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Spending time away from Canada and want to keep my number active

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Im going to spend a few months in the UK this winter. I've been with public mobile for years and really like it, but I want to be able to keep my Canadian phone number active enough that I can get texts - for two factor authentication and because I run a business (seasonally but still, people contact me in the winter) and people have that number. 

Public mobile won't work abroad, and freedom mobile doesn't do sims for my location (Yukon). Does anyone have any recommendations for a provider that I can get a pay as you go plan so i can keep my number so I can still receive texts in the UK? I don't need minutes or data or anything just to be able to get texts. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi all,

Thanks for your replies, just seeing these now as they all ended up in my junk folder. 

I don't have an iPhone so the iMessage thing is a bit moot. I do use WhatsApp, but most people communicate with me through sms. 

Have decided I will have to go the somewhat labour intensive route of: telling people I do business with that I will be out of the country and they will have to email; and, I have ordered a giffgaff sim to here ( which does have roaming) and change anything that had 2fa to that number while I have both active. And pay the lowest amount/ suspend my pm account for three months (if you can still do that) to keep my number. 

Not ideal but seems less work and expense that getting a new sim with a provider that has roaming. I was getting a little bewildered by the options (some have roaming only on post paid etc). 

Cheers all 


(She, btw)

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yup now I  totally get it - I only have experience with iMessage over wifi using either a cell number or an email address. Have absolutely never had the need to use 2FA when out of Canada. Had wrongly assumed it would work because here in Ontario I do get the 2FA on my MacBook but probably because it’s tied to my active phone line. Live and learn. 

@Wayworn wrote:

Ohhhh I just remembered that several years ago when in California, when I tried to make an AMEX transaction they did not sent me a 2FA but messaged me  to call them for verification.  But enough of this -- my point initially was that one can iMessage international by email or registered number because I have been doing just that for years. Never really had to be concerned with 2FA while traveling out of Canada.


as I said above, if you have roaming, then you will get the 2FA text and iMessage (the app) will show you the text no problem. 

When you don't have roaming with PM in UK (where OP going), then the phone won't receive the 2FA code and iMessage (the app) won't show you the 2FA text then

And it's good that you also confirmed that Bell had roaming in US working serveral years ago as you were from Bell and have been with them for years.  

And technically you might even receive 2FA text when you go to US now with PM even without roaming add-on, not because iMessage work magically, just that incoming text is free by default when you are in US, as long as you roam into one of the PM's roaming partners.  But you won't be able to send true SMS/MMS text using iMessage without a roaming addon in US.  You can only send iMessage messages using iMessage with Wifi 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Ohhhh I just remembered that several years ago when in California, when I tried to make an AMEX transaction they did not sent me a 2FA but messaged me  to call them for verification.  But enough of this -- my point initially was that one can iMessage international by email or registered number because I have been doing just that for years. Never really had to be concerned with 2FA while traveling out of Canada.

@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

Actually, that's not 100% accurate. At least for the iMessages. If the OP set up their account using an iPhone, iPhone iMessages DO work if they have a data connection such as WiFi or data SIM. Meaning messages should technically still be coming through, including their 2FA codes. 


Does iMessage work on Wi-Fi internationally?

To use iMessage internationally, you need an active internet connection. This can be achieved through Wi-Fi or cellular data, depending on what's available.

it is definitely not accurate when it comes to SMS.    iMessage will work when you have Wifi  or celluar to receive iMessage messages, but not SMS texts.  

2FA text are nothing special but regular SMS, which sent via provider's 3G/4G/5G network.  There is no way to receive the SMS on your iMessage app or on your Google Message app on Android if you have turned off the Mobile network or if you are overseas without roaming.

Can this be changed? Yes.  If Apple able to convince carrier to redirect all SMS and MMS to the Apple server, then Yes, in fact it is an easy change (sort of).  We never know, it might be the next big thing Apple is working on, but not at the moment.

@Portaluca if two factor authentication is important, you have to check with the support of all of them and see if they offer you alternate ways to receive 2FA, like email (not the best)  or via Authenticator app (better) or using Yubikey (best).  Unfortunately, not all systems offer the different ways to receive 2FA


@computergeek541 no wonder you are an Oracle and you are computer geek., you know the technology and not just post anything without thinking 

thanks @slusagm for correctong our wrong replies.  Glad you pointed out what was wrong, if OP believes it and waits for 2FA on iMessage while he is traveling, he would be super upset to find out we misled him with wrong info

@Portaluca you won't get your 2FA on iMessage when you travel 

@Wayworn wrote:

For years we have been  iMessaging with relatives in Europe. Ofcourse one has to be connected to wifi in order to do so. Just in case you have doubts I'm cut and pasting the following.

Can I use iMessage in Europe?
iMessage is free to use internationally! For iPhone users out there, iMessage is probably one of your most commonly used service to keep in touch with your friends and families.May 7, 2024

There's no doubt that iMessage can be used to communicate with other iMessage users.  However, the aspect that others are questioning is how the customer is concerned about 2FA text messsages.  Such 2FA text messages are usually sent by SMS.  iMessage and SMS aren't the same.  The iMessage servers are unable to send and receive by SMS.  As such, 2FA message  sent to users by SMS will not be received unless the Public Mobile service is being used.  Is it possible that such companies are sending the 2FA codes out are simultaneously sending the message out both through iMesssage and SMS?  That's a possibility.

@Wayworn wrote:

@slusagm wrote:

you got your sma on iMessage and MacBook because you phone still on the PM network. 

If you travel and no roaming, this won't work


Please - give me a break --- I'm just stating facts based on my experience - do you have an iCloud account ? Do you know that you can even also iCloud text by using an email number? I'm not  a lier  or delusional but just trying to help the OP.  My wife is definitely on NO NETWORK AT ALL and could text you if you have an iCloud account ---  I'm insulted and ask ----if you   have some facts or just can't comprehend that what I'm saying is true -?????--- 

We are all nice and no one will say it out  in public that you are a liar.  But I present you fact and you don't accept 🙂

update at 9:53pm:  @Wayworn was it system error? why my quoted message on yours is now different from your message?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@slusagm wrote:

you got your sma on iMessage and MacBook because you phone still on the PM network. 

If you travel and no roaming, this won't work


Please - give me a break --- I'm just stating facts based on my experience -

@Wayworn wrote:

@slusagm wrote:

thanks @Chalupa_Batman , I was to type both WhatsApp and iMessage, and trying to reply to couple of you.  None of those WhatsApp or iMessage with data or Wifi would take care OP's concern of the 2FA situation 

On what basis do you make this statement ?????? I don't know about WhatsApp but do know that my 2FA do come by iMessage even to my MacBook.  

On a side note --- and I know it's hard to comprehend if one does not use apple products ---my wife for the past several months does not have a mobile  plan and continues to happily use her iPhone for googling, shopping, paying bills, even Facebook and who knows what else strictly with the her completely free iCloud account.  However that's not for me I must have some data because I can't be bothered connecting to mall and coffee shop wife networks. She keeps on reminding me that my $34 plan does cost me $408 / year and thinks that's money better spent elsewhere.

you got your sma on iMessage and MacBook because you phone still on the PM network. 

If you travel and no roaming, this won't work


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@slusagm wrote:

thanks @Chalupa_Batman , I was to type both WhatsApp and iMessage, and trying to reply to couple of you.  None of those WhatsApp or iMessage with data or Wifi would take care OP's concern of the 2FA situation 

On what basis do you make this statement ?????? I don't know about WhatsApp but do know that my 2FA do come by iMessage even to my MacBook.  

On a side note --- and I know it's hard to comprehend if one does not use apple products ---my wife for the past several months does not have a mobile  plan and continues to happily use her iPhone for googling, shopping, paying bills, even Facebook and who knows what else strictly with the her completely free iCloud account.  However that's not for me I must have some data because I can't be bothered connecting to mall and coffee shop wife networks. She keeps on reminding me that my $34 plan does cost me $408 / year and thinks that's money better spent elsewhere.

that's is just wrong !! 

2FA sent via SMS via mobile network.  iMessage works only for those Apple - Apple message when you have wifi and local data.  It still won't get the SMS because SMS only transport over the carrier own network, which you don't have PN network when you are overseas. 2FA text are simply SMS text

Next time when you travel, test it out yourself and you will see I am correct 

@slusagm wrote:

thanks @Chalupa_Batman , I was to type both WhatsApp and iMessage, and trying to reply to couple of you.  None of those WhatsApp or iMessage with data or Wifi would take care OP's concern of the 2FA situation 

Actually, that's not 100% accurate. At least for the iMessages. If the OP set up their account using an iPhone, iPhone iMessages DO work if they have a data connection such as WiFi or data SIM. Meaning messages should technically still be coming through, including their 2FA codes. 


Does iMessage work on Wi-Fi internationally?

To use iMessage internationally, you need an active internet connection. This can be achieved through Wi-Fi or cellular data, depending on what's available.

thanks @Chalupa_Batman , I was to type both WhatsApp and iMessage, and trying to reply to couple of you.  None of those WhatsApp or iMessage with data or Wifi would take care OP's concern of the 2FA situation 

@slusagm wrote:

but OP was also asking " for two factor authentication", none of those Whatsapp or so would help

OP needs to find out what 2FA system he has and change to authenticator app or voice call and ask them to change to some VoIP app so he can receive calls

Hi @slusagm You have me confused with someone else in this thread. I did not suggest Whatsapp. Please correct your comment. Myself and Wayworn were talking about if he had an iPhone then maybe iMessage MAY work in the UK if he had a data or WiFi connection. Thank you. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

No I haven't been to Europe for many years. But for many years we have been iMessaging with relatives in Europe. And also at times use Face Time - all of which is completely free. Also we keep connected when we are in the USA - and recently with my daughter that was vacationing in Costa Rica. But of course we have to be connected to WIFI  and all parties need to have  Apple iCloud accounts that are also completely free. 

but OP was also asking " for two factor authentication", none of those Whatsapp or so would help

OP needs to find out what 2FA system he has and change to authenticator app or voice call and ask them to change to some VoIP app so he can receive calls

@Wayworn wrote:

For years we have been  iMessaging with relatives in Europe. Ofcourse one has to be connected to wifi in order to do so. Just in case you have doubts I'm cut and pasting the following.

Can I use iMessage in Europe?
iMessage is free to use internationally! For iPhone users out there, iMessage is probably one of your most commonly used service to keep in touch with your friends and families.May 7, 2024

When you were there, were you connected just to WiFi or did you use a data only SIM card?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

For years we have been  iMessaging with relatives in Europe. Ofcourse one has to be connected to wifi in order to do so. Just in case you have doubts I'm cut and pasting the following.

Can I use iMessage in Europe?
iMessage is free to use internationally! For iPhone users out there, iMessage is probably one of your most commonly used service to keep in touch with your friends and families.May 7, 2024

Mayor / Maire


You can use WhatsApp on wifi and it will link your PM phone number but both parties must also have it too.

My suggestion is to get the SIMore 4G router and leave it connected to a home wifi and your SIM in the router. This way you can get calls or text anywhere around the world. It is available for iPhones or Androids. 

Mayor / Maire

This is where I wish Public Mobile would offer parking services. It would really save them customers. 

If you are still looking to get text messages and such while you're overseas, you're going to have to switch to another service provider that offers overseas usage. 

Like @Wayworn mentioned, if you have an iPhone you MAY be able to use a data plan down there and MAYBE still get iMessage there. But this is only a theory that hasn't been tested. 

Mayor / Maire

HI @Portaluca 

sorry, there is no way to get your PM service working in UK as PM does not have roaming service other than US. 

So, there is really no workaround.  You can use TextNow to make calls, use Whatsapp or iMessage for messaging.  

With 2FA, you have to check with your bank and change it to email or other ways


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Maybe if you have an iPhone iMessaging may help to keep you in touch. If  important to get 2FA for example Public Mobile and some banks and credit cards also give options to  send 2FA by email.  

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