3 weeks ago
My subscription wasn't supposed to renew until the 20th just like it has every other month in the past but today it said it was cancelled Jan 18th due to non payment I used services yesterday all day ie: YouTube and texting and calling without a issue , but this morning it just cut me off it's the 19th today .... I had to use my rewards points to renew my services thankfully I was able to use data at an extremely slow rate took over an hour to do the process but managed to do it . But I was saving my rewards up and my subscription shouldn't have even been cancelled until tomorrow does anyone know if there's anyway to return my rewards when it was an error in billing not my doing
3 weeks ago
@Hk666you should mark the first response as correct solution.
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
For future reference your 2025 renewal dates will be as follows:
*31 days
**28 days/29 days in a leap year
3 weeks ago
trust us, we know the system, it won't always be on the 20th
login My Account and go to Payment history and check the renewal dates, or post us the screenshot to show us you always got it renewed on 20th
3 weeks ago
Ok that's wierd because my account renewal has always been on the 20th each month as well as my son's account comes out same day as mine on the 20th each month.
3 weeks ago
HI @Hk666
PM renewal date will shift as it has a 30 days cycle.
So, it is normal that your plan was expired on 18th already if it was renewed on 20th a month or two ago. You can resume service by logging into My Account and make a manual payment now
3 weeks ago
PM is on a 30 days cycle, and the renewal won't be same every other month, it tends to move up
3 weeks ago
Public mobile billing cycle is every 30 days. Not monthly. So the payment dates will change every month. So there was no payment error.