. If she has a postpaid account her plan/service will be prorated. If it's prepaid make sure she makes the port request with a few days to spare before her 30 day cycle ends (day 27/28) in case she encounters any issues so that a new 30 day cycle doesn't have to be paid for to complete the port request.


There are two options for porting in your phone number....during activation or after activation in your self serve account. I prefer the second option just in case there is an provisioning issue with the Sim card during activation (no service on the Sim card after activation). If this occurs and the phone number is successfully ported this will leave your wife with no working services until you can contact customer support to fix the provisioning issue. Most activations occur without a hitch so this is up to you to decide which method is best for your circumstances.


The other advantage to choosing a temporary phone number to activate with and port in later once services are confirmed and access to the self serve account accomplished is you can choose an Alberta phone number so that the plan at activation is charged 5% gst only. Saving any local provincial taxes you may pay for your wife's phone number.


Either way when you request porting you will need to check the authorized to port box and enter the following information:


  1. Full name on the virgin account.
  2. Virgin account #.
  3. Phone # to be ported.
  4. Alternate phone #. (Optional but use a family member's or work phone #.)

Once the port request is sent ensure the virgin Sim card is in the phone to reply YES to the PAT (porting authorization text) within 90 minutes of recieving it. The port should complete within a few minutes to a maximum of 2 hours. If not you will need to call the telus porting department to correct any errors in the info you entered and reinitiate the port request. Once the virgin Sim card stops working and the virgin account is closed incoming calling will be routed thru to the pm Sim card signaling that the port has completed.


Make sure you use your referral code during your wife's activation on the 4th page of the activation portal. Take screenshots or write down the email, password, 4 digit account PIN # during activation and print or screenshot the transaction summary after a successful activation as it contains important account info including the account #. Keep this info in a safe and secure place if needed for future reference.


Welcome your wife to public mobile for us!






Yiuou want to first confirm your number is eligible to port onto PM first here:

confirm your number is eligible to port into PM (it is a Koodo site because both Koodo and PM use the same Telus system):


Then, make sure your old provider account is still active.  Login to your old provider account and make note of the account number


Next,  get a PM sim card from Telus or Koodo store or Amazon

(do not order from PM online as it could take long for them to deliver)


Once you have the sim card, activate your account at  You will request to Transfer your exiting number instead of picking a new number.  Please provide your current phone number and the account number of the old provider as the porting info.


Once activation completed , still have the old provider sim card in your phone.  Your old provider will send you a SMS and ask your permission for the porting.  You need to reply YES within 90 mins for the porting to complete


Once replied yes, you can put your PM sim card in a phone and wait for incoming calls to come.  Reboot your phone ever 30 mins and test incoming call from another line.  If incoming call reaches your PM sim card, then the Porting is completed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank-you! She has begun the process to purchase a sim 😃

Mayor / Maire

No family plans at PM. After activating SIM, picking plan and creating account, AFTER she confirms everything works as expected, do transfer number from Virgin to PM.



Purchase a new Public Mobile SIM card.

- Have a payment card ready, either a Canadian credit card or Visa debit

- Decide what email address you wish to use on the Activation Portal – each account has to have unique email

- Seek a referral code from a friend or relative who may have active PM service - this will save each of you money. You can ask for referral code here if you care to receive $10 sign up bonus. Person providing referral code will receive 1 point as long as you are PM’s customer.

- Start process of creating PM self-serving account and enter all relevant and required information



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